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Joined 12 months ago

Turbo... It's that damn "turbo" again but now AI

In the eighties "turbo" was all the rage and I kid you not, everything had the label "turbo" on it. Now it will be "AI" all over things. Hold on to your hats boys and girls who were not alive in the eighties, it's gonna be wild...

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Are the children hamas? Do they have a say in this?

Insane that you keep pushing the hamas narative where these kids have no blame or influence over them being bombed. Yet you keep equating the existence or actions of of hamas with it being OK to kill little kids.

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Lobbying = Death of Democracy

It really is as simple as that. The moment you allow one group of people/companies to have 24/7 access to politicians and yet the general population only gets to vote every couple of years, you are effectively done with democracy.

Nothing you can do now but please remember this once/if the great reset is done 😁

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Instance blocking/defederate on a user level

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Moms For Hitler

I wish people would use the right name

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I will make this statement once more as I see people defending the bombing of Palestinians because of various reasons. I will not go into these reasons as they matter zero to my statement. Here it is:

You do not bomb your way through children to get at your target. Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin could be hiding amongst or beneath, you Do Not Bomb Your Way Through Children.

This is a simple fact and if you cannot agree with this then in my mind you are despicable and a monster. Vaporizing children into a red mist will never solve your problems. Past transgressions of your enemy does not change this simple fact. It really is that simple.

Yet I feel people here seem to forget this simple rule. Disgusting.

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“The police did nothing. I looked over at the police many times in the midst of the chaos only to find some laughing at certain points.”

Many despicable things happened that day, of course, but this one tells a whole substory in itself.

Forget the technical BS of this moron, lets focus on the gofundme nonsense.
So I pay into this gofundme thing and that makes me partial owner of that bridge, just like the others who participated. In what fantasy world do you live if you think that bridge will not be blocked for all others who did not participate? Will the people out of the kindness of their hearts allow others to cross that bridge?
If you believe that this bridge will not cause people to throw hissyfits and consider it private then I have a bridge to sell you 😂

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That would be such a Caboose type of defense 😂

“Time... line? Time isn't made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round.”

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The top brass at Boeing probably won't be getting a lot of leisure time until then

Why do you say this? What gives you the idea that they will face some form of workload pressure because of this?
The only people not getting leisure time will be the persons responsible fixing this. The consequences for the top brass will be Golden Parachuting to the next job, losing stock or face devaluation of said stock.

If you honestly think top brass is actually fixing this or face some form of heavy workload then you'd be wrong.

PS: This is not a manifesto on the inequalities of the current system 😊
It's based on 40+ years of working where I have never seen top brass taking any form of responsibility or workload. They 'connect', 'network' and god knows what. All fair play if hired for that but please, do not confuse top management and actual work on products or being involved in fixing products. Also, never seen them 'empower' or 'facilitate' so others can work more efficiently or something like that.

Ok, small personal manifesto after all 😇

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job charities

So can we then dispel the capitalist notion that they are "job creators"?
Clearly this is not the case as we see here, you even seem to cheer this sacking jobs on as a good thing.

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Funny difference here is though that slaves were kidnapped and sold, had no choice in the matter.

This benefit is akin to force someone into hard labour and then start selling getting calluses as a ‘benefit’. Your welcome. Absurd of course.

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Musk has been mad all along. People just start to realize it.

Never let is be asked: That Ukraine gave up it's ultimate deterrent, nuclear weapons, in favor of having the guarantee of russia they will not bother Ukraine, that russia stole Crimea and Ukraine nor the west did not go full blown war over it.

You are an idiot making excuses for the war mongers in russia. They rolled into a country without provocation but under the umbrella of broken promises and already stolen Ukraine land.

I can just about guarantee that most of your day to day life is influenced by what people did in the past in regards to protests. Could be as huge as in civil war or smaller local protest to combat small issues. Your rights and comforts have been written in the blood of those who preceded you. Sometimes metaphorically, sometimes very real blood.

Protesting helps and did help.

Is Moms for Liberty still a thing?

Been calling them 'Moms for Hitler' for months and months now.

Cars do not eject passengers violently onto the road. Safety belt laws try to prevent that from happening and it works rather good. So you still get to drive but there are regulations to prevent the human factor of causing to be ejected from cars.

I dunno if this makes sense to you, maybe not the best comparison but it popped into my head suddenly.

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Identity politics 😀

Before ‘both sides’ starts kicking in, this violent rhetoric is a pure republican tactic

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I strongly disagree. All lobbying is wrong and could be considered bribery. At a minimum it is circumventing democracy. We see a case in front of us and see what happens in broad daylight, what you call bribery. Do you honestly belief this is a rare case or can we say this (lobbying) is not a transparent part of the process and thus an incentive to bribe/coerce politicians?

But I understand that the system is what it is atm and lots of people have been accustomed to it, up to the point of defending it.

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Fragrance Notes

Head: Treason, Ego, Narcissism

Heart: Cowardice, Failed Insurrection, Porn Star Juice

Base: Soiled Diapers, Fake Gold, Russian Hooker Piss

The left/liberals always have to provide evidence and the right knows this and constantly force them to give more and more facts, always asking for more. Liberals feel compelled to comply. This is a trap set by right wingers to stifle meaningful discussion because you will be constantly on the defense.

Yet the right/conservatives are not bound by this and get away with baseless lies and it is useless to ask for evidence, you will either get nothing or false facts.

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In my country we have an old saying that I learned from Jewish store/market people:
"I wish you many employees..."
The meaning is that while it is fun to have a store, having to deal with employees can be a bit daunting and frustrating, a toll on your sleep and sanity, so in effect they are wishing you sorrow and despair.

After having worked with Indian colleagues and managers for 10+ years I developed my own version of it:
"I wish you an Indian manager..."
This means that I kinda dislike you and I can get great pleasure of watching you struggle with the insanity of what is Indian management.
Great people to work with, absolute idiots and delusional sociopaths once they become part of management.

It's a joke but in reality, both sayings do have some sort of merit to them.

This guy gives me that lunatic Indian management vibe...

Just give me the tools, as a user, to block instances. Not just the way it is done recently but truly block an instance and all it's posts and users. I want to be able to black hole an entire instance and all things related to it.

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The difference here is that this ‘investigation’ was called for by republicans before they even knew what to investigate. And on top of that, even admitting they have no evidence to present (suspicions is not evidence) yet claim to have evidence. Witnesses they claim to have seem to be lost somehow and cannot be produced for investigation.

And based on this obviously flimsy, if not outright lies, you want to be ‘reasonable’?

I distrust your honesty

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He probably thinks QC is a bit 'woke' and thus dismisses it out of hand.

You forgot the "/s".
That or you are a delusional nutjob.

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Why can’t you stay at maga land like Truth or whatever bs platform you guys cannot seem to build? Go bother republicans and leave honest people alone. If we wanted the opinion of a fascist moron, we’ll call you. Bye.

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I think they should take the lead from Gym Jordan and not show up. Be honest, did you come online and argue with republicans on ‘doing the right thing’? Hoe committed where you then?

And please, do us all a favor and try avoiding ‘be better’ or some nonsense like that.

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I don't. They got sent and went to another sovereign country and started a war. These same soldiers you have empathy for will gladly shoot Ukraine soldiers and civilians.

How many of these 'non-psychopath' soldiers have killed innocent people in Ukraine?
They all went and they all are complicit to the murder, torture and rape of Ukraine. They can go suck on a grenade while the pin is out. No sympathy for these fascists.

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You answered your own question I think 😀

I think that 9 million won’t impress the Norwegian government, in any way shape or form 😂. It is peanuts to them. Check this out and think again about that funny number and how little it means to them :

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Because of others. Not you. Simple. Yet difficult for you 🤷‍♂️

This is how you fire up their base

Not sure what more firing up the base needs in your opinion? That part of society is lost for quite a while now and if you think these morons could be 'pulled back in' as long as you do not insult/antagonize/etc. is a myth. A dangerous one at that. I would even wager that this attitude of soft gloves to not insult or fail to fairly accommodate the other side is what partially got us here.

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Indeed, like we all know Don Jr and his wife are coke addicts and dropped coke on the floor while on drug infused binges in the WH. This is the coke traces they found, from Don Jr and his wife doing drugs in the WH.

This is a simple fact and I have heard so many people say Don Jr did drugs in the WH, it is quite sad actually.

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Cope with what? That Biden is the President? Cope with the fact fascists republicans will get their asses handed to them in the next election? Or should we cope with the plain as day fact that Don Jr and his wife are coke addicts and dropped coke on the floor while on drug infused binges in the WH. This is the coke traces they found, from Don Jr and his wife doing drugs in the WH. Sad.

Yeah, I think people will cope just fine. If I were interested in you I would ask "you OK?" but then again, you do not matter at all so no need to know the state of nothingness.

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I know what lobbying is and what forms it can take. In the end it is all about influencing a political system by bypassing the electorate.

Lets take this statement of yours:

"Real lobbying is simply educating policy makers on the change you want to happen. You can't reasonably expect every politician to be educated on every issue."

And this is why you should have a well working and functioning government. Politicians are elected and should have a global idea on what to do for the populace, they elected them after all. The knowledge you refer to should not be completely on these politicians. They might have some, based on their life experiences and education. The continuity and knowledge should come from civil servants. They are the cement of government, the persons who make the wheels go around. Ok, cement and wheels do not go well together but you get the gist of it.

Listen, we are (or soon very likely) going around in circles. I understand that the current system of lobbying is what people know and expect, even rely on, see your example of your SO. Of course you see the benefit of a system which is used for centuries, millennia perhaps even. It is, in my view, a broken and infectious system, meant to overrule the will of the people. Brought to you by powers that want continuous access and influence in a government but in the disguise of "being helpful".

I don't know what to say or how to explain it anymore then I already did.

Not to be rude or anything but your responses sound very much like it was generated by AI.

I've been watching this and letting it play out, wondering when you would pick up on the 4chan style of engaging in discussions. It will be in bad faith and constantly having you on the back-foot. People with left leaning tendencies have a inherent need to communicate and talk, proofing statements they made. Right wingers have no such inclination , they can lie, distort, move goalposts, etc, all day long, no problem but you on the other hand will try your best to be good. Nobody can be 100% good, there will be a point that person will have a 'gotcha!' moment and you will be distraught for not getting it 'right'.

Good on you for seeing this!

Glad you recognize this as a war instead of the russian deceptive ‘special operation’.

And there would be no war if russia did not start one. Lets keep the facts real.

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