1 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

why not? it's not like there is any competition.
Microsoft is making more money off Linux with Azure than several red hats combined.

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bruh, feels like gitlab has security update every other day, it's some bullshit even for a project this size. And who knows how many 0-days are around.

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Just because you're paid well doesn't mean others are not being mistreated

without unions there could be a huge salary disparity between devs in the same role, in the same company, even in the same project. I've personally witnessed more than 2x, heard about even more.

Sometimes it's more than justified with individual's performance and impact, sometimes it's not. Some people are just better skill-wise, some people are better at applying pressure on their employer, holding business-critical knowledge hostage or simply negotiating.

Point here is - while unionizing might make things better on average, there would be a very real pushback from people who are benefitting from current system and this is not necessarily management. For management in some cases it would be even a net benefit, since they don't have to deal with primadonnas and someone tying things to themselves just for leverage.

resold oem key is not legal as well.

only legal options are: get windows with your device or purchase retail for a hunnit $.

just accept it and pirate.

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Turns out many middle eastern toilets can’t handle toilet paper.

It's more about toilet paper than plumbing. Toilet paper has to easily dissolve in water, otherwise you can clog any toilet, be it western or eastern.

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lmao, 60k eur tops. wages in Germany suck ass, earning at least something is possible if you are running independent consulting or climbing corporate ladder, having some unique expertise or going extra mile as an employee is pretty much pointless.

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you need to set up port forwarding not only with your vpn provider, but also with gluetun:

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yes, he bought it, now the question is how he will ruin it. I wouldn't want him anywhere near my network traffic, Elmo is the type of guy to run Musk-in-the-middle for shits and giggles, even without any other possible incentives.
And before any tls or e2e discussion starts - it's still possible to learn quite a lot if you are sitting on the channel level if you don't run vpn on your gateway constantly.

10% is too low. Usually they won't be against paying you the same they are paying your current employer for your services, so you can safely do 20% raise ( your employer charges more, of course, but there are other costs involved to set up and run the operation).

It's not even about gui.
If you want to self host you get yourself a pile of software of community-level quality (i.e "it works good until it doesn't" is the best outcome) you need to care about. This means constantly being involved - updating, maintaining, learning something, etc, and honestly it's time-consuming even for experienced sysadmins.

with arch it's relatively easy given enough experience to build for someone absolutely minimal desktop environment which will run you a browser and that's it and it will be rock solid even with rolling release updates because there's nothing to break.

every time I've tried "out of the box" desktop experience of ubuntu and likes it's been atrocious with a lot of moving parts.

zuck's ego fueled endeavors cost money, actual services upkeep and development is a small fraction of it.

this lizard already has insanely profitable business at hand, but it's hard to combine steady performance for shareholders and shit like metaverse at the same time, so he needs to milk users for even more money.

I'm clueless european now living in a country where guns are generally available to trained and vetted to some degree public and I was always puzzled by US self-defense culture, some parts of it simply do not compute to me.

Like how does it work? Are gun owners in America spending reasonable amount of time at the range? Any gun is as good as your training. Safe handling should be muscle memory at the very least to promote an individual from a danger to themselves and people around (not necessarily to an attacker) to someone who is able to hold a gun. Then comes actual shooting practice, which will improve chances of achieving intended things with this gun.

Also strange obsession with high-power calibers, even knowledgeable gun bloggers mentioning things like .357 magnum in self-defense context. Did people really try to shoot them indoors without hearing protection? Do they really mind what's behind their target, i.e your kid sleeping in the room next door. High-powered round is a responsibility, however a lot of people talk about them like they are toys.

I really hope I'm missing something or maybe gun handling culture is really common knowledge over there not worth mentioning, because looking at the general public pretty much everywhere I've been - there's no way I'd trust them with a gun. It takes some dedication to learn, even if it seems simple.

ones with floppies are alright, beware modern ones.

Yt makes a series of bad decisions

It's not like it's making any bad decisions right now. Pretty calculated, I'd say - they feel safe market-wise, so they can increase amount of ads/fight ad-blockers/push people to buy subscription.

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eh... those are fundamentally different, C is not object-oriented so OOD part goes straight out of the window. The only thing similar about them is syntax to some degree (which is really irrelevant), approach is completely different.

Are all these thousands of lemmy servers useless?

almost. It's actually worse than that - when you subscribe to a community from your server it will fetch like 20 posts and that's it, you'll get only new stuff after that, so there's no possibility to do a full mirror of selfhosted, for example, if you started your instance today and didn't fetch posts and comments manually.

ActivityPub per se is just a spec on s2s/s2c communication, which is not a great thing since in many cases it assumes single source of truth, which potentially puts huge load on more popular instances.

I think a quick and dirty hack to this could be the following - each linked instance may maintain cache of announces (so there would be benefit of just forwarding original http signed requests w/o being afraid of malicious actor), which your instance could pull, this way you could populate your mirror without overloading the original source.
Distributed activities propagation though... Let's say there are some design steps involved to make this truly distributed, however I feel like it's possible.

Lemmy is not truly distributed at this point, there are few well-known instances which are bearing the load and the rest is just sipping stuff through activitypub subscriptions.
If this thing will become even remotely popular with current architecture they have to follow the same path donations -> commercial or die. Serving a lot of users costs money, serving media content costs even more money. It's not a problem at the moment, but it will be.

ActivityPub is not a magic bullet, it's just a spec on how servers talk to each other. To truly involve each and every server in sharing the workload there's a need in something on top of that, or even better - replacing that since w/o active participation of client apps in load balancing it'll be the same reverse proxy shit in the end.

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yes, goes well together with Voyager. From app subdomain I route mobile clients to Voyager and desktop to Alexandrite, feels amazing.

35 to 40k (if your spouse is choosing tax class with a higher rate) after taxes or around so, depends on many factors - German tax code is complicated.

Is it enough to live on

Generally - barely above "paycheck to paycheck" level, but highly depends on location. In Munich you'll be fucked with this type of salary.

or buy a home

lmao no. Houses are mainly for older and retired people or rich, vast majority of active workforce are apartment renters, more fortunate ones were able to save/get help from relatives for mortgage. Total home ownership rate in Germany is 46.7%, lowest of all OECD countries - and that's including older people who got their homes during better economic times. Neat trick about Germany is that you have to have both stable job at big company and a lot of cash on your hands to cop a mortgage, since 20% downpayment + taxes/fees and other bullshit that run at around 10% of the total price make good barrier.

buy a home and support a family

Not really, adults in the household have to work, 60k is not 'breadwinner' type of salary at all. In general, tech workers aren't special in Germany, if not for US companies branches they'd be earning the same as everyone else and in many industries (like transportation), where pressure from international market is not present that much, they still do.

It was good while it lasted, but Germany is heading into some pretty interesting times in general, younger population is absolutely fucked.

I get where you are coming from, however it's important to remember that big players are not equal - they have really, really different people in the leadership. Elmo is just a too-big-to-fall clown with insane ego, spez is a manchild who took VC money like there's no tomorrow and in the end had no idea how to provide ROI, but youtube is ran by very competent people with solid track record and deep pockets.

Maybe they are not too innovative business-wise recently... but they are good at catching up (except live streaming - screen layout is dogshit and nobody wants to get hyped in their tiny chatbox from a fucking google account with family photo as an avatar) and at leveraging what they already have, which is quite a lot, tbh.

it's like this to eliminate competition, any alternative has to fund marketing costs + unsustainable pricing, while Spotify will be running their ponzi scheme, effectively leveraging their market position.

Dubai is much cheaper

"autonomous vehicle" in the article can't handle most basic shit like emergency vehicle approaching. I've spent enough years in automotive engineering and all of this autonomous drive bullshit is ADAS with a few gimmicks and shouldn't be nowhere near full control of the car, however this got out of hand and this shit is on public roads somehow.


it's a band-aid, popular instances will be still under pressure to serve end users. Ok, they got the message through push from some other server instead of their user submitting it directly and the instance is not responsible for pushes to community subscribers (which is something, but not much, actually), however in the end it ends up stored locally and users still will be sending requests to popular instance to get their content if they are registered there.


not happening. It's a problem to change even username (and requires federation consensus first implementation-wise, it's not only lemmy around here), changing user's server will need fairly complex extension for id redirects or update propagation or something.
In general it's the same problem with migrating communities - you need to somehow update all the existing subscriptions across the federation.
I hope to be corrected on this, but this doesn't look too good.

I'm not shitting on lemmy and activitypub in general, it's a step in the right direction, however there are a lot of by-design issues which makes them prone to the very same problems as non-federated websites.

there's a lot of different C's out there - I mean coding for microcontrollers looks really different to coding graphics with opengl, for example, especially for a beginner.
What do you want to do achieve with C specifically?

the funny thing is actual ability to pay is varying from business to business. AAA development with in-house engine is simply inferior as a business compared to mobile gamedev or producing shitty battle royale clones with Unity. If some business can't compete with big tech or low-effort money grabbers, does it mean it has to go?

good way to accidentally lose the data.

in case of any forensics your drive will be copied first and master will be not touched, any decryption attempts will be executed on copies - so kill switch is effectively useless.

Launch msrp for a HD7850, which was the same category as the 6700XT today (upper middle tier) was 250 usd.

There's much more effort involved to produce modern GPU now. Either way, if NVidia would be truly greedy, they'd close gaming gpu business right away and would produce only AI accelerators. You can take same 4070, add $200 worth of GDDR chips to the layout and sell this for $15k minimum, shit would be on backorder.

I run flood together with qbittorrent, looks great everywhere.

MAC address


it's most likely coming from postgres, db server tends to be the main resource hog.

Yes, big instances are not ready to handle the traffic and could go down - see