
0 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I regularly bisect commits in the range of 200k (on the low end) for finding causes of bugs. It takes me minutes. Pretty crazy

I still remember a 2 day assignment we had of finding scientific articles, and classifying them as trustworthy or not. Ie, was it in a peer reviewed journal vs a study at a "clinic" that has bias in the outcome. I remember that to this day and feel like it was a major shift toward my ability to think critically

Netflix does have good shows, but they're just so few and far in between. I stopped my subscription about a year ago, and haven't missed it. I'll resubscribe this month to watch Fall of the House of Usher, then unsub again just because there's nothing to watch.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if others are doing this, the streaming companies catch on, and we pay a bulk amount for a season a la early iTunes again

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There are countries that turn off the internet all the time. There's a only a few major Telcos that control all backbone infra. It could definitely happen

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This is absolutely not a religious war. I understand why you say that. But if it were, Muslim countries would come to the aid of Palestinians. But there's a reason Egypt is standing still. And it's not religion.

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Lol Zucks dad was a dentist, and his mom was a psychiatrist. Yes they were more wealthy than a majority of Americans, but I wouldn't call them an inaccessible "wealthy" like Musk or Trump. They were living a comfortable middle class lifestyle.

Edit: downvoters should prove me wrong, I'm totally up for learning information I didn't know about.

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I could barely remember too, then I took an arrow to the knee!

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Nobody is saying Biden is great, I agree we could do better. So stop with the whataboutism. If it weren't against Trump, there might be more tradeoffs to talk about. But right now it's pretty much "anyone but Trump"

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A note to programmers: don't "dress up" for any important business or government meeting. I got yelled at once because I was supposed to "look like a programmer" in a sales meeting but I dressed nice

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Bay area

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I'm so sick of people bringing up trafficking whenever prostitution is mentioned. I just don't understand it. What do cars have to do with any of this?

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I only go back for the 2 or 3 very niche communities there, although honestly if feels like even those have dropped in content. I haven't even logged in, just browse once a week or so. Lemmy is 100% of my toilet time now.

They'll either evil or incompetent. Neither of which I want on my computer

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You're wrong. Anger doesn't lead to bitterness. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering

That was my first thought as well. It's a bullshit generator. My next question would be "can you provide sources for these?"

Well, except sex IRL with someone you love amirite

I only had to read the first sentence to know I agree. Videogames are a much better alternative to watching tv

He didn't forget the quote, he realized he was going to say "shame on me" and didn't want to be quoted as saying "shame on me" so was trying to think of something else to say

In their mind they do. "Love the sinner, not the sin" is what they always say. They think them caring about the person being less gay is them "loving them"

That's the idea. Helps you not become a dopamine addicted mess.

I'm convinced he did it for the '24 election. He lost a lot on Twitter, but he stands to gain a lot more if trump wins.

Remember that last election, all major social media sites released a "fact check" on content at the last minute, completely hijacking Trumps strategy of lying about everything.

This and Double Dragon

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Lol not sure why you're downvoted, it's a legit concern. Running a lemmy instance is a lot more work than "just set it up once"

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I got temp banned from lemmy.ml for saying that. Basically said "except Ukraine didn't attack Russia first", then got the banhammer. A quick Google on their point (cant even remember what it was) and I knew it was bullshit. I blocked lemmy.ml right after

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Did you see the early days, or even as reddit was "maturing"? Shit went down every other day

Gotta cite it -- Douglas Adams. (Didn't have to even look it up, it's one of my favorites too)

I'm doing all the same as you

What I'm not moving away from though is Google Maps and Photos. No good alternatives exist

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Wow I've been in tech a long time, but only knew it from Macromedia. Crazy

Not sure why you are downvoted. Some countries even use them during testing times so students don't cheat or get distracted or whatever when taking tests. I'm not even kidding


Legislation is stopping them, hence increasing upfront cost to offset

Damn, I went from $50k net worth in 2010 to $3m today on Mint. End of an era. Not sure where to go next

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I live in an area where parents are pretty much like Zucks parents, both parents are typically professionals and lifestyle is generally middle class. I dont see any kid here growing up to be zuck. But i agree they have a better chance than some kid in the projects

But I was just pointing out that it's a far cry for Zucks situation (good education, stable home) vs Trumps (here's hundreds of millions of dollars, do whatever you want)

Strange New Worlds is pretty good. I'll probably cancel when I'm done watching it though.

Always will be

This is a very simplistic take on a very complex situation. I have friends in Tel Aviv, I've visited their homes. Some were raised very orthodox jew in Jerusalem, didn't even have internet most of their lives. I've been to the Western Wall and seen the Jewish people praying, while the Muslims watch outside the gate (they each have their own time they can go in).

Talking with all my friends, the answer is always "it's complicated". It's only religion so far as "we want to occupy the same space". It kickstarted it, but that could have been anything -- oil, water, ports, whatever. But since it turned to land, it became very politically motivated. Who can powerful countries ally with for key tactical military presence? For the people living there, how can I feel more safe?

I'm kind of rambling, but there's way too much to talk about in just a comment. But yea, the answer is that it's very complicated.

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It was much faster, and firefox was slow as shit for a long time. It's much better now

I wish I could have a sky burial but I'm pretty sure theres nowhere in the US that could happen. And it would freak my wife out. I think the best option is aquamation (or hopefully recomposting since it was just legalized in california), since I can't have a sky burial

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Tetris Effect is great, really immersive in VR

Which is sad, because the only winners are the gun manufacturers. They want you to fear your neighbors

Same thing in Hawaii. Pigs running around, people living in shacks, on land worth 10s of millions. Not as much anymore, but its still there. I actually don't agree with the person you replied to though, that's more about human rights which should be universal and not a choice for how people live. Although I really like how both The Orville and Star Trek have explored this