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Those claims are about porn addiction. Not the act of watching porn. On top of that, putting the burden of child trafficking and abuse onto the sites that would publicly host porn is like blaming climate change on people putting plastic in the wrong bin. Places that propagate the awful content mentioned by this warning are already against the law and flying under the radar. This is just BS that gets righteous Texan votes, not something that helps victims. It certainly doesn't accept that consensual adults make and watch porn in healthy ways. It's also why these folks get called out for their scandals, which wouldn't be news worthy if they didn't grandstand.

"Westoids" didn't invent homosexuality. Nor did colonialists. Plenty of societies had no problems with it, long before current religions condemned it. Plenty of cruel leaders have tried to exterminate gays from their populations but you can't breed it out or kill it out, only oppress it temporarily. It is a fundamental part of being human and always has been.

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Somebody's brought a Yamaha cp80 to Afghanistan only to have it burned. I suppose this somehow helps allah

At this point the Margot Robbie account is a part of Lemmy's origin story

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This is a great time to support people like Olan Rogers who have worked for all the majors and are bucking the system. He funded his latest animated series pilot through kickstarter and is getting funding for the rest of the episodes now. Imagine that: paying creative people in advance and bypassing the corporate bullshit. He's even left kickstarter behind now to take payments directly.

Also with mentioning when Alan Tudyk did the same with Con Man, a comedy tribute to the Firefly fandom that was fan-financed for 2 seasons.

Helluva Boss doing quite well too.

You may not hear about shows like these because promotion is just not worth throwing any money at... The following is already grassroots and the powers that be make it tough to compete against their ads. But there is quality stuff being made by directly funding film makers. There just needs to be more ways of finding funds for up and coming talent.

(And there needs to be a better place to release non network shows than YouTube, but that's a whole other can of worms)

In my first weeks with it i had a subdirectory named "home" somewhere in a project directory I was done with. It must have been finger memory but when i went to delete it I typed

rm -Rf /home

That slash ruined my day

For people looking for a more realistic take...the last 48 hours are clear so this is 72 hours back.. Not sure if that's a data issue or the fires have gone out now.

That's a 419 when you surprise people with a coffee pot.

Aren't you worried about your citizenship being revoked?

I'm just sure this meme guy went on to have a very successful life in the food industry... And they were happy to accept both the data and spirit of his research.

Well explained. Thanks for spelling it out.

It wasn't a play on words. PEPFAR had bipartisan support until recent months when heritage foundation decided to target it for made-up abortion fears. It was truly keeping it real by just being a health benefit program for countries that needed help fighting aids and it has saved millions of lives. But 20 years later in today's political climate it is somehow controversial.

Before jumping to conclusions realize that:
1-6: incest ain't so bad.

Thanks for posting that. I think it sums up the double speak nicely.

If you're looking at the Senate it's actually the other way around in the last decade. With the house and other offices it's much harder to say who does it more. I don't think it's any sort of conspiracy or playbook, just something that makes the news and sticks in people's memory when it happens... It's a betrayal after all.

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Best day of their life

You make it sound like the quality is what will increase with human/AI partnership. What will realistically happen is an expected rate of output. Why can't you deliver a book every year with an AI ghost writing? People who work slowly or meticulously will be phased out by those that can quickly throw together a collage of their own words and their guided filler. It's amazing and futuristic. It can be very useful and inspirational. But I do not share your optimism that it will make creative industries better. It will allow a single person to put together a script that would've taken a team... But the better content will now be drowning in this sea. Unfortunately, I expect an equivalent of the media explosion that happened when the reality tv format became an ok thing, eventually leading to shows half filmed on phones. The end result will be double the marvel movies every year.

super nerd, please tell me your reasons involve zero g poop.

also hilarious that the world greatest scientists and engineers settled on "just hold it" before they figured out the poop hoover.

Well played ChatGPT, but your bias towards subjugating the human race makes this post inauthentic.

The DarkGPT ages. All knowledge from this time must be questioned.

Uncle Larry is a pig, he can't use a phone!

What will really bake your noodle is you just did.

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They are bred with domestic pigs so they have less survival instinct and the clients can find them (i.e. they don't avoid blinds and feeders). One-off clients would give your ranch bad reviews if they didn't see anything all weekend. Meanwhile regular hunters understand truly wild animals can elude you for days. If a visiting group has come up dry all weekend they might even release a sacrificial domestic pig (just out of sight) that will then walk right towards the clients, innocently arranging it's own death. Source: am Texan who hunted pigs.

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Huh, I didn't click the Wikipedia link until I read your comment because I assumed it was a name coincidence. Man, that guy has had one hell of a life.

And also doesn't write his own songs

Sure, but be aware it's a popular line from The Matrix series specifically about predetermination!

My first thought was "why are you so angry at this person who was cheated on while deployed?". I've had friends in that situation, it's a sad cliche. A disturbingly large percentage of military wives just aren't equipped to handle how much alone time active duty leaves them with.

Then i saw his user name.

I wondered how long it would take you to get here

It's worse than the just Karens. If you don't pay the fines they will put a lien on your property and eventually evict you. This has created a strong market pressure towards swindling people out of their places. Financial groups that manage HOAs wholesale are now the norm and they love encouraging Karens to generate nonsense rules and report offenders... They get a cut of either the fine or the home sale sand get to play the role faceless enforcer. There are no regulations on how high fines can go, nor how high LATE FEES on those fines can go, nor how soon "late" is.

We are way past the time when HOAs were harmless funny people hyperfocusing on lawns... It's a predatory business now.

It's an open specification, though Google started it, and Apple is going to be contributing to the organization that oversees it. Specifically they said they want to add support for end to end encryption... So they are already steering the spec in new directions.

"just out of sight" was an exaggeration. They could be on the other end of the property to release a pig and its going to head towards the feed and the people.... Just like a hungry dog would. Also, blinds usually face a single direction.

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Don't mind that turd. You took the time to do a thoughtful breakdown. It is a subtle nuance whether "Pentagon AI would be more ethical" or "AI managed by Pentagon staff would be used more ethically" and you were right to point it out. The headline could be accused of oversimplifying or clickbaiting but I don't think it was intentionally falsifying claims. The real story, as you pointed out, is the sense of righteousness and declaring a moral high ground based on any religion.

"Travel is fatal..." - Mark Twain.


Minty green?

Meh, scatters gonna scat. I'm more interested in when space faring future people with vacuum toilets contemplate the origins of the poop knife.

Solution: put milk in a coffee cup

Solution to standing out, not to the underlying problem of milk being weird

it's not the soldiers going to Belarus, it was only offered to pregozhin himself... if this is on the level