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Joined 1 years ago

This thread already has so much great advice that it made me a bit teary eyed reading it. I don’t know if I can contribute much but I’ll try.

  • 90% of parenting is just showing up. Your physical, mental, and emotional presents will mean far more to them than anything else. That’s what will make them feel valued and loved.
  • Fuck gender norms. Regardless of if your child wants to learn to sew, fix engines, or both, embrace it, encourage them, and be there with them every step of the way.
  • They don’t really have any perspective on things so small things to you are huge things to them. Don’t just dismiss their feelings.
  • like everyone else said, listen to them. Like really listen every time.
  • Don’t over think it. If you’re asking these questions, your head and heart are already in the right place. Trust yourself.
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Equally important to remember that this has nothing to do with the ‘quality’ of the Texas electric grid because Texas it’s superior to all other states in every possible way.

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I highly doubt that was an accident....

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The transgender population, especially transgender youth. If one group’s rights can be stripped away, then any group’s can. They are the front line soldiers against the spread of fascism.

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Half the point of ads these days isn’t to advertise to you, it’s to piss you off enough to upgrade to a paid plan. If they happen to also make money from the adverts, then that’s just an added bonus.

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I struggled with this for a long time and even considered redoing my shower to eliminate the glass because it bothered me so much. I tried so many different things, including a lot of the stuff listed here but the best solution I found is barkeepers friend ( It requires zero scrubbing and leaves the glass crystal clear after. I don’t even bother using a squeegee anymore because this is so easy.

What a disgusting, selfish viewpoint of something so tragic

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Courtesy of the local tax payers….

Let me introduce you to simple login. Take that same concept and apply it to literally everything you do online. Never deal with spam again.

That’s what you think

Agree completely. This will have huge rippling effects throughout a lot of industries. For example, anyone who has used pot in the last year is automatically banned from obtaining a security clearance, even if it was in a legal state or prescription. This change will allow medical pot users to obtain and maintain a clearance.

Assuming the mother/baby don’t die in the hospital waiting room bathroom because the hospital refused treatment.

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What is a better alternative, aside from just buying the media directly?

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I feel the same. I don’t do ads. If a product doesn’t have an ad-free product that I’m willing to pay for, then that product doesn’t exist for me. Similarly, if a paid product decides to introduce ads (I’m looking at you Amazon) I’m immediately cancelling.


One persons nightmare is another persons fetish.

You won’t always know what’s wrong with your daughter or what she needs but if you listen to her, like really listen, she will tell you which is so much more important.

In the long term, her being about to tell you things will make her feel safe and validated, it will strengthen your bond with each other, and it will help her develop the emotional intelligence to express herself in a healthy way that so many kids are missing these days. It’s win win win.

My guess is that a good part of those people are just trying to reserve a good username and then will sit on it.

Wouldn’t this more or less free anyone else charged under that same act….. like Edward Snowden?

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Protip: one of the buttons around the screen is usually a mute. In my experience, its usually second from the top on the right side.

Using the term ‘handicap’ implies limitations out of their control, which I don’t think is true. For most of them the more accurate term would be ‘willfully ignorant.’

Ya I get that. I mean hypothetically, had they ruled in favor of trump, then people like Edward Snowden could use that ruling in their favor. I just think it would be ironic if trump was responsible for allowing Snowden to return to the US given how much he hates the guy.

I just bought a Roku smart TV and the first time I powered it on, it asked if I wanted to enable smart features by connecting to the Internet. I said no and it functions like a dumb TV now. There are a couple brands that still make dumb TVs but they are all fairly small and not great quality. Much better off researching which smart TVs can be easily disabled.

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I totally agree. It makes me so happy to see this new generation that’s completely redefining what fatherhood looks like.