4 Post – 140 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I have too many toothbrushes

Not a boat owner, but trained on sailboats: if you feel like it, take sailing lessons and get a feel for it, it's fun and relaxing. I hate motorboats for the noise, the environmental impact. And it's kinda dull.

In any case, navigation and boating in general has rules, depending on where you are you may have to get a license.

Got to your local sail club, take lessons. When you're trained you will be able to rent boats from time to time. Almost nobody sails enough that buying is reasonable. And anchoring in a proper port means an annual fee to pay.

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Ah again. One more moving target to chase for the nice AsahiLinux project.

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12 angry men is like a Life Pro Trick sitting unused since 1957

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Theatre tech. Show up on time. Sometimes shows don't take late comers even with a bought ticket. And it's bothering everyone else, artists included.

If the venue has a bar, stay for a drink. Like everyone else, artists (and techs) love to have a drink after a hard day at the office.

DRM-free ebooks. I make a point of buying them, of thanking the publisher... And not sharing it on the usual piracy channels.

Duh, we have high-speed rail in Morocco. It's called Al Boraq and is the best way to blast from Casablanca to Tangier.

And it is not overpriced like in France, where the tgv is more expensive than a taxi to the airport, your plane ticket, and then another taxi.

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"Merde". As in, the french word for "shit" - or, should we say, "horseshit". Why? Well because at the time of horse-drawn carriages, a successful play at the theatre would leave a lot of horseshit in front if the theatre from the many, many coaches awaiting their fares.

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No yt ads, no tracking, no algorithmic shit suggestion feed pushed down your throat (NewPipe)


unparallel support, minimal heat buildup, max freedom

I use KISS. it's super minimalistic, allows fro hiding all the unremovable crap all phones come with today, and is basically a search bar with 5 icons on top. I have my Proton Calendar as the sole widget and that's it. Single screen, no fuss.

For Women's Right Day, the android app store featured the lead of Security and Privacy of this very app. A lady BTW. Fuck me sideways how that was a ton of crap, retrospectively. She said in so many words the usual "privacy foremost" and other such obvious shit, then she also said "no selling ever".

I despair of humanity.

Even if the TP unrolls on the side of the wall?

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Commodore 64, with the tape reader, hooked to a black&white CRT

Seems I'm the eldest one here for now

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It's a blog post on how to get Netflix and Spotify to work on Asahi Linux, the project to run Linux on new "M" chipsets 64bits Arm apple computers. Their solution (and widevine hack) is now integrated in the Fedora Linux Asahi Remix project' default distro. You still have to do the user agent mod tho.

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Generated my GRUB configuration file as grub.conf

That took a stupid while to realize.

I use NewPipe ; I appreciate that the YT ads are removed but not the content creator sponsor segment - I respect the right of a creator to choose to have their channel supported through advertisement.

I also like that my "feed" is only the channels I subscribe to, not the terrible crap yt thinks is going to "engage" me, and this without having a logged account.

Add in the many customizable defaults, the tab organization, and NewPipe on my phone is the only way I ever watch yt, ever.

I'd argue that it may come to that, given the poor availability of (steam) games for the macos platform. And when it is available, you may end up with a disclaimer that it may not run anyway.

Generated my grub configuration as grub.conf

This one took a stupid amount of time to debug - but on the other hand, when grub failed it did with "can't find any bootable thingy" and not "missing configuration file" as, in my later opinion, it should.

Life Linux is a harsh mistresses, sometimes.

The Tumbleweed installer is great, the general feel of the distro is polished, modern, up-to-date and efficient.

As other people have said, use the terminal to update both flatpaks and packages.

One main reason I went back to Arch BTW is that there aren't, contrary to the old self a declaration by Suse, that many software available for my use case, so I ended up with tons of ppa's, sorry, Suse Vendors who relied on each others for libraries, and it eventually broke down my system when some stuff wasn't available but was required, while some may be available from 4 different, private, repos.

So I found software management a nightmare: where to find, which one to choose from? Looking for stuff in yast, then in gnome-software, then in, then on the Build Service... Clicking bliindly to trust keys from people with personal repos titled "Use At Your Own Risk". Updating that mess then was complicated, and slow because gnome-software would lock yast while checking stuff in the background. I had to kill it, even just to relaunch it to search for stuff.

But Tumbleweed installs Snapper on Btrfs by default, so rolling back shouldn't be a problem? True, and I did it and it's just delicious, fuck up your system, wind back in two clicks... That is, unless btrfs snapshots didn't got unruly, and in it's default settings ate up all my disk space, forcing me to destroy that great system.

What annoyed me most here wasn't the software all-over-the-place mess, but that the default, factory setting of a great system they themselves contributed to the Linux world wouldn't be working 6 months down the line on a small disk (30Gb). Thanks to the Arch Wiki I know better now, and it is easily manageable, but it was too late for me.

Went back to Arch, with snapper, snap-pac, grub-btrfs, snapper-rollback. Can't yet wind back like in Suse at all, currently at VM number 9, trying again, wish me luck.

TL;DR: a rolling release from a reputable company with one-click rollback is a perfect solution if you keep your system relatively standard.

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DDG has it's non-track version online since a bit now. Use the !ai bang to get to it

Also you have the choice of Claude insted of ChatGPT, and your queries aren't harvested for further ai training

In any case, it's a completely different tab, it's not mingled in general search results

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I use Connect.

Plenty of features. Last time I checked, it was on par, or better, with sync. As ad-supported freeware, sync just bas too many ads, which on my phone turns into endless black squares of blocked content.

You van support Connect with the usual buy-me-coffee thingy.

Finding stuff on Mastodon is more about hashtags. Eventually, by subscribing to #stuff you're interested in, you will discover accounts worth following. The Tusky app allows you to subscribe to hashtags like to an account. I don't follow people anymore, I follow topics!

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Funny story the other way around: the year is 2002 and I live in Laos. Bootlegs Everything Galore, all movies games music cost $1 or about. I discover a game, and then begins a quest to buy The Real Version because it's a small studio and I really like it all, the storytelling, the modding tools, the community... A quest that would end up in Bangkok looking like the proverbial insane foreigner looking for the most stupid way to spend his money.

I found it eventually, in a shop that didn't look any different among all its brothers in Pantip Plaza. Took me a while lol.

I'd push this further: I install what I need now, and then install anything else when needed. Old installs get bloated because of shit we pull over time. A new one has to be fresh. When testing a new distro you wanna see it at its (default) best.

Great piece, impressive work; Fedora now ships widevine by default - and it's not working anymore. I have a recent Asahi install, netflix won't play (used to work at the time of this blog post).

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Second-hand smoking. Not only is it bad for you, it is also bad for your entourage. Numerous countries are forbidding smoking in the same space as children for that exact reason.

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I use Asahi too, and at the moment the killing factor is battery depletion while sleeping (50% a day!). Performance wise, working with kdenlive is about on par with an i7 12th gen Intel chip (direct comparison between Thinkpad X1 i7 16g ram 2023 and mbp m2pro 16g ram) - nothing close to the power macos can leverage from the m chip but still perfectly usable. But frustrating in a way.

If you install Asahi, it will be dualboot by default - why not trying it out? The install process is a delight, very well explained.

As for hardware, the Air is pretty unique. There are other fanless stuff out there, but it's gonna be cheap netbooks without the power to handle video work.

I'd say give Asahi a try ; I love booting mine in front of people and looking at their confused faces when I spin the cube to move a wobbly window around (Though the big Fedora logo at startup is a bit of a giveaway)!

Edit: also, you already own the hardware. Stop wasting money/resources, jut make it do what you want.

Mac. Why the eff can I not remove StockMarket, Weather, Chess (and so many more)... On an Audio WorkStation dedicated to Studio / Live work? Even in terminal, command line from rescue mode with permissions butchered. Argh.

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" KdeConnect": Notifications, messages, clioboard sharing, link sharing, remote control of your pointing.device, keyboard, command inputs on computer... When it works it's great, but it is hit-and-miss between distros and updates catching up.

All that was said here, plus sometimes they don't work. I've reported a bug where the kdenlive flatpak version doesn't render titles or fades - and that's on Debian Testing, Arch, and Asahi Fedora. Native version works perfectly, but forces me to download an untidy amount of KDE stuff on my gnome installs ; flatpak would've been a cool solution to that.

I am yet to report another where Ardour nukes pipewire, at least on Asahi, but on Arch it was misbehaving also. Native, distro-provided version works perfectly.

I don't trust flatpak because no one single publisher can test every possible config, and I'm afraid distros become "lazy" and stop packaging native versions of stuff since it's a lot of work.

An AUR package has been done for Arch by (supposedly) someone who knows what they are doing and needs it on their Arch Machine

A Flatpak is something done by someone, to (supposedly) work everywhere, untested on Arch, that may or may not work. And crash (Ardour on Asahi). Or waste hours or you life to render files incorrectly (kdenlive on arch and asahi).

Native versions work perfectly.

I thought I was clever in using arch/aur for everything, but pull KDE or QT apps from Flatpak to keep my gnome install a bit more tidy... For this, you'd have to have those Flataks to work, and sometimes they don't.

$ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.conf

Thaaat... took me a stupid amount of time to fix.

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I'd cross the Alps with Hannibal. I can't imagine, living right now right where he went straight through, what it looked like at he time.

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Me too, including when ferociously trying to debug why grub wouldn't find a freaking bootable anything. The error message isn't "uh, no config bro" but "hey, nothing to boot here, see ya in The Shell". Argh.

And if the date is dull, at least you've enjoyed an excellent soup.

Traditionally served in the morning tho - do you do morning dates ?

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What impressed me at the time was that it worked ; you'd pull huge amount of stuff and then waited in front of a real-life Reversed Matrix full of mysterious hieroglyphs. But Slackware would compile Ardour, Jack, Jamin and whatever else. Yeah it took a while to fetch all the libraries, but then it just did it.

Last week localsend wouldn't compile on Arch, and took hours to fail it.

Birds. These jerks stared 4am this morning, and their way of announcing the bird-world (and the whole planet around) their morning urge to fuck RIGHT NOW and get fucked ASAP is annoying me seriously.

A lovely, sunny morning indeed. I want to barbecue these Priapic Jerks. Or make a Quetzalcoatl carnival costume of their skin or something.

Lifa has a lot to offer beyond screens

Yarr, mateys, all sails to the Public Library! We'll drop anchor at the secondhand bookshop on our way back! And drop all that electronic ballast, it's only slowing us down...

You are absolutely right; I hadn't thought of it this way but a post-piracy world should be a frugal one, could be a quiet one. A planet-friendly one.

YMMV; My life has improved greatly since I am not buying beer anymore.

Asahi supports M1 and M2 chips because that's what they own.

M3, (and then M4) isn't there because the cheapest hardware, the Mini, doesn't exist with them... And also because work isn't finished on M1/M2.

The way apple sees its computer customer base now as they see their iPhone base (Must Own Latest Must Buy Shiniest), I do hope for the Asahi Linux project they don't keep on iterating endlessly with new hardware twice a year.