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Joined 1 years ago

I think it's an amazing advancement and that's awesome for a quadriplegic person to interact with the world.

The part that I haven't heard anyone mention is what is the life cycle of these chips. Computers and cell phones all become outdated so quickly. Are recipients guaranteed upgraded chips as they become available?

I was reading an article recently about people who have had implants in their eyes that help them to see become obsolete. One because the company stopped supporting the specific version that was in the patient. The other because the company had gone out of business.

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I swear I saw an article about someone whose tesla shorted out in the rain and they basically said you shouldn't have gotten it wet.

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If we are together one of us will use the phrase "Is there Lemon in this?" And hold up our drink which is code for get me out if this conversation/situation.

If we aren't in the same room. We pull out our phone and text Save Me. Then the other person comes and finds you to say that So and So needs them immediately. Yadda, yadda.

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Yes, but no. Cable didn't used to let you watch all seasons of a specific show on any given day and time of your choosing.

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It already does on my laptop. They also keep setting my default browser back to Edge. I don't use my laptop much anymore and keeping up with the BS of having to disable stuff I don't want running has become tiresome to the point where I don't even want to use it.

I know, I know, something something install Linux! Question I have there is my laptop is a gaming laptop so my question to all you Linux folks is. Can I continue to game using Linux. Will it work with my Nvidia Graphics card and Steam. If so I might consider it.

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Amen! For a backwater world seems that every important event originates from that dusty rock.

I think what a lot of people forget is that what Streaming did was allow you to watch what you want when you wanted it. No need to TiVO it and worry about space. No need to pay a separate fee for OnDemand. Now I can choose to watch 6 seasons of a show day in and day out at the time I want.

It was inevitable that they would start to package streaming services together. It's still better than old school cable. There's always the High Seas for those that have the technical chops necessary for that.

That's still a job that previously would have gone to a human.

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It's a step in the right direction. But I don't see anything of substance coming from this. The U.S. has become a Corporate Oligarchy. Apple has enough money and desire to fight this through appeals and lobbying. Pay attention to who they lobby and make sure they are voted out of office. It's going to take a long time to correct what has happened over the last 20 or so years. It will require slow gradual change.

When we called Customer Service about this they pretended like they didn't know what we were talking about and wanted to know where we heard that information from.

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I assume it has to do with the fact that along the equator it's typically warmer and the equator runs through the northern part of South America. So if temperatures go up they'll go up there first and head north south respectively. I don't think they meant Souther Hemisphere as much as they mean Southern Mexico / South America.

RIP old friend. I loved Joey it was the first and only Reddit app that I used. I'm in Connect for Android hoping that some of the UI customizations come to this app. I would like to put my post titles above the image. Or whatever meta content image is displayed for the post.

I'm really enjoying Lemmy so far though.

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Test a small area of the laptop that you can't see to make sure the Goo Gone doesn't haze or discolor the plastic.

The greatest midnight launch I attended was GTAV for PS3 at GameStop. They hired a DJ and had it setup just outside the shop and they were spinning songs featured in GTA soundtracks across the series. There were tons of people queued up and the line wrapped around the store. Everyone just chatting about what they thought it would be like.

Penny Arcade has been around forever so they have a deep backlog of gaming/nerd culture related comics.

Yes I use TikTok. I don't watch short form content on any other platforms. I started on TikTok back in 2019. During the pandemic it was great. In the last year or so it's become a lot more TikTok Store ads. Which I guess was inevitable for a free platform that doesn't charge you to sign up or access it. Just like FB or Instagram they make their money off user data and ads. The only other problem I've had recently is it seems that they don't serve up the content of the people I follow as much as they used to.

The TikTok Algorithm is very tailored to what you interact with. So to me it's always very telling when people spout off what they see when they use TikTok. My For You Page (FYP) is all DIY, woodworking, funny dogs/cats, and married people humor. While my wife's FYP is dancing, new music/bands, and other funny humor.

Great point. I guess there's maybe someone that doesn't need internet in there home. But the average person these days can't function without it.

Joey was my go to. Do you know if the dev plans to make a Lemmy based App?

Ted Faro wants to know your location.

I have the first hammer I bought 20 years ago.

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I found the option in Connect settings finally. But thanks.

The only thing I've ever done on Amazon Games was link it to PSN so I would get periodic cash in GTAV online.