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Hi! I'm an anime artist!

guy has 12 children and probably talks to none of them in any sort of meaningful way

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So currently only Edge users can filter what gets picked up by Recall by site, and Chromium users get private browsing mode blocked out of the box? In the article, the Mozilla rep they interviewed says that Microsoft didn't reach out to them or hasn't made available any documentation on how to get non chromium browsers to pick what gets included in Recall.

Even if this is something thats off by default and is encrypted if you do turn it on, boy would I never want to turn it on.

Tangentially related, but I remember being in college when Tesla was like starting to take off. Like the Model S had just come out. I went to one of the Tesla internship presentations on campus and listened to some of the people who had the internship the previous year and they talked about how they were pulling like, 60+ hour weeks and that they had like, a shuttle that ran all throughout the night to take them from the workplace to the housing. Some talked about going back home at like 3AM, and then showing up for work again at 8AM. It really sounded kind of like it would be a very stressful experience and I didn't even want to apply after listening to it. I guess they were paid well, but

Sounds like things have only gotten way more chaotic since then

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lmao sounds like they just need to all stand right at the spot where the parabolas of the ceiling have a focal point.

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if the kids are acting like this on Roblox then they're gonna be alright

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"Sir! the enemy has spotted us and is asking where we got our nice pants."

my greatest fear in life is messing up so badly that Steve Burke calls me out.

man it sounds like things are really bad at EK

"Yeah i just spent over a grand on a laptop just so I could use MS paint fully"

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kinda hard to make video games if you keep laying off the people who make video games...

my heart goes out to those in the industry going through all this crap, man

the interns

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omg is that the yearbook picture of Jort, the inventor of Jorts?!??!!? no way!!!

we've long transcended beyond User Experience and into Advertiser Experience

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at this point, Boeing's gonna need a defense contractor's worth of weapons to deal with all of these whistleblowers... oh wait.

Ya'll better hope that Thanos doesn't object

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"Please return to the office. Or at least outside the office. We built the office inside-out accidentally"

i cant imagine anything i'd like to do less than play video games with people specifically on linkedin

boy is this still relevant and a good reminder that you were once a beginner at some point

There's nothing in Spotify's ToS that says you can't be a clam and use their service

Maybe not be exactly what you're looking for, but Logseq has a daily note-taking function. When you open it for the first time of the day, it shows you a blank journal with the current date as the header and you can put whatever you want in it. It has a search function that can search through all the notes you've made for specific text. It saves each day as a separate markdown file and you can sync these to your phone or other devices with Syncthing, a cloud service like Google Drive, or with git if you host something like Forgejo.

The only thing about Logseq is that it doesn't use the standard syntax for Markdown checkboxes. Instead, it has it's own Todo syntax, which is perfectly human readable without Logseq, but loses out of some convenience if you were to migrate to something else.

I lost it at the musical number. Most certainly one of the most games of all time

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idk something tells me that maybe, just maybe, those 1500 people actually did something at that company. I'm not a CEO tho so I can't be sure.

I swear Microsoft has had this weird obsession with digital assistants for decades now and users just don't want it every time.

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Those people you see on LinkedIn with like 20 programming languages on their resume are really looking for a job just to pay off the debt of buying 20 computers

ah yes. Ford and saving money and fires...

The article says that this is an extension of a recall from 2022 for the same problem, and that Ford says replacement parts are available, but its odd to me that they wouldn't just replace them. I guess we're still on risk calculation vs people freaking over a known reason that their car could catch on fire

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lmao similar to the pinch-zoom thing, I do a lot of digital art normally, but whenever I draw on paper, I reach for ctrl-Z first instead of flipping the pencil over. Probably doesnt help that If I do draw on paper, its in the same spot where I normally put my tablet

It'd be faster to mail the TCP packets via USPS

thats really good news! I hope it catches on. Soldered RAM really is an annoyance

well at least they know the rocket works now

There was one time I got spam calls just one after another for a good 15 minutes in a row. Like as soon as I'd reject the call, another one would come in. I ended up just turning off my phone for an hour or so. We're really in a bad state with spam

give me that zstd --ultra 22 its the only thing that will fix me

the wallpaper is of a vtuber, Amelia Watson. Her fans are called Teamates

If anyone's interested and using KDE, there's Yakuake, which is also a Quake-style terminal that fits in nicely with that environment

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Sounds more like the name of a car engine or something lmao

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It seems like the phone is applying wayy too much of some kind of sharpening filter. Are you zooming in very far? Cuz it may be trying to compensate for digital zoom by sharpening the image afterwards. If you've got a Pro mode setting on the camera app, maybe try using that instead and get closer to your subject, if possible. Pro mode should hopefully stop the app from applying any touch-ups to the image it thinks it needs.

I haven't used the flatpak version of it, but Darktable is real nice if you shoot photos Raw and need to process them a lot of them.

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they could throw a pizza party for their government clients. Less work than fixing the problem

This is anecdotal to me, but I remember going to the mall a whole lot as a kid cuz my mom liked shopping at the stores there. Nowadays, she still shops at the same stores, but usually through their own websites. For me, when I learned how to drive and could go to the mall myself, it was probably only to go to a place like Gamestop, since the one in the mall was the closest to me. Again, online shopping, and especially being able to download games through like, Xbox Live, the eShop (and Steam, but I wasn't really into PC gaming until much more recently) was much more convenient than having to drive 20-30 minutes to the mall.

EDIT: Another thing I remembered is that a Target opened up closer to where I lived, so it just became more convenient to shop there for stuff like cheap clothes vs brand name places like H&M. They also sold stuff you couldn't buy at the mall like groceries, so it was more enticing, i guess.

Recently I went back to the mall I grew up around and it was a lot more empty. One of the really big stores that was there when I was a kid was Sears and they're gone now, and that mall had a TON of space dedicated to Sears. No one has come to lease that space. The mall has a sprawling parking lot that's mostly empty now.

I remember as a kid there were always like, crazy extravagant displays at the mall around the Holiday Season, and things like raffles where you could win a new car or something, but I don't think any of that has happened there in recent years to nearly the same scale.

I wouldn't say this mall is completely dead yet (I visited a different mall that had like, maybe 5 stores open and a lot of converted office space in it on a Saturday afternoon and that was eerie and dead while still being open to the public), but I think its on its way out.

So instead of playing bad music, I can get ASMR while I'm on hold with my bank?

Remember, if you're sliding into her DMs, so is Netflix

I got a Xiaomi POCO F5 recently that might fit all your Must criteria (idk about size), but another Xiaomi may work. Just if you're located somewhere that doesn't use the Type C Socket, you may need an adapter or a different 67W charger

Xiaomi has a bootloader unlock process, though it is a bit involved. You've gotta put your SIM in the new phone, create a Xiaomi then you've gotta run their bootloader unlock software, which needs a Windows Computer, idk if it runs in a VM, if thats an issue for you. Then you've gotta keep your SIM in the phone and have it on for a full 7 days and then run the bootloader unlock software again, which will wipe your phone, but now the bootloader is unlocked

You do have to use MIUI for a week before you can wipe it and try something else, but once you go through it its fine. I've been using Paranoid Android on mine with no issues.

This should apply to any recent Xiaomi phone. Just something for your consideration

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