1 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Me: Can we do something about the Nazis?

Them: Now, now, we can't make ideas illegal even if they're morally detestable. That would be quite a slippery slope. After all, imagine what it would be like if government had that power and someone who disagreed with you was in charge.

Me: Well that's a relief, I can feel comfortable knowing that my rights are protected even as a {any ideology left of Reagan}.

Them: cocks shotgun Don't push it...

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Why are straight white people the only people who don't need a plot justification to exist?

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Similar thing happened at my first job out of college. It was a year into COVID and we'd been WFH since the spring before this annual June meeting. They had just gotten done announcing that our productivity had exceeded targets, when they added two more announcements:

  1. WFH was ending, and we'd all have to go back to an office that didn't have enough desks for everyone to be there all at once but that was okay because we could all just coordinate amongst ourselves as to who gets to sit where and when and when we had in person all-hands meetings some people could just sit on the floor and work.

  2. Due to a lawsuit filed against an entirely different OU we shouldn't expect much in the way of bonuses this year.

We saw the stress the company was under between the lawsuit and the move, so over the next couple months we helped by cutting about a million dollars a year from their annual salary budget.

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Well here's one civil right the cops can't easily ignore. If an undercover buys a donut is that covered by qualified immunity?


well this is causing me to learn things about myself.

Sounds like they used public money to pay the startup costs of a private security firm, and in exchange for that they write a bunch of bogus tickets so the town makes money

It doesn't make them rapists by proxy, but it does make them someone who believes the rapist they like should be the exception.

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Did they run out of monkeys?

The headline is technically grammatically correct but ambiguous. "...shot and killed unarmed black man" would have been better. If you absolutely need to stick to word/character count, "shot unarmed black man dead" would be less ambiguous and more in keeping with how people actually use "shot dead". I've watched a lot of westerns and I can think of quite a few where someone says "I shot him dead" but not one where someone says "I shot dead him".

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Condemn him? No. Judge him? Yeah, a little bit.

literally every day. I don't want to sequester myself in my room to play on my PC, and I don't want to monopolize the living room TV and have a big desktop tower looking ugly in the entertainment center, so the deck essentially gave me PC gaming back. I debated whether to buy it for months and months, and I shouldn't have. My goal was nothing more than to be able to play PC games and to unlock emulation on a small screen with real controllers. I just finished playthroughs of metal gear solid 2 and fallout new vegas, and I'm starting red dead redemption 2 today (if the damn download ever finishes). The only thing I'd caution a new purchaser about is springing for the big hard drive and/or being willing to install an aftermarket one. SD cards seems like a reasonable sol'n but reports are coming in that the deck is hard on them because it does a lot of writing to the card, and that an SSD is a worthwhile investment.

At a press conference today, Musk was quoted as saying:

Look at me. Look at me. Please, God, I need people to be paying attention to me and validating me all the time. Ever since I fucked it up with my hot goth gf I've been an absolute mess of transparent attempts to remain relevant. I tried to gain your approval by doing what I guessed would be cool guy shit like going on stage with Dave Chappelle and yelling at you small people about how rich I am. I did the meme thing with the fake money and the fun monkey pictures. I spent billions evading your blocks on Twitter. I give up. You don't have to love me. No one will ever love me. But I need you to always be looking at me.

Musk then produced an acoustic guitar and began to play a cover of Matchbox 20's "Push". According to reports, the entrepreneur who used his slave-generated wealth to build a private space program was on the verge of tears and within shouting distance of the key as he sang the line "Don't just stand there/say nice things to me/cuz I've been cheated and I've been wronged".

Turns out that being against rape in 99.9% of cases isn't good enough.

He didn't get convicted of rape and being unlikeable. He was convicted of rape. The penalty being assessed is the penalty for rape. Whatever else he may have done, good or bad, he did the rape. He should pay the penalty for the rape that he did. If he collects money for disabled children on Sundays, he shouldn't be punished less, he should pay the penalty for rape. If he's a jerk who gets drunk on weeknights and starts his political opinions with "I'm not racist, but..." he shouldn't be penalized additionally for that. He should be penalized for rape. This thing where we make room for "He's a rapist, but..." is fucking garbage. It reeks of Brock Turner's dad trying to reduce the lifetime of harm his son inflicted on a woman to "10 minutes of action". If a rapist who operates a puppy rescue is less of a rapist than a rapist who does other things we all agree to be unpleasant then it's not about the harm inflicted, it's about how much we all generally like the rapist.

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If the top makes you feel like Soyjack instead of Chad that's on you. There's no freedom like insignificance.

Imagine how difficult it is to try to tell people that you are, globally, the pre-eminent batman researcher...

Then define the balance. How many seconds of efficiency is worth sacrificing 1 gram of edible potato?

Ok but it could be a raspberry pi chilling in someone's house using utilities they already pay for anyway.

Oooh the agony

Oh the shame

To make his privates public for a game

I wish I knew how dope it was so I could've bought it six months before I did

But we absolutely see backlash of the type of "why does he have to be gay" in response to something as simple as two men holding hands, or other things that would never be seen as "making a point to mention someone's sexuality" if that sexuality is straight. I'm generalizing away from this particular example and addressing the idea that anything that isn't cishet is abnormal and requires justification.

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Another popular theory is that God created the entire universe, and that has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a Bad Move.

"do not respond to emergency calls" list

Bro everyone everywhere is on that list. Cops don't do anything unless they're forced to or they get to RP Bad Boys

Below this comment is Harvard medical school contradicting you and saying that citric acid is effective in preventing kidney stones. Do you stand by your uneducated guess?

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They won't leave people to die! That would be terrible! They'll just shoot the criminals, the victims, a few bystanders and any dogs they happen to see on the way.

why should one side strictly obey the rules of chess when the other side has kicked over the board and pulled a gun? at this point, playing fair would be Ukraine engaging in a full-scale invasion of russia, kidnapping russian children and shipping them back to Ukraine.

He made it clear that he'll let them hurt the people they want to hurt. That's what conservative politics is: a list of enemies and strategies by which they can be harmed.

this war began with the murder of countless civilians in 2014, and Russia has continuously murdered Ukrainian civilians every day for nearly 10 years now.

Justice would be the utter annihilation of Russia as both a nation and a state. Russia should be glad every day that the world doesn't want justice.

He's a repeat offender. He was convicted on multiple counts. Strictly speaking, he's not just a rapist, he's a serial rapist.

But I do think we'd agree about plea bargains. They let the guilty off scot free and let the overworked, underfunded judicial system off the hook when it comes to innocent defendants.

You see, I always thought that he bought Twitter so that he could have a parallel equivalent to that thing where the president can send a message to every cell phone instantly. You'll notice that one of the first things he did was make himself block-proof. He still shows up in your feed, even if you blocked him. That was actually what caused me to leave Twitter, though his later decisions have validated that. He's even floated the idea of getting rid of blocks altogether. He's slowly making Twitter unpalatable to anyone who isn't part of his white supremacist genius entrepreneur cult.

They don't have any problem figuring out what to charge me after I sign up. Whatever process they use for that they can use to tell me what it's going to cost before I agree. Unless internet access is like healthcare and nobody has any idea what anything costs and your bill is full of $40 Advils and charges for services you never received.

if you buy it and play games on it, regardless of what happens external to you, you didn't waste your money. I hesitated for like 3 months to buy mine and I was simply wrong. I'm having a blast with it and I wish I had gotten it sooner.

I still only have ever heard "Tim shot Eric dead." I've never seen it any other way except in this headlines.

I seem to recall food stores paying armed security to guard their trash. They spent money guarding trash with guns rather than letting someone survive that capitalism has deemed "unworthy"

Lazy fucks

Do you code?

My whole family was into vintage British roadsters. If you're willing to work a bit and to flip them after you've had your fun, all but the first one pay for themselves.

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I always thought of it like sending my kid to college. Doubly so because the money I got from selling my '72 MGB sent me to college.

I'd love to see an example of "I shot dead him". I'm not trying to be defensive, I'd really enjoy seeing it. Dialects fascinate me.

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