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Joined 12 months ago

It's very irregular for a country to take back top level domains. Even refusing to renew registrations is unheard of.

ML, tk, etc broke ground by offering free country code TLDs starting 10 years ago. This was possible until Meta sued Freenom this year for issuing domains to the majority of all sources phishing traffic.

Basically, the internet got used to getting TLDs for free, and that was great, except the issuers of said domains (African countries with not a lot of money) have no obligation and no incentive to keep doing that forever. Especially after it became a liability.

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The bar for losing your job as a congress person or any public servant for corruption should be way lower than the bar for being sent to prison.

Also, her obvious corruption. Her and her husband make waaaaaaaay above average on the stock market due to her insider knowledge. But I'm sure that never affects her policy positions.

Lamarckian evolution mixed with racism, wow. I'm not surprised.

A US state has already subpoenaed Facebook for Messenger texts to prove an abortion case. It's not speculative.

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I use AirVPN. It's reliable and I like their vpn client Eddie, but there are a few things you should know. Google blocks traffic from all of their Dallas servers, about 20% of their us based servers. Also, a few web hosting companies block AirVPN traffic, at least on the servers I use, including GoDaddy. I can't access the Linux Mint forums while on AirVPN either. Every day or two I have to disable the VPN to access a site, which defeats the purpose, IMO.

One good thing about AirVPN is that they have sales often. But I would try a week now before committing. Reliability has been top notch and they have a lot of servers.

Edit: I use port forwarding for bittorrent and it was easy to set up. You log in on their website and choose a port to forward for your account. I'm honestly a novice at networking and I figured it out using these instructions.

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Don't forget his "lawsuit" against Media Matters.

Short answer: no, they were owned by a Chinese company and then were recently spun off into an independent company. Here is the latest news on management.

There's "knowing how" and there's having your mobile constantly within arms reach.

Firefox has multi-account containers and chrome does not. That (mozilla-created) extension is their killer app for me.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

I was going to suggest Firefox, but TIL Apple doesn't allow non-safari-based browsers and all code must ship through the app store and that's why Firefox iOS doesn't have extension support like it has on Android. Wild.

Police prefer that criminal cases are resolved by compelling a confession. If a woman is told by the police they have her period data, most people would crack in that situation. Whether it holds up in court is mostly irrelevant.

It should go without saying, but never talk to police and if you're being interviewed, insist on invoking your 6th amendment right to an attorney and your 5th amendment right to remain silent. And don't engage with anything the police say.

You can easily change that setting and it's one of the first most basic things I do with a new browser.

Cover the led with a scrap of electrical tape :)

I don't know really anything about network setup, but as far as I know, your ISP should have nothing to do with it while you use a VPN.

All I had to do was change the settings on the AirVPN account on their website (logged in) and add the port to my qbittorrent settings. This is unrelated, but I also added a killswitch in qbittorrent advanced settings that stops torrenting if my vpn connection fails. After that, I went to a site like https://canyouseeme.org/ and verified my port forwarding was set up properly.

I never had to touch my router or ISP settings. My configuration is running the VPN from each device. It is also possible to set up your VPN directly on the router. That way, all traffic on the home network is through the VPN.

That's not a realistic worry for the world's most used browser platform. There are three Billion with a B Chrome users. 3,000,000,000

Even if 99% of users disabled telemetry they would still have a telemetry base of 30 million. And I would guess it's closer to 90% telemetry enabled right now since most people do not change browser defaults.

Current user of Niagara here, it's just a unique option. You have favorites on a scrollable list (one app per line) and then you can scroll down an alphabetical list of all apps by letter on the side. Plus the optional subscription is $5 a year, which is actually reasonable in my opinion.

There actually are, they just aren't built in functionality yet. Go to this github and scroll to the tools section. Notable ones for this purpose are lasim, lemmy_migrate, and lemmy_account_sync.

Also, you can see what instances lemmy.world blocks/federates by going to lemmy.world/instances . You can check if an instance blocks/federates lemmy.world by going to thatinstance.ml/instances

There are a few instances that try to avoid defederating except as a last resort. vlemmy.net was one but that went offline unceremoniously last week.

Yes, GoDaddy is a very popular hosting company. I would do a short trial on any VPN before committing to a longer contract. It is possible that the sites you visit won't block your geographically local airvpn servers. Web hosting companies treat different servers from the same VPN differently.

You'd have to RMA unfortunately. There is no way to calibrate one outside of the factory.

Maybe I just go to different sites than you, but I run into problems accessing web sites from AirVPN fairly often. Its also possible that the AirVPN servers that you use are not blocked like they are for mine (Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, etc).

Like I said above, the best thing is to try any VPN service for a few days or a week to see whether anything annoying happens in your use case before jumping into a long term contract.

From the context of the other two paragraphs, you can narrow down what I meant. Stripped of context it is general, yes.

Not all country code top level domains were free, just a select few. And not everyone used free TLDs, just people with tight budgets who weren't expecting to make money on their sites, as well as scammers and people who wanted to stay anonymous for other reasons.

The fact you assumed this was ideologically motivated is insane. Do you have any critical thinking skills?

I don't think it's a given and the dev has a proven track record.

...buuuuuutttt they did move to a much smaller userbase so I wonder how many ads he will need for sustainability.