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Joined 3 months ago

I mean, how would people react to a male-only art exhibit?

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Weird. I can easily see someone doing the same thing but banning women and you wouldn't say "they took the bait" when women get mad about it.

Didn’t a couple of people mention that was all of it before a certain year?

I don't know, did they? Also, why would that matter?

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Weird how sexism is okay if it's against men.

Would you have the same reaction if women got mad about being banned from an art exhibit?

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I'm guessing you support double-standards?

"Women like this always deliberately misunderstand because they are addicted to outrage and misandry."


When it's a drop-in replacement for X.

Not if it was an exhibit about misogyny…

I don't believe you, but ok.

You are so eager to be a victim you have deliberately missed the point.

Lol. That's ironic coming from you.

Poor men.

Imagine if I said the same thing about women. Would probably get my comment removed, haha.

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I don't believe that he wouldn't be upset.

Talk about woosh

Jeez, more irony from ya'll.

since you’re outraged

Lol. Any criticism is 'outrage' in your mind.

I have these exact same issues with wayland on KDE.

The people building empires off of oil aren't just going to go away overnight, lol.

You won’t be able to just dynamically switch between video adapters.

Why not?

Sad troll.

I think you're just being contrarian.


I need to have a word with you English teachers.

How am I being entitled?

Even the dirt's dried up.


Exactly. I don't think the government requires people to have home insurance.

I certainly don't have it.

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Crazy how every comment surrounding Ukraine is just spreading propaganda.

Ya'll really didn't pay attention in history class, lol.

of their country’s citizens.

embassy staff

Moving the goalposts already.

This is why rational people don't take you seriously.

Being forced to have home insurance is ridiculous.

Keyword: forced

News flash, you need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

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No they aren't and I feel bad for anyone who thinks so just because of this comment.

Thanks for proving my point that modern feminists don't want equality or even equity; they want superiority.

They think it's "their turn" to be the abusers and that the world owes it to them.

If you can afford a Californian mortgage, you can afford to leave the state and buy your house outright.

But some people think they’re “too good” for that, while they complain about not being able to afford where they currently are.


He's complaining that cheaper areas aren't good enough for him and that his current area is too expensive.

He thinks he's entitled to more before others who have less, just like most city-folk.

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reddit comment

Right. Nobody likes to acknowledge when they're being entitled.

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Remember, the only standard is a double-standard when dealing with modern feminists.

They do not want equality. They do not want equity. They want superiority.

Not really. I just said things you don't like so you pretend they're not relevant.

I see it all the time from people like you.

You're just trying to spread your anti-gun rhetoric.

Lol. I love how you start off with an insult. Really shows your rational approach to the subject.

My point still stands. If you can't afford where you currently live, you need to move somewhere cheaper.

If those cheaper locations aren't good enough for you, then why should you get more before the people who live there? You can't afford it. They can't afford it. But you think you're entitled to it before they are.

Rather than move and improve these places, you think you're entitled to live in areas you cannot afford.

You think supply and demand doesn't apply to you and other people should foot the bill for your entitlement.

And of course, you get mad and throw a tantrum at anyone who calls it out. This is why you started off your comment by calling me a "stupid fuck".

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What? Cheaper areas aren't good enough for you?

Why should you get more before the people who live in those areas if you can't afford it?

Answer: Entitlement.

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If you can't afford to live somewhere, then you have to go somewhere cheaper.

It's part of supply and demand and you're not exempt from it, despite how entitled you may feel.

You're also stereotyping which shows your lack of experience outside of major cities. Most of your fear comes from what you do not know or understand.

Unfortunately, you are already too far gone. For you to make better financial decisions, you'd have to admit you're wrong; and nobody wants to do that.

Good luck waiting for other people to solve your problems. I'm sure that will work out, eventually.

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Such a reddit-tier comment

I mean, is drug use any different?

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This is fair.

Government property shouldn't be for individual ideologies or agendas.

If you have a problem with this, then you should also be cool with "don't tread on me" or "straight pride" flags being flown in government buildings. Otherwise, you're just a hypocrite.

Who is forced to have home insurance?

If you can afford a Californian mortgage, you can afford to leave the state and buy your house outright.

But some people think they're "too good" for that, while they complain about not being able to afford where they currently are.

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