4 Post – 350 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's Vermin Supreme's moment

Yeah I agree the control scheme contributes to the difficulty quite a bit. Between the dodging as you described and the lack of animation cancelling leading to "queueing" actions, you definitely need to be deliberate about what you're doing.

Not anymore, since I finished grad school and started a relatively lucrative career. They did help quite a bit during my undergrad and grad years though... which now drives my guilt about not really interacting with them despite them being unpleasant people overall.

Modern social media

It's gotta be the development of what we recognize as "intelligent". Our brains are not the goal of evolution, just a weird thing that happened.

Anyone who thinks this is remotely possible or a good idea has no idea what healthcare providers actually do on a day to day basis- especially in inpatient settings like hospitals

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"It's like relying on unpaid labor when the company has nearly a billion dollars in revenue," he added. Reddit reported revenue of $804 million in 2023, according to an earlier filing.

It's not like that, it is that.

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Official answer: no, there are microscopic fibers of mold probably all throughout the cheese

Real answer: if you've got a normal immune system it's probably fine

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If 11 people agree to share a table with 1 nazi, you have a dozen Nazis.

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I think what a lot of people mean by that is "you always have to make other people feel as if they're wrong"

Absolutely not.

You should be able to burn flags anywhere, not just in a designated area.

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I'm all in on Lemmy. Haven't tried many others.

This is one of a thousand reasons why the entire insurance industry should be burnt to the ground

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One of us One of us One of us

Time. Crushes are naturally a temporary infatuation. They pass given time. Have fun with the fantasies, but I personally would not suggest trying to actually hit on her.

It's poor form to hit on people in their work places. If she initiates, that's one thing, but I wouldn't try anything otherwise.

Homeopathic remedies

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I'm pro sex work, however:

I have mixed feelings about the current ubiquity of online sex work like onlyfans. In theory I've definitely got nothing against it but I'm worried that a lot of young women are faced with shitty economic prospects vs potentially lots of money on onlyfans. The alternatives are so poor sometimes that it feels like coercion.

I just wish young people had better options all together.

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Agree. I work in an ICU and see the effects of alcohol and tobacco CONSTANTLY. I've seen a serious problem from cannabis once.

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Jack Black

Lots of good posts here so far. Something I haven't seen mentioned is incel fascination with what is essentially phrenology. "My jaw is only 34% as prominent as the ideal and therefore I will never know the touch of a woman".

Ignoring the literal-ness of "all human lives have value", equating billionaires to an ethic group enduring apartheid and genocide is a hell of a take...

It is not a joke, as one of the most recent posts by this user uses the K slur for Jewish people. I don't know why you'd assume it's a joke in any case, anyway; it certainly wouldn't be a good one...

My two cents, piracy is not necessarily more complicated than it ever was at its simplest, but the potential for enhanced automation and security is MUCH higher than it used to be. That's the complex part.

I'm one of the lucky private tracker people. If I wasn't in there, I'd go all in on Usenet.

It's not "misleading," because the vast majority of people understand what the current colloquial use of crypto is.

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Diablo and star wars being on this list is insanity

This may sound like a rhetorical question but I promise it's sincere.

Why would I be more concerned about China having my data than when the US has the potential to collect that same data AND MUCH MORE through surveillance that we know they do? My own government has a much higher potential to do me harm than one on the other side of the world.

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The mental health misinformation (or more charitably, widespread misunderstanding) on TikTok is fucking wild. Especially in regard to ADHD, autism, and couples therapy

This is stupid for a wide variety of reasons, but one of the more interesting ones is that text is notoriously inconsistent in dreams.

A very common "reality check" to see if you're dreaming is to look at a clock or text, look away, and look back. The time/text will nearly always change.

So explain to me how they expect COMPUTER CODE to work?

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The court cases mean nothing if he's elected

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Anti-natalism makes some good points

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Just hoping private torrent sites and Usenet remain relatively unscathed. Honestly I'm surprised about how many of the big private trackers have lasted so long.

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I'm in a line of work where I see death very very often.

I don't know what I've learned from it. Besides that it's coming. I also know there are things worse than death. Often, in the end, people/families can't accept it, and they end up uselessly suffering.

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And the shocking percentage of innocent people who are forced into bad plea deals or railroaded by the system? Do we throw away the key for them too?

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Zip up hoodie

I played when it first came out, then again around 2018. Felt like a huge waste of potential to me. Unless there's some legal reason, I absolutely cannot comprehend why a normal pokemon battling system wasn't included.

Unless doing something besides just reskinning their other game (Ingress?) was too much work.

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Here's my thoughts as a critical care PA:

If the patient is AOx4 / has capacity and there is no reason to suspect they're throwing out meds (or storing them for a bigger dose later, as sometimes happens with opiates), then I personally don't care if you visualize it, although I share another commenters thoughts that I'm not sure what the big delay is in such patients.

If they're AOx4 and have capacity but there IS suspicion of deception, there needs to be a conversation with the patient, nursing, and the provider team. This patient absolutely has the right to decline medication, and they need to know that they will get better care if everyone is honest with each other.

If they do not have capacity to refuse and there is suspicion that they are unable or unwilling to self administer the medication, yes you must watch them take it.

Edit: for clarification, are the doctors mad that you can't CONFIRM that they took the meds or mad that you aren't CONVINCING a person to take a med they don't want to take?

I agree with your observations in general. I think everyone's behavior is less tied to the whole end of the world thing and just a demonstration of how late stage capitalism has dissolved so many social structures that general social cohesion is starting to unravel.

Probably depends on how everyone else disappeared

I think most people will tell you that there's no need to use a VPN with Usenet. I personally do not. However, if one was to put any of the containers behind the VPN, I think that SABnzbd would be the one to do it with.

I'm not a Usenet expert so feel free to correct me.

They may not have invited them but they're not trying very hard to escort them out, either.

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