5 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Artist, Designer

This is probably NSFW so... warning(?)

I was going to reserve dinner at a place for our 7th anniversary of our marriage. My phone ran out of battery, so she told me to use hers.

While I was using it she received a message saying "tomorrow again? 😏". Curiosity killed me, I opened the message because, as far as I knew, she stayed home while I was working the day before.

To my surprise, the guy that texted her sent her a video of her on all fours with 2 men cuming on her. Needless to say, there was no 7th anniversary dinner. This was also years ago so I got over it.

I could have said "she cheated on me" and leave it at that but I feel like the whole story is spicier.

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I think this is better tbh, I personally don't like it when piracy forums/sites/whatever piracy related thing goes too mainstream. Maybe it's gatekeeping, I don't know, I just don't want another Z-Library incident.

Either way, they probably aren't even against piracy, they're probably just lazy and don't want to deal with any of the issues they could potentially face down the line.

Edit - grammar

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So what is the next step for Google? Raising YT TV to $100/month? $200/month? Raising Youtube Premium to $30/month? Google one to $200/month? Laying off employees?

I mean they gotta keep hitting that 5% growth every year, right? When does it stop? When there's nobody else at the company? When people can't afford anything anymore and go bankrupt?

When are companies gonna understand that growth for the sake of growth every year is just not feasable?

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Dr. Pepper because I'm here for a fun time not a long time.

Ahh, I have one story. It's also kind of my own personal tin-foil-hat conspiracy.

I was living in a place where you could rent, but it was also a hotel. It had a Rent-a-Car inside, and I was working there. It was exceptional because I was 2 floors away from my job, so no need for commuting.

Ultimately, and to make this long story short, I decided to leave the company (it was a small company, just my boss, his wife ane me), because one week I started to get paid less than what I was working, they probably thought I wouldn't notice.

I immediately started looking for another job, and funnily enough, the hotel - where I lived - was hiring. They basically accepted me after the first interview, I told my boss' wife that I was leaving the company for the hotel so I gave my two weeks notice.

Next day, I am driving through the highway with my boss to pick up a customer when he starts SCREAMING at me about going to work for the hotel instead of him. One thing stood out from what he screamed at me:

"I will make sure that you don't get that job, or other jobs in the future, and you will never get this job back either, how are you going to live like that now? You just fucked up" - He said

Now this is the conspiracy/accusation part:

The hotel needed to do a drug test (they did that to everyone). The day of the drug test, I go to the place, do whatever I had to do, and they just told me to wait for an answer.

2 weeks goe by - no response. I call and ask, they say they "lost" my tests. Strange, but ok. I went to do another one.

2 days after the second one, they call me and tell me that the test was positive for weed. Now I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say I've never done weed. I have arthritis, so weed is something I sometimes need to handle tha pain and stress, but at that time I was clean for about 5-6 months.

However, I told them that it's impossible, that I've never done weed, that I didn't even have money to buy weed. They straight up tell me they don't care and hang up.

Exactly 20-30 minutes later, my former (rent a car company) boss -who I hadn't spoken to for more than a month- calls me, he doesn't even ask me how I am or anything, he just goes straight for "where you accepted for the job? How did the drug test go?"

Now, call me crazy but...

  1. I didn't tell him I was doing a drug test, and if the hotel had told him, they still woul't have known when I did the drug test.
  2. How did he manage to call me exactly the day I got the results, almost at the same time?
  3. I called the hotel after that call and they told me that they hadn't even received a call from the drug test place to tell them that it has been positive. That basically I was the one notifying them. However, they said that since it was positive, I couldn't get the job regardless, no exception.

At the end, I figured I was fighting a losing battle and searched for other jobs. 2 weeks later COVID-19 hit and the rent-a-car had to close, so that was good news for me.

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Option 1: Firefox (or any firefox variant like Floorp, Waterfox or LibreWolf) + uBlock Origins, if that doesn't work -

Option 2: avoid the sites, don't give them traffic, and -

Option 3: if you really need to read that article, use 12ft ladder and it will probably work.

This reminds me of when I got a new PC when I was younger and I was shocked... "WHAT?! THEY COME WITH 128MB RAM NOW??!!!??! AND THEY HAVE A DVD TRAY?!!? No more floppy disks!!!!"

Fuck, those were nice times (except for dial-up internet).

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I'm not a grammar expert and English is not my first language but I think I used to say this before and I just ended up taking out the "what it is" and changed it for the thing I'm trying to remember:

There's a thing that I don't know the name of


There's a thing that I don't know how to describe


There's a thing whose purpose is a mystery to me

Is that what you're refering to? Sorry if it's not. I don't think any of the first three examples are correct, or at least they sound really weird to me.

Please do correct me if there's an English mayor somewhere though!

... something called the Three Fifths compromise where slave-holding states could count each slave as 3/5 of a freed man for Electoral purposes.

Jesus... That's beyond awful.

I will say, though, and this is out of topic, you seem like a nice teacher.

English is not my first language and I'm kind of stupid when it comes to politics but you managed to not only make me understand everything but also made me interested, now I'm thinking about reading more of the topic, thanks!

That may be true, but I think he might have a case...

The lawsuit said that Ackerman sent a pre-publication copy of the book to the Tetris Company earlier that year. He said the company refused to license its intellectual property for projects related to his book, dissuading producers who were interested in adapting it, and sent him a "strongly worded cease and desist letter."

So he made the book, presented it to Tetris, they rejected the idea, threatened him to sue if he did his own thing, rejected other producers, then I guess partnered with Apple and made it as if it was their idea.

Are there fictional elements or speculations in Ackerman's book that were translated to the Apple movie?

I think so, I think it's more a thematic kind of thing, not the history per se. But I haven't watched the movie or read the book, so this is just my point if view from what the article says.

No idea if it works like that or if he would have a case as I'm not a lawyer, or writer, or producer, so take what I said with a pinch of salt.

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That's what I said to her... Hell, it would have been a blessing for me if she was doing things with other people sometimes.

I was feeling horrible for her because I have a terrible case of arthritis and I can't do stuff like a normal person, sometimes I couldn't even move for weeks or spend time at the hospital, so sex was almost impossible. We were doing it once every 4 months, maybe more.

The first thing I told her was "Look, if you're gonna do something with someone else, at least let me know first, I can understand due to the conditions so there's no problem if you really need it, just please tell me first".

First thing she did was not tell me, and that is what messed me up, the stupid lie.

When do you guys think they (companies/rich people/shareholders(?)) will realize that growth for the sake of growth is not viable and there will be a point of stagnation? Like... What are they gonna do, keep raising prices until nobody can b uy anything anymore?

Isn't this ok? I'm not saying it's better... just OK?

I don't know if this is just me but why is there always a race to be the "most popular/larger platform"?

Isn't this kind of race to be the most popular the reason why a lot of platforms/companies/jobs/games/etc are suffering today? Growth for the sake of growth and forcing something to be more popular just because it needs to be more popular is just kind of sad.

It's not like "corporate fediverse/lemmy" needs more users... At least this is my opinion.

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I used to live in the US before and payments between banks/accounts/government entities where a disaster and confusing unless you were using Zelle IF the other person had Zelle.

I live in Brasil now and I'm surprises of how much more efficient the payment processes are here.

I used to have to pay the USCIS with checks, sending about $500 a year by mail (USPS), something that gave me so much anxiety I could barely sleep because I could barely afford it and it could just... get lost.

Today I paid for my permanent Visa here in Brasil and all ot took was reading a QR code and the website auto-updated as soon as I made the payment. That same service you can use it to transfer money to people, stores, supermarkets, anything you can think of.

Maybe some people prefer the old fashioned way but my question is, wh my is the US still using mail and checks in 2023?

I don't mind the news, I absolutely hate the bots.

I said in another comment before, there's an "AITA" bot reposting everything from Reddit, but, who are we supposed to answer if it's a bot that's asking? It doesn't make any sense...

If there is no engagement (or at least something that's educational or informational), then what's the point?

If it was a "TIL" bot I'd probably have a harder time hating on it, but still.

I kind of thought she was a bit distant, but not cheating, but at that time I was dealing with a terrible case of arthritis at that time, so between going to the hospital and spending days, sometimes weeks in bed without being able to move I was not really thinking about it.

I use Sync because it's just what I'm used to. I've been using it for more than 3 years, but I've also used Jerboa, Thunder, Liftoff, Lemotiff, Connect and Voyager.

Here's what I think about those:

Jerboa is good, maybe a bit laggy and things take a bit to load, but overall good. Nothing that stands out.

Thunder is very good, but I've been unable to reply DMs and comments from my notifications, I'd have to go to the browser or use another app to reply. I'm almost sure it'll get fixed in the future.

Connect is very, very good, but, and it's a huge BUT for me, every time I'm commenting and I want to change part of my comment, I click on the part I want to add or erase more text but instead of doing that it selects the text from where I was to where I clicked, and it happens with every comment and DM, to fix it I have to copy the whole thing, go back to the post, paste the comment again and keep on writing. I stopped using it.

Liftoff is very good, but I don't like that when I collapse a comment it says "comment collapsed, tap to expand" (that's it, it's just nit picking, everything else is good), I still sometimes use the app.

Lemotiff I can't log in but the idea/design is good.

Voyager is one of the best but sometimes it jumps to random parts of the timeline, I also prefer having an app not a PAW (or was it PWA? I don't remember the correct term)

Lemmur says my instance doesn't exist so I can't even try it.

Haven't used infinity or Boost yet, just downloaded Sync and it just works perfectly.

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Tea with milk is the best thing ever. Everybody always looks at me weird when I put milk in my tea. They're just missing out, to be honest.

The worst part is that one of my friends doesn't mind putting milk in Pepsi but has the audacity to look at me funny when I put milk in tea.

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I think that the downvotes come from a place of not understanding what this comment tries to imply, hence not adding anything to the conversation.

For example. Someone can read this and think "Context matters, so that's why Hamas did what they did, and what they did is fine and I stand with them"

Another person could read "Context matters, it doesn't matter what Isarael did before, Hamas still did something unforgivable and Israel is still right and I stand with them"

Ultimately, at least for me, it's hard to see what you're trying to say with this comment, especially when the situation is so nuanced. At least that's how I saw it.

A cure for my arthritis, I'm tired of it and it's fucking uncurable.

Didn't Texas say last year that they wanted to try being independent from the USA? I'm not from the US (anymore) so I'm not sure but I kind of remember that being said.

Isn't this like testing the waters in some way?

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From Brasil!

Sorry for the long text, TL;DR at the end.

Maybe I'm wrong or saw it incorrectly, but the feeling I got about that hearing was that there were many people with different ideas on what the topic was about and nothing was actually answered.

Some reps were asking about extraterrestrial lifeforms and spaceships, some others about UAPs made by enemy countries that could potentially pose a threat to the US national security, some others talked about the Chinese ballon and the incompetence of the government when dealing with those events (which kinda falls into the previous point, but it was more of critique to the government rather than a question IMO)

Then the "whistleblower" (the one that talked a lot and said nothing) was just focusing in wanting some kind of place/means/way to report those kinds of incidents with UAPs/UFOs anonymously because they faced what he called "administrative terrorism", and the other two seemed to literally just want to talk about UFOs and spaceships.

The "whistleblower" didn't really say anything outside of "I can't confirm nor deny that in an open setting, I'll gladly give you the information in a closed one", there was nothing substantial about that hearing IMO.

Non-human biological material =/= extraterrestrial material, and in one of the questions, which was something along the lines of "where did you get that info?" He basically replied with a "just trust me bro, I've talked to some people".

DISCLAIMERS: I stopped listening to it after about 4 hours and a half, so I don't know if he said anything substantial after that. Also, English is not my first language so if I made any mistakes or am talking out of my ass, do call me out on it.

TL;DR: IMO that hearing was just a waste of time and nothing of importance was said.

This is a thing that I think only happens in the US.

I moved to Brazil from the US and my wife found it super weird that I asked her how much would they charged me after she asked me to activate my hotspot.

My mother is like this as well, when I was little she used to only say "come here!", and if I wasn't showing up right next to her she wouldn't say what she wanted to say, she would just stay silent. Sometimes it was only to let me know it was someone's birthday.

She even says it unconsciously now. She lives in Venezuela, I live in Brazil now, and during calls she still says "come here" and every time I tell her "Now how am I gonna go there right now? Are you paying for the plane tickets?"

It's not just you, you're not mental, it's fucking frustrating and at some point in my life I just decided not to react to her "come here" and keep quiet until she tells me what she wants, otherwise I'm not interested.

I joined the waitlist months ago and all I heat is Bluesky is growing but I still have no news about being able to use it...

Hope it's not a stupid question but would this kind of thing work for ankylosing spondylitis??

I ask because I suffer from AS the doctor's that I've gone to are always arguing whether it's an autoimmune or an autoinflammatory disease, and on the web it says that the underlying mechanism is either of the two as well.

So it's not clear to me whether it's one or the other, or if itimplies the same thing. I've read a huge deal about AS but I'm not really good at biology or medicine to understand a lot.

Honestly the only reason I'm commenting -and asking- here, is because I want to have hope that this actually leads up to something that can help me stop this fucking pain that makes me feel like I want to die (figuratively) but I'm afraid of this being a clickbait article.

Also my English is not the best so sorry for any mistakes and for the long comment.

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It's probably not as bad as some of the comments I'm reading here, but it was about Demon Salyer. I met my wife's little cousin (she is 12yo) about a month ago, and she was talking about anime (Demon Slayer, in this case) and she asked me who my favorite character was.

I had finished the manga, so I told her that I didn't have any because none of them really spoke to me and asked her what was her favorite. She said it was Shinobu because it was "her comfort character" (I had no clue what that meant at that moment), and not having thought about the fact that not everyone read the manga, I immediately said that: ::: spoiler spoiler she was cool but it was a shame that she died a gruesome and slow death ::: I realized my fuck up when she started just tearing up, didn't know what to do so I said I was really sorry and left.

You lose it and never hear from it again. Happened to me, had to open another account in another instance because of that, it's a shame but I guess that's the risk until we get something that is some kind of Backup->Restore->Move account or something.

Yeah, I feel stupid, I'm sorry.

So when I had Windows installed before, Windows was separated into 4 partitions, (not sure why), and then I installed Fedora on Disk1 (secondary SSD), and it looked to me (emphasis in "looked to me") like it was only one whole partition.

However, after doing a clean W11 install it showed up as a single partition (which I was not used to) and Disk1 separated into 3 partitions, and aside from that, my laptop was no longer giving me the option to boot into either W11 or Fedora, it was just going straight to W11. That's where my confusion was from and since I already had installed everything I needed I didn't want to lose the progress.

I went to BIOS and it showed me that the boot menu was F12 (I didn't know this before) and lo and behold, I am once again able to enter Fedora, it was just me being a noob and not knowing any better. Sorry for wasting everyone's time! :(

Tbh I didn't notice the ads haha I have ads completely removed from my device using a private DNS so none of the apps I use show me ads.

I prefer supporting devs via donations whenever I have the extra money but I'm waiting for the lifetime donation for Sync, I not doing aubscription models and I have 0 tolerance for ads.

Like you, though, I'll be jumping from time to time to other apps because what I've been loving about this Fediverse experience more than anything is how every app has been evolving and updating, it's just amazing.

I'm also waiting for Boost and Infinity to realease, god damn this is why I love competition.

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Patreon always has some lind of problem every now and then. To this day I haven't been able to even create an account there because they won't let me.

Are there no other services that creators/donators can use (apart from Liberapay that I see a bit lower in the comments)?

A wacky woohoo pizza man gets invited by his bro to a weird tower and they end up fighting because the brother really wants a necklace.

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Definitely something wrong with my OS and I'm currently making yet another clean install, because the weird thing is that I've played all these games before (except BG3) on the same laptop, I was just replaying them for fun.

I just wanted to see if there was someone else with the same issues or something similar.

I wouldn't be able to use more of my medication, so if I keep taking NSAIDS every day, then until I have kidney/liver failure. I don't know how long would that be.

That's of course not accounting for someone trying to murder me to get the NSAIDS they couldn't get, or someone else trying to murder me for my belongings/food. Since I have arthritis I can't really defend myself so... Yeah.

I did talk to my wife about this on one of those drunken conversations and we both agreed to just end it when we see no other way because we both need medication to live.

That's the problem not even the bios is reading windows after the EOS installation. I keep changing the order of things but when I boot from the other SSD it just says "checking media" and then "failed" and it gets looped over and over again.

But I can still see the windows drives and partitions from EOS... It's the weirdest ting that I've seen... Would you recommend just doing a clean install of everything in that case?

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That's so cool, how do you personalize it like that?

I've been using Fedora for a month (I just started using Linux a month and a half), and I can't seem to find a way to do it.

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I had a Chevrolet Vitara (for Venezuela... for US people it would be a Suzuki Vitara) that my father bought in 1998 and gave me when I was 17.

First car I "owned", used for 6 years, never had to repair it or anything at all, took me everywhere without problems and since it was a small 2 door it fit everywhere.

I took my friends with it, my parents, traveled with it, etc. Also, surprisingly, we never had to do any repairs to the car since 1998 up until 2021 when my dad sold it because it was almost dead. That car was the best and I miss it.

Then I got a Dodge Dakota from 2002, it was good but I didn't like it as much as the Vitara.

Now I drive a VW Gol (2005), good car, a little fucked up.

When we make mistakes,we talk it out and say sorry. Also she helps me clean the house and understands that I have a disability (bad case of arthritis).

My ex wife used to hit me or threaten me to beat me up all the time, always made a mess of the house and never cleaned after herself. I used to find moldy plates with some food on them below the bed, next to the toilet, below tables, etc).

Specs are fine

AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, RTX 3050Ti, and 32GB RAM, it's a Legion 5 (2021)

All games mentioned run 100fps+ on High and I was watching the graphs, temperatures of 60-80C on the CPU and 50-75C on the GPU so those were fine (at least for a laptop)

What you're saying makes a lot of sense, but, the weird thing is that, except for Baldur's Gate 3, I already played all these games in my laptop before. I was just replaying them for fun, I just didn't know if somebody else had the same issues.

I think I'll just make another clean install and see what happens, this situation has me so confused tbh haha

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