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culminating in 2005, when then president George W Bush signed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which attempts to insulate the gun industry from civil liability after their products are used in shootings.

Trust Republicans to fuck over the little guy in favour of protecting their Parasite-Class buddies and the revenue streams that keep them obscenely wealthy.

This saved the taxpayer a lot of money.

Plenty of companies make display TVs that only display commercial content. You see them all the time displaying menus in fast food restaurants.

These can also have all smart tech turned off because some companies also use them as digital whiteboards to display proprietary or confidential information.

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Oh, FFS. It’s supposed to be a Daemon, not a penguin!!

I would hardly consider that pricing insane. Consumer TVs are massively subsidized by the smart tech built into them, in some cases by up to 60%. Plus, they are often fragile with cheaper components because they are expected to be mounted in “safe” places away from unusual conditions or extreme temperatures.

Considering the more robust construction (for commercial use) and lack of subsidization, I would consider those prices to be spot-on and rather reasonable.

Our civilization demands that I be profitable to a parasite who leeches a majority of my labour’s value in order to accumulate obscene levels of wealth.

Without exorbitant amounts of time spent maintaining that profitability, I will end up poor, homeless, and eventually dead from exposure. This leaves vanishingly little time to spend on open source work, regardless of how intellectually and ethically attractive it may be.

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If your business model requires the economic exploitation of your workers, your company possesses no legitimate reason to exist.

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Crime is a result of desperation and lack of economic opportunities.

Chronic addictions are a result of untreated/untreatable trauma.

Homelessness arises from poverty and precarious economic conditions, and can trigger both of the prior two.

And yet, these people are voting for the parties that would seek to implement and perpetuate poverty, precariousness, trauma and economic inequality.

…the fuq?

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I keep on forgetting that “threads” (in lowercase) is frequently being used to refer to “Threads” the Facebook thing, and not separate sub-communities within the Fediverse.

Was getting all confused as to why Fediverse instances were internally blocking each other.

Y’all all need to learn capitalization, yo. Helps reduce confusion by turning certain things into the proper nouns that they actually are.

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NCS is a company that offers information communication and technology services.


he used his laptop to gain unauthorised access to the system using the administrator login credentials.

Okay, what the guy did was immature and shitty, but holy hell this company is incompetent. How did their own internal IT not lock him out of anything even remotely sensitive the moment he was fired?

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There is a reason why little endian is preferred in virtually 100% of cases: sorting. Mentally or lexicographically, having the most important piece of information first will allow the correct item be found the fastest, or allow it to be discounted/ignored the quickest.

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Where I live, that would be pretty much 100% of landlords.

The last time rent on an average 2bdrm apartment was only three times the income of the average-income married couple was back in the 90s. Now it’s more like 50% of their monthly pre-tax income. Or something like 65-70% their post-tax income. For single people who don’t want roommates it’s even worse.

The Canadian housing situation makes the American one look like the bottoming-out of a housing crash.

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“This argument didn’t go down well.”

🤣🤣🤣 LMAO

What an awesome punchline, should have been on its own line for more impact.

No-one should be using any password manager built into any browser, neither Chromium-based nor Firefox-based. Browser password databases are almost trivially easy for malware to harvest.

Go with something external, BitWarden or 1Password, or if you are entirely within the Apple ecosystem their new password system built into iOS 18 is apparently really good.

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Landlords say this would push them to sell.

Yay? Maybe then it could be sold to people who are desperate to get off of the rental merry-go-round.

As in, these homes will be owned by people who actually live in them; non-parasites who aren’t going to be sucking the lifeblood out of hard-working, working-class Americans.

And maybe instead of being landlords, these parasites could actually go out and get a job?

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Separate the search engine from anything that stinks of advertising so it can return to what it’s supposed to do: return the most relevant results.

Because even appending udm=14 only gets rid of promoted links and in-page advertising, it does f**k-all to correct manipulated search results.

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As much as I think that he was too old for the position… JFC. If the Dems don’t nominate Kamala Harris as his replacement, the entire Democratic nomination will be filled with so much infighting that they will lose the faith of their electorate and the next election.

If only more Dems were left-of-centre such that Bernie was a viable option. Unfortunately almost all of them are right-lite.

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Argentinians really do need to take a page out of France’s 1790’s journals. Lots of really effective tools that will correct the problem quickly; in particular the redistribution of stolen wealth, and the few surviving parasites at the top suddenly being on their best behaviour instead of acting like uncontrolled vampire squids.

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Except that would violate their objective of increasing their electorate through the erosion of education.

The more educated people get, the more they understand how morally and intellectually bankrupt the political and social right is.

Some are NIMBYs. Most, however, are alt-right reality-hostile whackadoodles who see any “renewable” energy generation as a liberal plot to destroy America.

These people actively think that renewables will harm America.

How do I know this? We have the same crazies up here in Canada. Some of them, despite having been born here, routinely confuse the two countries, spouting US legislation - like the constitutions and amendments - in “defense” of their “freedoms” being “infringed upon” by things like wind turbines.

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If the punishment for a crime is a set fine, then it is a law that targets only the poor; the wealthy will just pay that fine with the spare pennies at the bottom of their pocket as “a cost of doing business” and move on like nothing ever happened.

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where they help young adults and millennials deal with feelings of depression, disillusionment, and cynicism?

You mean by eradicating the Parasite Class, dismantling vampire/vulture Capitalism, crashing the housing market by 75+%, and closing the wealth gap, thereby giving them a future that is not only affordable but also worth living and striving for?

That sounds absolutely wonderful.

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and will hurt investors

breaks out world’s tiniest violin

Investors can go suck it, I’m in the corner of the working class.

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Simple answer: Mary had a reptile disfunction.

Oh, this sh*tfest is hilarious.

We’ve known about gay penguins since 1912, and regressives are just now cottoning on?

I am a larger man with broad shoulders. I have trained myself to only sleep on my side due to breathing issues arising from my oversized uvula and the tendency for my tongue to join it at the back of my throat when on my back. Even when I’m awake, breathing on my back - much less speaking - is difficult due to my uvula in particular, as I can’t consciously control how it drapes back against my throat.

So I built my own pillow, so that my head doesn’t hang from my shoulders like an afterthought -- no normal pillow is tall enough to support my head while I am on my side. It looks kinda like a particularly narrow and deep parking curb, vaguely saddle shaped, only it’s not made out of concrete. It’s literally a tiny showroom-demo mattress on top of a very stable wooden base, with an actual pillow secured on top of it and everything wrapped up in a custom pillow case.

Looks strange AF, but it keeps my spine straight and the crinks out of my neck.

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Just because you are highly skilled at something doesn’t make you intelligent or smart.

I’m in that fifth house that no-one ever seems to talk about: BOSCH.

J/K, I’m mostly Bosch, but I look towards whichever manufacturer makes the best version of a tool I currently need. For example, my chainsaws and yard/orchard power tools are Stihl, my lawnmower is Husqvarna, my circular saw, worm drive saw and abrasion/steel cutoff saw are all Skilsaw (not Skil!), and my oscillating multi tool is Fein.

Plus, many of the domestics are vintage, from before production was outsourced out of America, which makes them much more reliable and robust than modern tools. Even some of the other tools are vintage -- my Stihl 076 Super can cut through a 60cm log like a hot knife through butter. And I have both 36″ and 72″ bars to go with it.

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True, but if you are caught in a fundamentally violent economic system that essentially dictates to you, “be profitable to someone else or suffer and risk destitution, homelessness, and even early death”, you join the other 99% in hustling for every dollar you can earn rather quickly.

Boomers frequently don’t understand this, having lived their most productive years in the most economically vibrant era of western civilization, where a minimum-wage job was able to let a single wage earner have a spouse and a few kids, a good roof over their heads, a car in the driveway and a vacation at least once a year, all the while having more than enough left over to save for retirement.

Those days are long gone, with even highly-educated DINK’s struggling and going homeless, and never having enough to even survive well, much less thrive and save for retirement.

There are fake job postings.

IIRC, there was one very recent (mid-2024) study of job ads that strongly suggested that 60-75% of them were never meant to be filled. As in, the company posted them for entirely unrelated reasons.

It’s why these are called “ghost jobs”: they don’t exist.

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Q: Why are conservatives obsessed with children and calling other groups, like cross-dressers, pedophiles?

A: For the purposes of lmisdirection and obfuscation - conservatives are the pedophiles. Why else would they want to burrow into strange children’s lives, if not to abuse them?

Or that we're "godless heathens" because not believing in a god somehow means not having morals

The scariest thing is someone claiming that only religion imparts morals and ethics.

Because if the only thing stopping a person from raping and killing and causing pain and anguish is the religion they have… dude, THEY ARE the monster everyone needs to be afraid of.

My own morals and ethics aren’t forcibly imposed on me by an outside force, ready to snap apart and break off with the smallest of stresses.

No, it is built up inside of me via empathy and understanding and personal experiences, and is therefore a core part of my being and far more immune to corruption or breakage.

Thunderbird is acquiring Exchange features.

They haven’t turned them on just yet owing to a little last-minute work, but your ability to sync calendars and address books with an ActiveSync/Exchange-compatible eMail server is coming soon.

I was there, during the first advertising push of the mid/late 90s, where visiting the wrong website - or even the right one on the wrong day - spawned “uncloseable” pop-ups and pop-unders… uncloseable because as soon as you tried to dismiss the window, that action triggered a half-dozen more to spawn.

Eventually, the weight of all the browser windows would cause not only the browser to grind to a halt, but even the computer as a whole (single-thread CPUs & minimal RAM, nat), such that your only possible recovery path was to conduct a hard restart of the entire system, your unsaved work be damned.

I feel for those businesses whose only possible funding strategy is via ads, but that well was lethally poisoned for me decades ago. I jumped onto the world’s first adblocker the moment it became available for Phoenix (now Firefox), and I have never looked back. The only way I will ever stop using adblocking is to stop using the Internet entirely.

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If I interpret what I see as a hint in the wrong way, and actually act on that misinterpretation, it could almost trivially lead to my arrest, conviction, and likely incarceration. And any sort of record - even if I was exonerated - could do significant to severe damage to my life-long economic potential.

So I just don’t fucking deal with hints. The math just does not make that a viable option in any logical or rational way.

If you, as a woman, can’t come out and converse like a functional adult, imma just gonna ignore you wholesale like the immature, games-playing child you are.

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This took place in the mid-90s.

I had just had a major loss of confidence after finding out my then-GF (also my first… so double whammy) was only with me because I was her “security blanket” while she waited for her childhood friend from three provinces over to get his metaphorical shit together. Found the two of them naked in bed together the very morning after he arrived. So yeah, not in my right mind.

A few weeks later my cousin came visiting from Germany, and had never been in a North American nightclub. So my mom kicked me out of the house to show her the local dives. We had left early, like 2130hrs, because my mom didn’t understand that it was a Wednesday and things didn’t start thumping until at least 2230hrs or even 2330hrs.

We get there, and only two other people were there, a pair of girls celebrating a birthday. They were there completely by accident, they nearly didn’t go because of how early it was. And because I was with a smoking hot girl (objectively yes, even though I had no interest), the two of them felt safe enough to join us for some conversation.

One of them was this homely but absolutely adorkably cute and awkward Chinese girl. We exchanged numbers, me honestly thinking nothing was going to come of it. Decided to do a seven-day wait before I called her, but she beat me to the punch by asking me out for coffee on day four. I didn’t even like coffee! Even now, the stuff tastes like industrial waste unless I add it to my cream and sugar. Of course I said yes.

Nearly three decades later, we are still together. Now granted, my mind was still fucked for a while after. Hell, it took me nearly a decade before I felt safe enough to pop the question. But even in my fucked-up state, she still saw something of worth in me. What it was I cannot imagine, but I thank the absolutely random and statistically extreme series of events that brought us together. She and I would have normally never met, we were in completely different social circles.

TL;DR: met my wife in the most clichéd place imaginable: in a nightclub.

And that’s why hardlining is still by far the best option available.

  1. Hardlined cameras need to be physically accessed and the cables snipped in order to disrupt them, and most cameras offering hardlining now feed Ethernet through their bases, providing additional protection.
  2. Most sub-20 camera systems can run for up to an hour or two on a 500VA UPS, and up to a week or more with PowerWall backups, defeating intentional power outages.
  3. A fully airgapped system can defeat any sort of direct Internet intrusion.
  4. Shielded Ethernet can help protect from crosstalk attacks provided they are correctly grounded with the appropriate switches.
  5. Hardware auth between cameras and the DVR can help defend against direct attacks via an unplugged cable or an open wall jack, in that only approved hardware can make the needed connections with either end.
  6. Encrypted communications between cameras and DVR can enhance the security of data across the wire.
  7. A brace of identical dummy cameras - similarly powered, if they have external indicators - alongside real ones will waste the time and effort of attackers who conduct physical attacks, while keeping recording-infrastructure needs to a minimum.
  8. Bonus if identical but “dark” Ethernet is similarly spoofed throughout the building, as not only will it confuse physical attackers, but it’ll also be already in-place for future communications-infrastructure improvements.
  9. DVR needs to be in a secured location, ideally fireproof. In combination with № 7 and № 8, a dummy DVR (with live screens showing actual content) can exist elsewhere to distract any physical attackers.

Sure, this list isn’t 100% coverage, but it gets you nearly there with a minimum of effort.

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50 years?

I would ask them how we survived the chaotic weather, massive parallel famines, collapse of trade & technology, and lethally high wet bulb temperatures of climate change.

Plus, there is also the high likelihood of all these causing a massive drop in human population that compounds the irreversible and permanent collapse of human civilization. To the point where any high tech is increasingly unlikely to exist.

The Right wants forced intervention

Forced intervention has a near-100% failure rate. All it does is waste taxpayer’s money while making the wealthy (the owners of these “rehabilitation sites”) even wealthier.

It is quite literally another implementation of “trickle-up economics”, explicitly designed to make the rich richer by punishing the poor for their poverty and parasitizing off the incomes of hard-working working-class Americans.

And since forced intervention is no different than forced incarceration without any sort of a trial, I would argue that it is materially worse than doing nothing at all.

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I may have 128Gb in my current rig (Dell Precision T7610), but if this is the way you’re gonna be bloating Windows 12, imma gonna be running to OpenSUSE or some BSD.

Yes, I use Win10Privacy to lobotomize all of the spyware and cruftware that comes with Windows. But it’s gotta be re-run after every significant Windows update.