
0 Post – 8 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

There is 1 server running the instance you are on. One. For tens of thousands of people. Compare that to millions of servers that the biggest social sites use.

Logged in or just out? Others have said logged out works but not in.

Or just delete it and stay here a while 😀

I was an early user of reddit, and it had a lot of the same problems this place had. There were no "smaller subreddits", everything was small. But the quality of content was good, so I stuck around. It really takes a lot of effort to build a community, it doesn't come for free. I hope you stick around and help 😀

It's been pretty seamless for me. I put the Connect for Lemmy icon in place of RIF, so habitually open it instead. I'm considering contributing to Jeboa now (i do android dev), it's not a very good app but a lot of people are using it... kind of a bad first experience.

Whoaaa, easy there tough guy

I say don't let them crawl. I'd rather the server and bandwidth costs go to real people rather than bots

Yep, I'm excited too. Lemmy also has a goal of intentionally avoiding addiction, which I'm down with

1 more...

Okay, you're downvoted but I'd prefer it if people weren't afraid to post controversial opinions. So even though I disagree with you I'll ask... what metric are you using that makes you think he's doing a good job?