
1 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Husband, Father, Gamer, Nerd

Well that's the end of me ever doing anything productive for the rest of my life.

Where's the problem? She and her husband were obviously consenting, the viewers were consenting.

Who the hell cares.

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This relationship can be saved as long as the guy's wife does not start expressing an interest in Emacs. That would, of course, put an end to the relationship, but if she's one of those "Notepad is all I need" types, there is hope this can be worked through.

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Truly a tragedy when people cannot live their lives because of fear.

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The most Presidential of all our former Presidents. I will shed tears at his passing.

State-sanctioned murder is never ok.

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From what I've read it was already unplayable...

... On any platform

Your worth, your value is not determined by what someone else makes.

Also, I'm a bit ignorant of this subject so forgive me if I get it wrong, but did he not go to school significantly longer for his MD than you did for yours?

I believe he also had to go through the hell that is residency, I didn't believe nurses do.

If you're envious of his salary, improve your skills, or your education. If you're happy where you are at In life, then don't let the fact that others make more than you interfere with that happiness.

No matter what you do, there will always be others who make more, one of those sad facts of life.

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I won't be retiring. Not particularly good with money, plus a divorce, I'm 60, and have about 200K in retirement. It's my own fault, I could have been far smarter. Now was always far more important than then.

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I've been on my project for 23 years. I haven't written production code for ten of those years. There are still commits in the production branch with my name on them. Is both gratifying and mortifying.

I was talking with two other "old-timers" today about our inability to pay off tech debt because our teams are never given the time to do it

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I'm 6'6", I've always wanted a dog that could put its paws on my shoulders and look me in the eye.

That dog looks like it could do that!

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You get a reply just because it's the quality of your post

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Hey, thanks for taking the time to chat, I enjoyed it! I gotta crash, but I'd really like to pick this up again tomorrow.

Nintendo and Game Freak execs have wet dreams about developing a Pokemon game this interesting.

They haven't iterated on their formula since the first game. The 3D version could have been a 2D re-skin.

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I'm old so things were a bit different...

When I was growing up, adults were Mister and Misses. When Mr. Jones became Jack and Mrs. Smith became Barbara it was an indication that I was an adult.

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Absolutely works for me that's a very anarchistic take.

To quote Trent Reznor, "I hurt myself today to see if I still feel."

I don't do "typical" self-harm. When my depression really gets me in it's grips, I be fine myself banging my head against the wall.

When the internal pain gets so bad, the external pain can be a distraction from it.

I'm an evangelist's kid. I grew up surrounded by religion. When I got to my 30s I started reevaluating matters of faith. Now in my 60s I consider that journey complete. On "good" days I'm agnostic, on "bad" days an atheist.

I know many awesome people of faith. I know many hideous people of faith. I know many awesome nonbelievers, I know meant hideous nonbelievers.

Be a decent human being and very few people will care what you believe.

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What a lovely post. Thank you for sharing it.

I'm 60 years old, my father passed many years ago. I have still not come to grips with all the complexities of our relationship. My wife knows that if we ever see a film or TV show where a parent, but particularly a father shows any form of approval for something their son did, I will turn into a blubbering mess.

That said, more rational me knows that there were many ways in which my father was a good dad, if am willing to take the time to look for them.

I have three sons and a daughter, my greatest hope in life is that they won't have the same issues with me as a father that I did with my own dad.

Thanks again for this amazing story about how even small things we do can have a great impact, and not necessarily on those we expect them to.

Easy! because it just actually occurred. I'm a misanthrope, but even misanthropes need friends.

When I was five or six, I met a guy in 1st grade Sunday School and we have been friends ever since.

A couple of weeks ago, I celebrated my 60th birthday, my wife took me to the Kentucky Derby Museum to start my birthday off with a tour of Churchill Downs. As I was perusing the gift store prior to our tour, I heard a voice behind me "what are you doing here!" I turned around to see my friend of 55 years. He and his wife had flown in to celebrate with me.

An extraordinary gift.

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There are two problems here I'm unsure which is worse.

  1. Car companies and the owners of those cars being blamed for criminals stealing. We don't blame victims, we blame perpetrators.

  2. Car companies blaming free speech for exposing their faulty security.

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Cop: why are you nervous?

Me: I'm always nervous around people who can kill me with impunity and get a paid vacation for doing so.

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There is no requirement that you do. I'm completely unsure why people believe that you must allow shitty human beings in your life because they are family. Fuck that! Allow people in your life who make your life better. If that's family, that's great, if it's not family that's completely ok also.

I think you may be right if the kids were younger.

My father was in the RAF in WWII. He was literally bombed by the Germans.

We moved to the States when I was six and I started school here in 1969. In second or third grade some friends and I learned how to draw swastikas. We sorta maybe knew they were the emblem of the German military, but beyond that we were ignorant. I got out my crayons and drew them in many colors all over my school notebook.

I took that notebook home to show my parents this cool thing I had learned. Neither of them said a thing, but my mother bought me a brand new notebook.

I look back on that with so much shame. Even without knowing the depth of meaning to that symbol, I had not put together that this was the symbol of a military that had done its best to kill my father, his family, and had succeeded in killing thousands and thousands of his countrymen.

Now, knowing full-well what that symbol means, the shame is deeper.

All that said, I was eight or nine so my ignorance might be excusable. I'm unsure that it is for high schoolers.

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This was a spectacular read. Consumable even with no engineering background.

Really well done.

In December I got COVID for the 4th time. Yes I'm vaxxed. No I'm not boosted.

Prior to this bout I was working out 30 minutes a day. Since this bout I can barely climb a flight if stairs without getting winded.

It really sucks.

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Growing up I had a "shrunken head" kit that used apples and a 100 watt light bulb. It provided hair and stuff to make shrunken heads.

I thought it was cool, but my results never matched what was on the box.

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My problem right now is I created my character and am very happy with them in character creator, but when I look at him in game I'm unhappy. I've even paid to tweak him a bit and it's better but I'm still not happy.

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Took me until college to sort that out. And that was 40 years ago so I have more not caring than caring in my timeline. That's a good thing.

Boy THAT will work! Good idea government!

Our government has completely lost its way. The Founders would be both appalled and ashamed.

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You do not need a college education to get a good job. The trades need good workers and they make pretty good money. Go down to a union hall and offer to be an apprentice at something. Build some of those skills you say you don't have!

Prior to her posting at Fort Knox, my wife was stationed in Queens, NY. We spent 3.5 long years living in Long Island. We now live in a town of about 3K people, and it's lovely and rural and I live it.

When you call the cops you're calling people who can kill you with impunity and get a paid vacation for doing so. Just say no to calling the cops.

Is this not why we elect Congress, to pass the laws under which we live? We did not elect bureaucrats. We elect legislators.

It's why we have three branches of government.

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My son just said the same thing. Game Freak are actually going to have to do some work!

This falls into the No Shit Sherlock category.

My daughter's fifth grade year, she was mostly her own teacher. She's motivated and wants to do well, so it mostly, sorta, kinda worked for her.

Any student not particularly motivated was in for ax world of difficulty.

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I'm right there with you BC2 was the highpoint for me and absolutely nothing has scratched that itch since.

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Very very aware.

So you had another mail server elsewhere that port forwarded port 25 via port 22 to your internal mail server's port 25.

I take it that outside mail server was secure.

That's an impressive setup.

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Couldn't have said it better. Figuring shit out is half the fun.