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Joined 5 months ago

Except a kid like that automatically has a free pass for eternally being pissed about their father and their father before them not also having had that name so they could be "... the third'!

Whaat‽ You mean auto downloading and executing foreign JavaScript in a users webpage from some server/CDN I might not even know myself as an ad company could be an attack vector? Never!

(This mostly for those people who may not know that some [most? Dunno don't have a source for this] ad networks literally allow advertisers to inject small chunks of html into pages for "more interactive/better ads"!!)

And then there are devs/games like Nolla/Noita which specifically included a nice little message for data miners which asked them to keep all the gained secrets a secret until a certain date with a reward for both them and the community if they did and who would have guessed: they did! And now they are immortalized inside the games credits!

Not quite, for Java you still need the Factory part at the end!

And yet for content I can be reasonably sure is actually human generated (read: niche enough to not have been flooded to the point I no longer can trust the "usual"/"big" sites) I might consider paying for server costs a little.

No no, I think selfcest wouldn't work to create a truly Christian baby...

Nah even statistics is perfectly logical and right, but not because truth is absolute (there may be such a thing, but we definitely don't have access to it in that case. [At this time?]), but rather because math defined there to be a way in which all you derive from it is 'absolutely' true. It just might be 'absolutely' true in a system that isn't ours, or isn't useful for answering anything we want to ask...

IANAL and this obviously won't happen (because it's one of if not the stupidest way to go about it right from the get go) but still:

They can literally demand any and all European ISPs block all their traffic, they can still raise the fees and if they don't pay accrue interest/late claims on it. Will this change anything? Not immediately, but the moment that company does anything the courts can reach they are in a whole lot of trouble.

Anyway besides this are there really companies that are so US centric that a European court can't (like really absolutely can't) reach them?

I heard them called "bats" because they flap around between different groups and are associated with darkness thus "shady"!

Also the way worse option of we had work often comes into play from people who lived in the Soviet Union and now have a stable job: everybody had to work or you were homeless/starved! Nobody could slouch off of my hard earned tax money and live a comfy life!

Which is like, what? The bare minimum socialism a country could have aka "if you are out of work (hopefully temporarily but we'll see) we are at least not letting you starve completely/immediately" is somehow too much now‽

And I will continue to demand it should! But yeah, sadly it's not...

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Introversion habe so far pretty much only knocked out well written games afaik!

Too bad I also came too late to the party to buy the source code discs they sold at the end of its lifetime...

Wait which part? (Also don't get too explicit because NSFW and also that'll kill the fun)

Cause I can't currently imagine which part exactly you say is kinda like sand... (Granted in a bag)

Wait confirm shouldn't be on the right? Like I am 99% sure most windows pop-up/modal Dialogs had ok on the left and cancel on the right but I am not entirely sure about Linux (also factorio has them left to right as in "go back and go forward" but I dunno if that is RTL dependent...)

Except then you learn that even this "unchanging" sky changed A LOT from the distant past to today!

Like sure most stars where always visible in the sky (always being relative to homo sapiens looking up at the sky and being able to communicate with each other verbally) but their position might have been different...

So possesion and manufacturing of dangerous chemicals?

Except even the best specialty coffee I had (and trust me I had some good ones because a friend of mine went down that same rabbit hole you probably went down and wanted me to try) still had way too many acids in it which meant it tasted great until it again turned my entire mouth to ash and grey bitterness...

So in other words the "primary" taste/body of coffee can get really great, but it's still not worth the bitterness after.

Okay that's the first argument I could almost accept except typing this response I remember kg which is already one example of a unit getting something semi-special in that it always has its prefix with it!

But other than that good argument there ^^

Wait what? Are there actually elevators "programmed" this way‽ (can this behavior even be changed in the controller?)

Because I have never "tested" this behavior per se (I mean you mostly want your elevator to move anyway so you ideally remove the obstruction the first time it didn't fully close...)

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