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Joined 1 years ago

Cool if the car was downloaded too

At least I don’t need to pay to turn it off.

I tried searching for Kbin Enhancement Suite posts on Kbin via Google... Guess what? All the results came back for RES for Reddit! On Reddit.

Basically just don’t prog endgame content on pf and you avoid most issues. And don’t crash an ERP den and be shocked to see whatever goes on in there.

@yunggwailo IMO it’s bad on big subs but for niche subs that can’t/won’t move to the Fediverse it’s the same. It’s incredibly frustrating because there’s almost nowhere else to have a decent conversation about these topics in a non-discord, forum-like fashion.

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Salmonella can hide out in the body and get reactivated again later so I’m not surprised. Plus your gut flora took a massive beating back then.

My only complaint about Voyager is lack of Kbin support. Perfect otherwise.

Yeah avoid showing cleavage or legs. Long pants in lightweight fabric should serve fine. Uniqlo Airism will do.

Not to mention when you’re indoors the aircon is actually cold.

@FixedFun all hail the party parrot!


@shepherd A warning about Pawoo: it is FAR TOO EASY to accidentally see lolicon hentai art there right now, despite the admins trying to do something about CP ( The legality and morality of lolicon hentai vs real human CP is another thing but at the moment that shit is out there in the open. Also, they don't allow you to search for text within posts, so you're limited to the global feed where you can encounter the aformentioned, or you have to specifically know who you want to follow and curate from there.


@Butter_My_Buttcheeks anybody know about kbin?

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I personally like to use MOGAI as an umbrella term - Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments, and Intersex - but it is not mainstream at all.

These days I use LGBTQ+ instead.

Interestingly the Facebook algorithm works so well for me it never shows me irl people, or politicians. Only animals, art and news articles (mainly long form editorials from NYT).

@LeylaaLovee Opoona on Wii, even though it has an official ENG translation

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@TwilightVulpine you absolutely should! Opoona's open world is so beautiful, even almost 15 years later, it can give Genshin a run for its money. I really should stream a replay of it sometime soon.


Weird, I didn’t change that setting but I’m pinging everyone. I thought it was a kbin default.

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I went to settings and turned it all off. Didn't see that there the last time I tweaked settings. Must be new! Kudos to ernest.

Nope but they’ll at least open kbin links when I send them memes…

No, it's just not a commonly used word.

No. Singaporean here. No parking is denoted by having double lines drawn on the tarmac. I don’t know what the stripes are for.

Starset!!! Specifically, Trials, Carnivore, Annihilated Love, and Something Wicked.

@FixedFun party parrot time!

Come to Kbin, we have it. I don't use it though.

Replicas have been made but they are less than 1% as active as what the originals on Reddit were. It's curing my addiction to internet drama though.

They’re trying to milk our subsidies.

@ernest having issues uploading a profile pic - is there a size limit? If so, would like to ask that the size limit be defined on the upload page.

I wouldn’t want to be another statistic that boosts their user count that they can brag about. And if there are ads, I don’t want to be contributing monetarily to them and their ideals.

I feel this applies to “smaller” platforms like lemmy more - where a very defined group is running the show. Or massive ones with certain figureheads who talk too much shit, like where most of us came from.

In essence, it’s a matter of principles.