0 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Pest control right out of the gate is overkill. Get your pets some of these new medication they make. It's like one tablet for a whole month, fleas will get obliterated.

Same reason they spend time and money making games work on Linux.

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I have never in my life got any useful information out of Quora.

In fact, it's so bad that when I mistakenly click on a Quora link, and I have some time to kill, I read the page to have a solid laugh at all the stupid answers in there that gets promoted.

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The steam controller is amazing for that.

Point still stands.

Once submitted to stack overflow/Reddit/literally every platform, it's no longer your content. It sucks, but you've implicitly agreed to it when creating your account.

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Sorry to ping you again, but I want to run a few other things at you, as I find people with the ability to doublethink without blinking absolutely fascinating.

Let's say, okay, 'men' is vague enough that a single individual man should not feel insulted when someone says they're so bad they would rather get mauled by a bear, because... Reasons idk.

Is 'women' vague enough so that it's just as fine to say, idk, some stereotypical bullshit like 'women are weak, dumb, and therefore belong in the kitchen'? Should an individual woman not be annoyed after hearing this? Is it not sexist?

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Americans ☕

"black people" applies to all black people, but "men" doesn't apply to all men?

That's honestly an interesting way of thinking.

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I never could have guessed.

What a shocking twist.

It gets in the way anyway. And the amount of times I was pouring myself a drink and the cap snapped shut spilling shit everywhere is too damn high.

And when you try to screw it back on it just doesn't fit properly.

But anyway instead of endlessly complaining about it I just twist it off because I am not a baby.

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Oh so if someone says 'black people are dangerous thugs, I'd rather encounter a bear than a removed', it's all good, a black person shouldn't take it personally? After all, no specific black person is mentioned. Come on, just be a good ally, stfu and nod.

I am willing to bet many, many people wouldn't be ok with that, and rightfully so. I know I would not.

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I'm sorry, do you think inflation doesn't apply to prices just because they are using a different sign?

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and once a girl was being bigoted, he slapped her for it, and only he got punished.

Oh so they are capable of treating him like a guy.

That is such a poor understanding of how inflation works but I suppose it's par for the course when talking to a cryptobro

Have a nice day

One side works for the billionaire class, the other works for the billionaire class and want to murder a significant portion of the population.

Totally the same.

I'm not angry, I am curious. This whole man or bear thing has been an absolute blast for me.

It's a shame you refuse to answer though. That makes me sad. Why are you uncomfortable with this question?

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The automatic moderation is kind of funny here lmao

What if it was stereotypes targeting idk, LGBT people, Christians, Muslims, liberals, right wingers, etc?

How do you determine whether a group is sufficiently generic that they are not allowed to be annoyed at stereotypes targeting them?

In France you have to register to vote as well. It takes about a minute and you can do it online or at the town hall

You can easily buy firearms in most of Europe as well, we're just not ammosexual idiots.


Even with my old ass body of a guy who barely exercises, I still have the strength to twist off the tiny retaining plastic bit.

Asking questions is being angry now?

Man you guys really don't like having your opinions challenged lmao.

Dude made an absolute arbitrary selection between two groups of people about who's generic enough to not be angry at being targeted by stereotypes.

I'm just curious about where that arbitrary line sits.

Everybody has issues, what's yours?

You're right, a bear wouldn't call women irrational.

Personally, I'd rather be called irrational than get mauled/eaten by a bear, but I know better than to kink shame people.

Read the article please it physically pains me arguing with someone that fucking stupid.


Lol you're either a low effort troll orna right wing idiot

Please fuck off.

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Lmao please.

I don't need to fly a plane to find people who like me :)

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It must be easy winning arguments on the internet when everyone you disagree with is a racist sexist bigot.

I hope you have the day you deserve.

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Exhibit B.

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I never claimed the opposite.

Bless your heart

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Man I understand why right wing cucks call you guys NPCs lmao

Notice how I haven't blamed 'women' for anything.

But sure, do go off about how I supposedly watch Newsmax and fox news.

Never question yourself.

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Exhibit A.

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When you present where I talked about GMOs are unnatural and ungood in this comment chain:

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You did though.

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It's funny just how amazingly defensive you get when I put your face in your own shit :)

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