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Joined 1 years ago

Here's the list of devices supported by fprint

For non -standalone readers, you'll have to look up the actual fingerprint reader embedded within it.

Edit: it looks like this is a Bluetooth keyboard. My guess is it's highly unlikely to work with Linux as a fingerprint reader.

It's impossible for me listen to someone arguing in favor of eugenics without hearing, "we've gotta get rid of those people- you know the ones in talking about, right?" Fuck that noise.

It's always some narcissistic asshole who thinks they're the prototype for a new master race.

Yup. I've gone unmedicated for 10+ years as a result. I'll take the highs/lows of hashimoto's over ending up in the ER with my heart pounding out of my chest any day of the week.

It also has the benefit of being able to apply the vast majority of Ubuntu tutorials, etc. since it's based on it. Plus it doesn't force you to use snaps for everything.

It's no fun though. I had an old tracker that the clutch cable broke on. It was my only vehicle and it took a couple weeks for the replacement to come in. Switching between gears was okay once I got the hang of matching RPM. Starting, however, required me to turn the engine off at every stop, putting it in first, then letting the starter pull the car along a few feet until the engine was turning fast enough to run. It was a miracle I didn't burn the starter up. Thank god I lived in a pretty rural area and only had a few stops between home and work.

Overall, I'd rate driving manual without a clutch 1/10.

It's worse than that. It's arguing that her estate and surviving husband can't sue because he had a trial subscription to Disney+. It's fucking absurd.

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I'm going to say first off that this is kind of depressing. That said, after my initial knee-jerk reaction of "fuck you, Duolingo," it occurs to me that is might be a better outcome than them pulling out of Russia altogether.

Providing Russian citizens easy access to language learning provides them access to non-Russian media and non-Russian discourse on queer issues.

In my own experience, learning a language as an adult has taken place in ~3 stages: 1. learn from instructional material exclusively, 2. consume foreign language material with native-language support/tools, 3. learn more of the language via context. If having an app available to folks in an oppressive country helps them get through stage 1 and into 2/3, it gives them a chance to escape the hateful discourse of the regime... In theory.

On the other hand, maybe it's just capitalists being capitalists.

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Yes and no. Without endorsing them, the arguments for banning Tik Tok are subtler than Chinese = security risk. The fears, however reasonable you may find them, are largely that it presents a danger of foreign information gathering of detailed behavioral/location/interest/social network information on a huge swath of the U.S. population which can be used either for intelligence purposes or targeted influence/psyops campaigns within the U.S. When you look at the history of how even relatively benign data from sources not controlled by foreign adversaries has been used for intelligence gathering, e.g. Strava runs disclosing the locations of classified military installations, these fears make a certain amount of sense.

Temu, et al., on the other hand are shopping apps that don't really lend themselves to influence campaigns in the same way (though, if they are sucking up data like all the other apps, I wouldn't be surprised if folks in the U.S. security apparatus are concerned about those as well.

Ultimately, I think the argument fails because it assumes an obligation for Congress to solve every tangentially related ill all at once where no such obligation exists.

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In addition to all of the open source options that have been offered, Davinci Resolve runs well on Linux and has all of the above features (and many, many more). It's also a buy once keep forever situation rather than a subscription since they make their real money on hardware. OSS it isn't, but it's incredibly powerful, has an extensive free (as in beer) edition and beats the hell out of paying a monthly fee.

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Nonprofit versions of vital social tech. If I had the money sitting around, I'd love to start a nonprofit dating site/app. I met my wife on OKC in 2011 before it got bought up and enshittified. It was great and wasn't geared toward just keeping you engaged (they're soooooo bad now!). You'd probably have to gatekeep it with a small fee to disincentive bots, but with a relatively small investment, you could create something really useful for folks without preying on anyone's desperation.

Signal would be a good model for this sort of thing.

Edit: typos

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Ah yes, everyone's source for hard-hitting, unbiased news coverage. 🙄

This story got shot down for the whiny trash it is two days ago. What made you think people would forget?

Is there a good reason I don't know about to prefer this over Aegis?

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Seriously, what's with all the Mozilla hate on Lemmy? People bitch about almost everything they do. Sometimes it feels like, because it's non-profit/open-source, people have this idealized vision of a monastery full of impoverished, but zealous, single-minded monks working feverishly and never deviating from a very tiny mission.

Cards on the table, I remain an AI skeptic, but I also recognize that it's not going anywhere anytime soon. I vastly prefer to see folks like Mozilla branching out into the space a little than to have them ignore it entirely and cede the space to corporate interests/advertisers.

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It's a hoodie.

Well, on substack, that community of writers includes nazis who are able to monetize their hate through that platform. So, if that's what you're looking for...

To me, this reads like "Giant-ATV-Based Taxi Service Couldn't Exist If Operators were Required to Pay Homeowners for Driving over their Houses."

If a business can't exist without externalizing its costs, that business should either a. not exist, or b. be forced to internalize those costs through licensing or fees. See also, major polluters.

The only option that fits your budget today I can think of would be picking up one of the old xeon combos off of AliExpress. I spent like $100 on a MB+CPU+64GB DDR4 combo with a 2880 v4 I think. 14c/28t at any rate. You can probably grab a case/power supply/video card used for under $50 on eBay.

Please note that I'm not saying that this is a good option; it took a lot of fiddling for me to get mine running smoothly. But if you've got more time and patience than money, it might work for you.

The thing I really hate about it is that where I live, they don't have bags at the self checkout. Cuz you know, someone might steal a fucking plastic bag. 🙄

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Congratulations! That's a big step!

If you're taking oral estradiol, a pill case. Super helpful for figuring out if you remembered your meds. I like the little circle ones with the push button. They're cheap and come with a creating case that's easy to throw in a purse.

If you're anything like I was, you'll have a roughly zero percent chance of forgetting... at first. Once it becomes just a part of your life though, the case helps.

Not directly related to HRT, but get started on that hair removal as soon as you can. I'm still working through my laser treatments and I really wish I'd started them sooner. (A note on that: if you do laser, you'll be told not to shave or use makeup for a week after each treatment. For me, that was a nonstarter. Anecdotal, but this appears to be a liability thing more than anything else as I have consistently done both following treatments with no ill effects).

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Training how to use "AI" (LLMs demonstrably possess zero actual reasoning ability) feels like it should be a seperate pursuit from (or subset of) general education to me. In order to effectively use "AI", you need to be able to evaluate its output and reason for yourself whether it makes any sense or simply bears a statitstical resemblance to human language. Doing that requires solid critical reasoning skills, which you can only develop by engaging personally with countless unique problems over the course of years and working them out for yourself. Even prior to the rise of ChatGPT and its ilk, there was emerging research showing diminishing reasoning skills in children.

Without some means of forcing students to engage cognitively, there's little point in education. Pen and paper seems like a pretty cheap way to get that done.

I'm all for tech and using the tools available, but without a solid educational foundation (formal or not), I fear we end up a society snakeoil users in search of the blinker fluid.

I chose a name that means the same thing as my birth name, but in a different language (old English -> Norwegian). I asked my mom what my name would have been if I had been born a girl and took that first name as my middle name.

I agree with respect to the low likelihood of changing one's old posts being effective in preventing their being used as training data. I'd assume, however, that those who are motivated to "vandalize" (itself a loaded term to refer to altering one's own words) their old posts have more than one motive; in addition to inconveniencing humans, doing so devalues reddit as a place to find information and, in theory, punishes reddit for their actions, maybe even deters others from behaving similarly.

This a situation where I think that maybe a shared distaste/disdain for "slacktivism" leads to folks discouraging potentially effective collective action in one of the limited contexts where online protest has a chance of having any effect.

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Aside from driving being an activity that, in my opinion, will require something approaching AGI, there are other issues to consider. Self driving cars will be completely unable to make difficult decisions reliably. How, for example, do they deal with a robbery where you just have someone stand in front of the car to immobilize it and then have the folks inside the car at your mercy? I have to imagine that either you're producing pedestrian murder machines or serving up passengers on a silver platter.

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I'm fine with folks with strong political convictions. The thing that gets me is the viewing of literally everything through the lens of reductive party politics combined with the belief that anyone who disagrees is an idiot or a monster.

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My first couple of months after starting my transition, my legs (and sometimes arms and other areas) were basically razor burn city. I tried literally every razor and shaving cream under the sun to avail. Finally, i switched to an electric razor. No more razor burn. The shave's not as close, but i also don't look like a renaissance-era smallpox victim, so worth it.

It probably takes me 5 minutes to do everything (face, legs, arms, chest/abdomen) if I do it every day. It takes maybe 15 if I let it go more than 3 days or so.

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I think this might want a clean sheet design. At least as I understand it, there are issues with privacy in the fediverse/activitypub vis-a-vis non-public messages. I think it's also an area where, in order to go the most good, you'd want simple signups and easy engagement (to say nothing of being able to trust that your info has been deleted when you delete it).

Clearly, I'm here and I value the philosophical underpinnings of the fediverse, but I think it might not be the best fit for dating.

That said, if you feel like you can solve those problems, you'd be doing a world of good if you're right.

I second this. I use a couple of dirt cheap VPSs from racknerd ($24/yr for 1 CPU/512Mb ram, but you can find coupons online to get them for $10/yr 1CPU/768mb ram) one does port forwarding over wireguard to my mail server so I can keep all my data in house, the other hosts an NGINX reverse proxy for all my web services. Works great. I use the reverse proxy for nextcloud and jellyfin for myself and 6 other users. Never had an issue. (Well, never had an issue I didn't cause myself at any rate.)

It's a little harder to set up than some of the other suggestions, but it's cheap, fully transparent to users, and doesn't expose your home network to the outside world.

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What on earth would possess folks to replace their often expensive existing peripherals for no benefit? To totally get rid of USB-A a person will either be out a bunch of money or be stuck with having to keep track of adapters for all their devices they can currently just plug in. An industry move to do so would necessitate the creation of a huge amount of e-waste and would net everyone else precisely nothing.

USB-C is great for mobile devices as it's small, relatively robust, easier to connect, and does pretty much everything from power deliver to video to connecting any device imaginable. Desktops (and even laptops really) don't need to place such a premium on port size. Laptops and other mobile devices standardizing on USB-C for power is great. We can charge all our devices from the same charger. Fantastic!

Making 20+ years of working equipment harder to use and forcing billions of people to buy stuff they don't need (and that many can't afford) would be wild.

Expect to continue seeing USB-A for a long, long time. No need to replace anything with a USB-C version until it breaks (and maybe not even then).

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The really nice thing about old cameras is that the glass is cheap. With an F-mount Nikon, you've got decades worth of lens production flooding the used market and really affordable upgrades for the body if/when your decide to move up.

Let folks with more money than brains (or someone else footing the bill) chase after the latest and greatest while you scoop up the leftovers. :)

Same here. There's plenty I might like to change here and there in life, but absolutely nothing on this front. Celebrating 11 years in a few weeks, best decision I ever made.

Now, the first time... Well, second time's the charm, it would seem.

Don't forget the smoot!

This is something I find myself learning. When I first came out and started really living as "me," I think I had this understandable need to be FEMME at all the time and eschew roles/activities I saw as "masculine." I think this exacerbated my partner's "mourning."

As I get a bit more comfortable in my own skin, I find it easier to just do what's natural for me. I was literally thinking this two days ago, when I found myself with my arms wrapped around my partner as I stood behind her. It still feels nice/right and it feels good to have these moments of "reclamation" of parts that I felt the need to toss aside in a drive toward "femininity." It's a weird thing, these boxes we create for ourselves (well, me for sure at any rate) when we'd never try to box other women in in the same way. Good ol internalized transphobia I suppose.


However, extensions using Manifest V3 can still update some filters the old way, without a full update to the extension and a review process by Google. These are called “dynamic rules,” and starting in Chrome 121 (which arrives in January, several months before Manifest V3 becomes mandatory), up to 30,000 dynamic rules are allowed if they are simple “block,” “allow,” “allowAllRequests,” or “upgradeScheme” rules.

Maybe the filter rules required specifically for YouTube don’t work with those rule formats, I don’t know! If they’re not, then Google still allows an additional 5,000 rules with more broad capabilities. Either way, the statement “whenever an ad blocker wants to update its blocklist […] it will have to release a full update and undergo a review” is not true and can be easily disproven by checking the Chrome developer documentation, Mozilla’s documentation, or a blog post that Google published a month ago.

Perhaps my reading comprehension is off here, but I don't follow the logical jump being made here. My only guess is that the author is reading claims regarding the need for a full extension update to update block rules as meaning that the extension update & review are needed for any/all updates to the filter rules. That seems a rather pedantic and ungenerous reading to me. Especially when considering that the impact on users is the same if an update to those 5,000 rules is needed to effectively block the most frequently encountered and obtrusive ads.

Regardless, I think I'll take my info from the folks developing these tools rather than someone who admits to not understanding how ad blocking works before acting on their urge to correct "someone who's wrong on the internet." 🙄

Doesn't this only put a (statistical) limit on how cheaply a civilization can launch planet-ending attacks? It may well be feasible for a civilization to aim and accelerate a mass to nearly the speed of light in order to protect itself from a future threat. It doesn't necessarily follow it would be feasible or desirable to spend the presumably nontrivial resources needed to do so on every planet where simple life is detected.

Add to this the fact that, at least I understand it, evidence of our current level of technological sophistication (e.g. errant radio waves) attenuates to the point of being undetectable with sufficient distance and the dark forest becomes a bit more viable again.

Personally, I don't like it as an answer to the Drake equation, but I think that it fails for social rather than technological/logical reasons. The hypothesis assumes a sort of hyper-logical game theory optimized civilization that is a. nothing whatsoever one our own and b. unlikely to emerge as any civilization that achieves sufficient technological sophistication to obliterate another will have gotten there via cooperation.

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Aviation/Flying. r/flying had been a pretty much daily stop for me prior to leaving reddit as it was one of they only good places to talks with other pilots. I'd love to have a place to chat with other pilots and/or homebuilt aircraft folks rather than a dozen or so barely maintained forum sites.

Didn't our little Free Speech Absolutist™️ ban the "slurs" cis and cisgender while also banning folks who misgender cis folks while supporting those who do the same to trans folks? (To say nothing of the removal of lots and lots of other legal speech that he did not like. If that's what unbiased looks like to you, I think that you may want to examine your own biases.

Hey! Sorry you're feeling shitty. I just finished Cassette Beasts while I was down with COVID. It's a fun, different take on the Pokemon formula with a cool aesthetic. Perhaps not the absolute coziest, but still cozy in my book.

Racknerd has VPSs starting at around $10/yr. Been using them to host my email/nextcloud/jellyfin proxies for a while now with no issues or unexpected downtime. They don't have any of Linode's advanced features, but they're pretty hard to beat price-wise.

Link to their coupon page