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He didn’t say that the government won’t go after Maersk, just that the federal government is fronting the cost. If the bridge had to wait for Maersk to pay up it could be years before they begin rebuilding.

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The craziest part about McCarthy is that (I would argue) he still choose party over country but the crazy members of the party couldn’t see that. He knew a shutdown would have been devastating for their image, but all the extremists could see was working with the enemy.

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Not with stimulants, one of the major benefits of them is that they work immediately.

I think the major concern is the idea of the government backdoor, any company that implements such a thing is adding a serious weakness to their product. I’m sure the major companies will probably find some other way to contain it to the UK (or leave the UK entirely), but some will opt for the backdoor to cut costs.

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I actually somewhat enjoy using Windows 10 after using a debloat tool and adding a package manager. Windows 11 is still unbearable though.

Definitely patent trolls. They don’t use the patents at all and they have a bunch of lawsuits ongoing against other game developers.

It’s because there’s very little they truly believe in, so when they see people on the left have actual convictions they assume they’re liars just like themselves.

Anything other than backing the employee would be grounds for a discrimination lawsuit. They can’t claim public pressure made them fire them if the main reason was gender identity.

Most new EVs have almost as much range as a typical gasoline equivalent, and some can get hundreds of miles of range out of 20 minutes on a DC fast changer. Plus the batteries get an estimated 15-20 years of service, or somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 miles. That’s around as many miles as a gasoline engine will get before the problems begin piling up.

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That’s not what you claimed. You claimed they worked with the Nazis, which they absolutely did not.

Only because those radicals have thus far been useful idiots. Trump certainly bit them in the ass and turned the party on its head, but the party is still supporting capital. Had he come out the gate with a crusade on corporate America his campaign would have faltered very quickly.

Most mistrials are retried from the beginning. I imagine it’s mostly the cases that involve misconduct on the judges behalf that get throw out, as that’s a strong argument for a 6th Amendment violation.

In the case of one government criticizing another it’s definitely fair to point out hypocrisy. The problem is that in most cases it’s used to avoid discussion on a topic by changing the subject of the debate.

That said, it is also fair to say that the first comment kind of shoehorned in the caste system on a topic that had nothing to do with it.

It’s weird to have pride in race if you experience no adversity because of it. Since white people don’t face the same kind of challenges white pride just feels like “I’m proud of my privilege”, whereas with black pride it’s more “I’m proud of who I am despite the challenges I face because of it”. Same goes for other things like LGBT pride, it’s celebrating who they are even if it cause them a lot of hardship.

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It might not be to the point of permanent damage, but you certainly wouldn’t be feeling good. You probably wouldn’t be iron deficient, but a lot of vitamins are only stored in small amounts in the body.

This is how I see it. It’s probably a fairly fluid part of someones sexual identity, but it is identity nonetheless. Though I would argue most people aren’t poly, as there’s a pretty big difference between having multiple sexual partners and multiple romantic partners, as well as between one person with multiple partners and several people all in a relationship together.

The Post Office is a good example of how much easier it is to just run it publicly. The Post Office literally generates revenue, whereas subsidizing a private entity to do the same would be just throwing tax dollars down the drain with little return.

Not OP, but for me I would feel very tired and unfocused (more so than usual) for a day or two, then I would be back to my baseline. There aren’t really any physical or emotional withdrawal effects for me.

Ultrasound at 140 dB which can still seriously damage hearing, you just don’t hear it happen.

It even pretty closely copies the logo.

The real issue comes in ownership of the AI models and the vast amount of labor involved in the training data. It’s taking what is probably hundreds of thousands of hours of labor in the form of art and converting it into a proprietary machine, all without compensating the artists involved. Whether you can make a comparison to a human studying art is irrelevant, because a corporation can’t own an artist, but they can own an AI and not have to pay it.