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Joined 1 months ago

I think we should maintain a state where this video isn't available to watch since we've always done things this way.

If this comes to pass, it's remarkable to think about how close we might have come to a timeline where Broadcom acquired VMware, Qualcomm, and Intel.

A chill just went down my spine.

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No, but they attempted a hostile takeover in 2017 that looked close to succeeding before the President issued an executive order preventing it.

I'm not sure it's a 'pigs flying' moment. Despite being an ultra-committed conservative, he's been a critic of Trump since the beginning (and other unserious Republicans like Sarah Palin) and voted Democrat in 2016 and 2020 accordingly.

Honestly, fair dues to him. He's from an elder era of more serious politics, and — as incongruent as it may sound when referencing those with a libertarian slant — an injection of that sort of seriousness is exactly what the American right-wing sorely needs. Like with Dick Cheney, I agree with him about virtually nothing — apparently except for the continuation of American democracy that's tragically on the ballot this November.

I wish there were far, far more Republicans willing to act similarly.

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I use Jellyfin in a way that sounds like what you want. You run a Jellyfin server wherever your FLACs are, access it via the web, and play things through your browser — or through Finamp on Android, in my case.

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It's about time. I understand the nuance at play, but it's plainly absurd that Russia can fire Iranian weapons into Ukrainian territory but Ukraine can't fire British weaponry into Russia.

That El Reg links breaks this report much better than some other reporting. It projects a tripling of carbon emissions from bit barns by 2030, with 40% of that increase being due to construction and materials fabrication and 60% from their operation.

I don't know this host but hosts that will spin up single services like this for you are fairly common. Tons of people use them for Mastodon hosting.

I'd consider just using cloud hosting or getting a VPS though, with which you'll be able to do much more.

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I can't; I'm out of the loop with VPS providers. I think if I needed one nowadays I'd look at small providers located near me.

I was using Linode for my many web apps and self-hosting projects until fairly recently, but when Akamai rebranded them and raised prices I moved to a Hetzner dedicated host, which worked out cheaper with my workloads. I run everything in LXC containers, all of which join my Tailscale/Headscale tailnet, and all of which get backed up to both my local NAS and to rsync.net (using rclone's crypt module).

I love the focus on the 'childless cat lady' line.

I think that line epitomises the pointless spite that characterises MAGAism. The constant bullying and insults are entirely unnecessary to their agenda but they just can't stop themselves, and if we end up post-November with them wondering how things might have gone had they not insulted tons of voters this way then I'll find that delicious.

I suppose the counterpoint is that the insults and bullying might well be necessary, that their 'othering' and painting opponents as lesser, more ridiculous, less human enemies is a core part of how such populist fascist movements gain traction. "The cruelty is the point," as some say.

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The suggestion there's some sort of wave of Democrats splitting for Trump is laughable when there's no ideological alignment between even the most centrist Democrats and Trump. The few jumping over, like Gabbard, are the most cynically hollow of politicians who have no political ideology to speak of, simply chasing what's best for their profile.

With the Trump campaign floundering and a Harris win looking more and more likely, I think even the most vapid and opportunistic of them will be thinking twice before jumping ship now.

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She's my favourite of the RWNJs for the sheer degree of entertainment she provided the night she live streamed chaining herself to the doors of Twitter HQ wearing a star of David armband after they banned her.

I wasn't aware she was embedded in Trump's troupe nowadays but that certainly tracks.

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I'm boring and just use Thunderbird nowadays, but sometimes I yearn for those simpler days when I daily drove aerc.

Uh, just trying non-modal vim for the first time and... how do I quit it? I can't :q.

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I think it's probably useful to mention the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) here which describes most of the tree structure detailed in the diagram.

The directory layout mostly adopted by most distros evolved over time though, with major differences existing in how distros view usage of different parts of the filesystem, making it more of a standard that documents how the filesystem is laid out rather than one that defines it.

On a personal note, I hated /run for the longest time, thinking it a pointless, redundant quirk that exacerbated inconsistencies across distros. More recently though, I've come to value a space that is now (mostly) implemented consistently as a tmpfs mount from which to handle runtime data.

Ehh, I've had a good life.

Agreed. It sure is easy to publicly not be a cunt.

Sway by default lets you move windows by dragging their title bar. Minimise/maximise doesn't make sense in Sway, but adding fullscreen and close behaviour to buttons on your menubar of choice or extra mouse buttons would be pretty easy. Graphical app launchers exist too — I use one in Sway on my Yoga since I primarily use its touchscreen.

I appreciate those things aren't in place by default, but they are kinda antithetical to the tiling paradigm, and if you're using something like Sway then you're probably tinkering a ton with it anyway.

I have no doubt large parts of their nuclear arsenal have been stripped to fund their maintainers' Krokodil habits but it only takes one to start a nuclear war, and a smaller and simpler tactical warhead on a Khinzal or Kh-15 of the sort we'd likely see used against Ukraine is less likely to have been scavenged.

I think their venture into crypto was a remarkable shift in their proposition, one that led me to immediately end my subscription. I moved to Migadu the same day they announced Proton Wallet.

I'm 100% with you on Docker. I haven't used BSD jails in a very long time, but do you have a view on how they compare to other Docker alternatives in Linux like LXC containers and systemd-nspawn?

to run a virtual pipe organ

This sounds like an incredible use case.

Zsh is a shell like bash that supports shell scripting like bash (though with some syntactical differences). It's a bit more like ksh than bash, but anyone familiar with bash will have no problems with zsh.

You can check out oh-my-zsh for an accessible preconfigured version of it (though I'd suggest installing via your package manager rather than the script on their website). I like the jreese theme.

I have opposing opinions

Please do share some opposing opinions rather than just shitting on someone else daring to add their voice to the great chorus of democracy.

I'm sure everyone will have a lot of time to indulge your certainly well-informed and nuanced political opinions.

I don't think that link says what you think it does.

I like the human-centred language, strange as it feels on the tongue. I wonder if it might help frame development a bit better in place of 'user' or 'customer' — aside from the more real distinction between humans and AI we're all going to have to get used to in design.

I used it for a while. The flipped mode of thinking with it was weird at first but I liked it once I got used to it.

I don't remember the specifics, but I vaguely recall encountering an issue with its LSP implementation that drove me toward thinking the whole LSP approach is insane and I went back to neovim.