6 Post – 240 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Husband, Father, IT Pro, service.

I ask a lot of questions to try to understand how people think.

So, with all these negative opinions of reddit and spez, I'm both curious what the business world generally thinks of him, and their plan for the business.

Ultimately, the interesting thing will be if investors will give any money when they IPO.

I personally wouldn't, but because I don't like the leaders. Some people don't care, they just want returns where ever they come.

I'm a bit of a hater for this company, and hope their IPO is a flop. We'll see.

19 more...

Sorr, but I love the double sided hypocrisy here.

Here's a chatbot instead of a person, listen to it since we won't take your calls. But, we don't honor what is says!

Thanks Canadian court for giving us a rare middle finger to the business.

Every piece of shit greedy corporation can't hide from their lies when they say things are too expensive to implement correctly or pay people appropriately when they are simultaneously posting profits measured in billions...

Since someone else brought up superapps, do they seem like an initial attempt to get around the manufacturer's app store lock-in?

Super apps allow adding mini apps. Seems like an app store.

The goog/apple app stores are already saturated by malware, I can't imagine some mini app store would do better. Even if the big two did do a better job, how would they go about vetting all the code these super apps might have access to?

I guess I'm too jaded, but it seems like just another malware loader you intentionally install.

Am I being too hard on the concept? Are there any really good ones you've used?

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I wonder what would have been revealed if he had published tax information on all of Congress.

I feel like them calling for such harsh treatment isnl a defense mechanism for knowing they either use the same tactics,.or they don't like when someone mentions all the legal insider trading/conflict of interest they all do?

I'm pretty sure every senator and rep has more money then everyone I know.

Any chance this is a result of a few decades of consolidation of power, corporate ownership and influence, and partisan political views killing people's trust in the news?

How do you reverse all that?

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You remember how all the US politicians are funded by the same huge corporations and rich people who all benefit from the regulators doing nothing but pretending to care?

Remember how the politicians pander to Americans by blaming rich people for all of life's problems and saying they'll make them pay their fair share, but those politicians have multiple houses and blatantly conduct insider trading every day, but Americans still vote for them time after time?

I'd like to say you could just not use their products, but that means you have to replace windows with some other os, not buy a major manufacturer cell phone, or do much else 🤷

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I have a huge issue with judges. They can put people in jail for almost no reason while in their magical room.

They can let murders out on bail, against prosecutors request and not be held liable for the second murder they commit on bail.

Yes, you can appeal verdicts, but that's a long and expensive process. Judges have an extraordinary amount of power that I think should be split amongst multiple. Similar to jury.

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I like the recent estimates of his appearance. This artist renders him even less good looking than probably most imagined when they think of someone from that region of the world, which makes me believe it's closer to appropriate.

Jesus wasn't a rock star. In Christianity and the new testament, God didn't portray himself in any way other than meager and a bit of a communist. That's the beauty of part of the story.

Edit, I think Jesus would have been easy to put on the no fly list, or walk by without a second thought, which is a challenge to our ways of thinking.

I didn't see pay listed in the article.

How else do we explain worker shortage? Where did all the people go? Rapture?

On the other side, what better way for a social worker to see real issues and people while studying?

It has to pay well enough for students to be willing to distract from studying.

11 more...

We are just a little behind trying to elect our new dictator...

But just for a day...

/S 🙄

Yeah, large portions of economies are being driven by consumption. I feel like so much stuff is just landfill fodder.

Massive affects of advertising

I was hoping you might have some examples, I'm not sure.

21 more...

Their idea is that is hides all the user info from advertising companies. Downside is your browser is an ad slot machine.

Which is best?

Tracked or ad machine?

I'm more surprised people aren't talking about the fact that since it's running on the client side, someone would just figure out a way to hack and block all the ads even easier.

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Ha, You don't think that's already happened?

I'm sure corporations like this would give you free Internet if they could collect and sell all your data. I'm also sure people would still do it, regardless of how much they are being monetized as a product.

Since companies like Facebook own legislators, our only real choice is to stop using it. Unpopular opinion, but If you really want fuck Zuck, delete your account, and get all your friends and family to as well. Maybe there's some alternatives for the people who truly use the service to connect with friends/family?

7 more...

Not likely to be helpful, but your feeling is normal and understandable. Didn't wait too long to talk to someone.

Find people who are eager and excited to learn and they’ll thrive

Yours is an awesome story, thanks.

Everyone has well covered my frustration with both the tax ideas here and some miscarriage justice, so I have this question:


  • What countries do you think are really good examples of what right looks like for taxation?

  • Any countries that rise above the rest for proper proportion of personal tax, corporate tax, etc?

Why: The older I get, the more I feel like Americans are tought that capitalism good, else bad; rich are the reason the rest of us have it as good as we do, and we should thank them for it.

I'd like to compare to other countries, that's why I'm curious,.just trying to Google is a broad starting place.

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Why do companies feel like that have to try and do everything?

Why can't you just 'stay in your lane' and be good at what you're good at.

11 more...

Has the author ever worked anywhere?

I wonder if having a degree is a hard requirement for journalism and writing/communication and that's what the author's world perspective is based on?

When coworkers sit around the lunch table and complain/vent about the state of the world, do you imagine that journalist complain about a lack of higher education, so when they see any evidence that threatens the model of college degrees (which = debt), they jump on it as proof of their own path?

while it’s tradition to require a degree, it’s literally a check box

This is a very good challenge to the requirement. If it's just a check box (that you have A degree) and not a very specific one, does it diminish the credibility of the requirement?

Do people like the probationary period idea? It sounds functional and practical to me.

2 more...

Yes. 🤷

Nobody wants to be spied on by their perceived enemies. Also, how do you expect us to maintain an appropriate level of hypocrisy if we don't constantly do hypocritical things?

I wish we would go after foreign investment, ownership, and political meddling as much as tiktok

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I appreciate rarely used phrases.

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Yeah, I don't know this, but did we very gently slay a ton of animals learning how to do surgery and heart transplants?

I'm not a huge fan either, but how do people feel when the procedure saves their mom or kid?

6 more...

Executives used to be stewards of the company. They took care of brand, and people.

Then we switched to a bottom line focus. Now, profit, stock prices are the only thing that matters.

Shortcuts, layoffs, benefit cuts, etc are the only way to offset not making continuous market growth, and still rack ridiculous profits.

Also, great deal of Americans started not giving a shit about where the product comes from or who makes it. We want the cheapest thing, fast. Just has been our personal priorities.

There's not much incentive for a company to consider it's corporate image, contributions to community and public, etc.

I'd say that's when.

how to make computer people care about everything else as much as they care about computers

For me, you can't. 😆

I think those are good examples, thanks.

Off topic: I don't smoke, but do generally hate smoking so much. I dislike the smell, and the affects on people around the user, like you said. I appreciate vaping. Not because of some hopeful idea that it would be safer, but cause I either can't smell it, or it smells like cotton candy. Who doesn't love the smell of cotton candy?

Also, props for quitting all the times you have. I'm probably majorly addicted to caffeine. Like smokers tell me they have one first thing in the morning, coffee is the first desire after I'm out of bed. I've already limited myself to two-ish cups/day, but I don't think that helped. Coffee also has negative effects on others...fortunately, my wife has coffee breath too :)

13 more...

It's pretty plain to see IBM afraid of loosing vendor lock-in, but running a software solution designed for an open or distributed platform shouldn't be that big of a threat, right?

All their selling points for z series are the insane hardware performance, redundancy, and tuning.

Isn't it unlikely you're going to get that on some virtual or abstracted mainframe platform?

If I was one of the businesses that's been paying the fortune keeping IBM mainframe alive, I'd stay on it. They measure profits in the billions and saving some money going away from IBM and risking loosing countless dollars per minute seems like a risk...

Oh wait, I forgot, all American Corps are currently (since the 80s-ish), worthless greedy fucks solely focused on short term profit and stock price regardless of long term consequences. Maybe they should save some money on one of the things that's helps make them billions...I bet that golden goose tastes amazing 😄

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For all information workers who can do our job anywhere, I thoroughly enjoy watching companies go to shit after they pull RTO. So, I definitely enjoy seeing studies that back this up with metrics, performance data, financials, etc.

Some people are stuck with these employers, due to some life circumstances. I am sorry to anyone who either lost their new found freedom and the work/life balanced they probably always wanted, but didn't know they could have.

Some people are lucky and can move on, and every time someone does, it reenforces the idea that people won't tolerate having a boot on their neck, or maybe they care less about greed and stuff and more about balance. To each their own.

I bet they make so much money too...

Overpaid lawyer 1: Fight this or settle?

Overpaid lawyer 2: Let's fight this, I have a good feeling about it...

Overpaid lawyer 1: This won't set a precedent or anything right...right...

Like everyone on the planet, they're just trying to work more efficiently.

Their purpose is the same as any other business; extract as much profit (or Intel) as possible.

Not sure how you'd stop this.

set companies = {"only_care_about":"money"}
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I enjoy these threads. I have noticed people really hate two themes here: (1) internet censorship, and (2) people screwing with their porn :)

(I'm not a pornhub user, nor advocating for the internet censorship nonsense, just a devils advocate question for fun)

Pretend for a second it was reasonably feasible to enforce this, so I'm asking you to forget how the internet/VPNs/tons of options work :)

  • If a site like pornhub 'PROMISED' to not log any user data under threat of death, but all they did was run a query against some government database that verifies age >= 18, would you do it?

  • Also, the government database 'PROMISES' to not log the source of the age only verification queries, would you do it?

So, if you say no, is it because you believe there's no way each of those organizations would keep their word or something else?

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That was a very good analogy.

People know that these companies make money by doing the opposite of environmental needs right?

The only way th se companies support the goals is to either drastically change their business model, or stop existing...

I keep asking myself why I haven't blocked

I keep telling myself I'll lose ideas or comments from the good users there...

At this point, I'll have just blocked all their users individually

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There's so many liers everywhere, how do you even determine misinformation anymore?

How do fact check things and hide it if it's BS?

1 more...

I agree.

How did we run honest new agencies before greed (if such a time exists)?

News probably needs to be except from greed influence, but I am not savvy enough to imagine that business model unless people are willing to subscribe, and the org never goes public.

Vote with your feet. Have to leave the platform if you want to stick it to them.

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TrueNAS is a propose built solution.

You'll need to use it the way it's designed, which is extremely capable, but reading the manual is mandatory or you'll do it wrong and then it will suck. I know this.

There's TN Core, and Scale. Ones based on FreeBSD, one's Linux. You can compare for your needs.

TN can be an enterprise solution if that tells you the capability.

Edit, it's meant to be a storage solution. Scale adds containers. It's not great IMO as a general purpose server OS .

The comment was meant to be syndical and sarcastic.

Of course it's not representative of the entirety.

But it does express my frustration with political hypocrisy and insider trading. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find me any politicians that haven't engaged in that at some point, to some degree. One of the famous ones that comes to mind is Nancy pelosi, but she is not alone, and this is not particular to one party or another, they both definitely engage in it, it's been well documented and is irrefutable.

If you look past one party or another, you'd see that it's a broken system. The fact that it's legal for our elected representatives to conduct in activities that would otherwise be illegal for the general population is outrageous, and the fact that we all know they do it and they are the only ones that can control it in police themselves is also outrageous. It's the only self-serving career that I can think of that is completely unchecked, has unlimited benefits for only 4 years of service, and the only ones that can control it or police it is themselves.