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Joined 6 months ago

Well this is going in my "basics of networking" presentation.

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Or listen to her screaming about the ants biting her face.

Like she was in the bodycam video.


Eichmann worked for Mercedes in a plant in Buenos Aires.

Rauff lived under his own name in Chile.

Stangl went to Brazil.

South America was an incredibly common destination for Nazis. Yes, so was the US - typically mid-level or so Nazis with connections that would spy for years before being allowed into the US, a reward for service as it were.

But South America was popular for Nazis who fled, the US was popular with Nazis who surrendered and got put to work.

Not that I agree with the decision but that's not the same thing.

Considering the perspective of the poster, the misleading title, etc - are you actually sure they didn't?

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Yeah, super crazy, had to look it up. Al voices a character named "Cheese Sandwich" (ffs Weird Al is amazing), who in a finale is shown years in the future to be married to Pinkie Pie.

Apparently Cheese Sandwich's personality is just... Weird Al. Which is also pretty hilarious.

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An article was linked in other comment threads, there was a clear start and an uncomfortable girl who texted her mom with absolute fear of being raped.

Something a lot more than moving them around may have happened if she didn't send that text. So yes, no clear attempt at sexually assaulting the girls, but the amount of effort he went to.... Doesn't give me the feeling that this was only about a good night's rest.

That said, I'd prefer the girls safe over him getting more time in prison any day of the week.

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You realize the two in there alongside are... Removing damaged cartilage/bone and cleaning. These are not the only two knee surgeries that exist, by any stretch.

Please don't spread medical misinformation, it's not helpful.

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Nobody (worth caring about) would look down on you for not being in a situation to donate.

Besides, there are lots of ways to help that don't cost money, like telling people who do have money that they can donate to the internet archive. Equally valid effort.

Then you should know that to move things left, you need to vote more local progressives.

People don't start out going for the presidency (and they shouldn't, as the obvious recent mistake of a president shows).

Slowing down fascism provides opportunity for progressive politicians to make moves in the right direction, and take positions that are higher up the ladder.

Allowing a nose dive to fascism prevents the progressive folks from having an opportunity.

In short - yes, slowing it down is good enough at the presidential level.

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If I was talking about every single kind of knee surgery, I would have said so.


The best knee-surgery meme is knee-surgery itself.

i.e. knee-surgery is fun, but it is not usefull.

Cool story bro. Bye.

What's funny is, I can't eat safely (allergies) at so many of these large scale chain restaurants, but the little shops by me do an incredible job. Not only do they have alternates, use separate cookware, etc, but it's also just better food.

That doesn't work for capitalism at scale, where they are eternally chasing profits by minimizing costs over everything else.

Side benefit for me is I get to support local business when I take my kids out. Just did that Friday with a small restaurant and a small batch ice cream shop, where I had a mojito + mint sorbet.

My only thought there is "LOL"

  • Export violations (sanctioned countries)
  • Illegally collected personal information from children
  • Price fixing
  • Wage theft
  • Discrimination
  • Privacy violations
  • Mismanaging peoples 401ks

There are long, long, loooooong lists of violations MS has been caught for. The penalty has always been a fine small enough that it's a cost of doing business.

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This is reddit blocking all VPNs it can, and only on new reddit.

It has nothing to do with bad actors and everything to do with maximizing user data gathering.

Considering the way they presented what was obviously them trying to skirt the rules, it isn't hard to believe that CF did provide that info, and it just wasn't presented in this writeup.

Not that I have any love for CF, just saying this is a case of no one being trustworthy.

Biden can't fire DeJoy. It's a 9 member committee that has control.

That committee can have only 5 members of one party. Biden also can't just remove someone from the committee, there needs to be specific cause.

It's that committee which would need to remove DeJoy.

So that in 15 or so years, a class action lawsuit completes where Google now provides you with a whole $10 coupon to the play store and a check for $0.65.

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You can grab a 10 pack of DS, HD 5.25" on Amazon for $30 apparently

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A pretty typical VA issue.

My dad was drafted, went to Vietnam, and many years later developed ALS - somewhat recently added to the "Always covered for vets" list, as being a veteran in any war doubles the risk of ALS.

The battle to prove it was ALS though was insane, had to be done outside of the VA with specialists (it is still rare, of course, so not many out there can actually give a diagnosis), and took about a year from blatant symptoms to diagnosis, and then another few months of VA paperwork to get coverage and other things he was owed.

Not a new problem unfortunately, and certainly not unique to this situation. Just another kind of symptom of another kind of problem.

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Gaƫl Duval.

The foundation manages /e/OS, ECORP SAS is their online sales/services. ECORP SAS is privately owned.

Edited to add:

The corporation:

Depends. Smaller townships without regular access to a breathalyzer, yes. Or cops trying to get you to admit that you are intoxicated.

I walked a straight line while touching my nose because the cop smelled alcohol in the car (rightly so, my wife, then gf, was smashed). Took about 10 seconds for him to go "So obviously that's all her, have a good night!".

So yes, it does happen.

Same as sort settings for subscribed.

Active, top for the past x hours/days/month/all, new, etc. You pick, Lemmy doesn't.

I say "no", but for your case and for your mom, I'd agree with what others have said, a standalone library.

BUT! Only the Christian movies. Put them in a library called "The Christerion Collection".

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Oh, I read it as half the people won the birth lottery, the other half exploited people.

As a 50/50 split for the person yeah that's what it would be

Just how I read the images sorry :)

Since the start. Forget working with them, it's a rough go to even try and communicate with them.

And that goes back to mailing list days, creating a personal grudge against Gnome so firm that I haven't used it since the early 2000s.

Thankfully there's KDE for my general use and a wide variety of lightweight options for other uses.

Pfft, that's only because you write garbage code in rust.

I write garbage code in lots of languages!

It's still not that old (~10 years or so iirc), it takes time for a third party to be major contentender. Earlier on you're more likely to see third party wins in more local than national level elections.

It's not an insta-win for third parties. But that's ok, because local elections matter, and that's where you'd typically see results first.

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I'm aware of them.

Let's look at some of the most historic:

  • NY Presbyterian Hospital - with no real efforts on their end to prevent the violation of thousands of records, they got a whopping fine of.... Under $5 million.
  • AHC - lack of risk analysis, failures in procedures and policies, etc - Just over $5 million.
  • Data breaches - usually around $4-5mil, the worst case being Anthem, about 80 million people effected - $16 million in fines. A record.

Criminal offenses? Yeah, plenty of those - with individuals, usually related to that information then being used for other purposes (scams, theft, etc).

But a company like Microsoft, you're going to have a hard time convincing me it's going to ruin the company. The history of HIPAA violations and their fines tell a very different story.

Just to mention a not-foss, but extremely well done DAW, cheap ($60 personal use, $225 commercial) and goes through 2 major versions before you'd need to pay again, free to download and try WinRAR style, supported on windows, macos, and Linux, etc, etc - reaper.

If you need a solid DAW, with support for all kinds of plugins and a dev team that's not a bag of dicks trying to screw you over with a cloud subscription and AI, this is it.

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That is not what the article says.

I wouldn't say they are wrong, I've got plenty of issues with Firefox that aren't in chromium-based browsers. Mostly with media playback, but on Android the toolbar hide on scroll is a mess, no matter what it just covers the page. Makes it really hard to use a menu or click a button depending on where it is. I also have some locally run services that throw js errors in FF but not in cromite, chromium, or chrome.

Doesn't mean I don't prefer FF because I acknowledge it has problems. I don't generally view videos in my browser anyway, and I disable the hide-on-scroll feature. And if I have a particularly problematic site (the js errors), I open cromite or whatever.

The bigger issue isn't people talking about bugs, but downplaying the role the foundation plays in supporting users. That, imo, is where a lot of misinformation and disinformation seems to live.

I'd even go as far as to say many of them today are just copying Jobs. He was a terrible person.

I'd put in the remaining $5 needed for Thomas to be bought

That really depends on the candidate.

And it depends on the main candidates as well. What we have now is "strong" words against genocide while continuing, or fascist genocide. The third party candidate (RFKJr) is an anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, covid-19 denying, whacko with name recognition for a while host of democrats, and was one until. He's a spoiler candidate. Voting 3rd party in this election is, imo, dangerous.

I firmly disagree, your brothers taught you the correct greeting.

Mythbusters streamlined is like that. A bit rough on some cuts imo, but overall just cuts the fluff.

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To remain 3 dimensional when the glasses go back on.

I see that there is a substantial difference between the two parties, and equating them is, at best, disingenuous.

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It is a thing, it's not a chore though. Usually it's a talk about a cool project someone is involved with, sometimes guests from a major project give a talk.

And then snacks and chat after


Each service becomes an LXC. Docker containers can be migrated to LXC, or be contained within an LXC dedicated to docker.

Running out of processing power? Add another server, add to a cluster, and migrate services (LXC or VM) over.

Having run Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, slack, even Oracle Linux - Proxmox is what I run for myself (and some clients).

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