
1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"We demand the unpaid volunteers that aren't listening to us to do as we say or we will find new unpaid volunteers who will replace you and spend their free time deleting posts and comments!"

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With Google's support for webp i wonder if they will reinstate support for jpg xl in Chrome....?

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some more ideass:

  • Prigozhin was already dead when he was put on the airplane
  • Russians procured 10 more random dead bodies to throw on the airplane
  • completely fake story, Prigozhin is detained in prison somewhere

Defund the extreme Republicans! Your donors and sponsors are telling you:

  • climate change is real
  • the election wasn't stolen
  • we need stronger gun laws

How about instead of deleting, you edit the comment so it's taken completely out of context. Nonsense words, random poems, list of colors, etc.

It was so embarrassing watching the dinosaurs running the US government interview Zuck over privacy when they had no idea how Facebook as a business worked. We really need a tech task force that consists of people who are computer-literate.

The subreddit I visit the most is r/nba. With it being the off-season, it's really easy for me to use Reddit less and less every day. Those twats left a bad taste in my mouth anyways. They all protested the mods after not participating in the blackout survey and then proceeded to call the mods names for 2 days and then business back to normal.

Having nowhere to discuss the league championships during the blackout, they started their own sub r/nbatalk. A handful will never go back, but we will see how long that lasts. The majority of r/nba are shitposters anyways.

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Would not describe Kamala as "energizing"...but at least she's trying. I live in SF and barely get any Kamala news. What has she been up to as VP?

I would donate money to a video game museum that housed a copy of every single game and console in existence.

The games and consoles are for looking at while there are playing stations with emulators to sample the games. The game art alone would make it worth it.

I always wanted to see a visual timeline of all game consoles lined up in a row to see evolution of design over the years. From disks to carts to cds.

EXACTLY THIS. it's a really good parrot and anybody who thinks they can fire all their human staff and replace with ChatGPT is in for a world of hurt.

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Drink chicken soup and watch Groundhog Day

We’re still negative cash flow, due to ~50% drop in advertising revenue plus heavy debt load. Need to reach positive cash flow before we have the luxury of anything else.

And now Elon gets to play the same game that every other social network plays. Will be interesting to see how he reacts.

Sure, there is a path to do that if you keep your Xbox off the internet. But then you lose multiplayer with friends, being able to download new games, etc.

I've always wondered how Mozilla / Firefox makes money? I see that its a non-profit. Looks like sponsored links and content on their new tab?

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Actually, no, but I'll check them out though! The Tecmo Bowl artwork is really familiar; I've seen that image in ads

I don't understand the timing on this message and what they hope to accomplish by saying this.

I can understand the idea of a more Right-leaning network to counter CNN but Fox News ain't it. Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity have been involved since the beginning. Don't know when, but at some point it just became straight up lies and they themselves have admitted as much in court. In court defending Tucker Carlson show "We are entertainment, and not news therefore you can't blame us for misinformation."

Ok alright. Even with the whole Reddit debacle and obvious attention/traffic grab...r/place seems to be working. I just spent 4 minutes staring little pixel details now present in day 2.

Probably the best collaborative creative idea to come from Reddit.

Would it be better to edit posts and change them to nonsense? Random poems, list of dog breeds, song lyrics, random SQL code...

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I used it extensively to help me code my PHP for an art portfolio site. Briefly thought about using 11ty but needed to put something up quick after being laid off and I knew PHP.

For the most part it was good. It was really good at creating simple functions for me. My issue came when I asked it to build me a JS lightbox in Bootstrap. i wanted it to look a certain way so I had to edit my prompt multiple times because it would edit the code and "forget" my previous modification. Ended up using someone else's JS code.

It was incredibly frustrating. It's powerful, but still limited.

republicans’ voters are dying of old age.

That's not completely true...

On-screen kissing doesn't bother me, just don't like the ones that seemed forced or are cheesy.

Racked my mind for good examples, and came up with Tobey Spider-Man kissing Mary Jane upside down in the rain and Jack and Rose's first kiss on the deck of the Titanic.

Yeah sorry, luck of the draw—be born into a family that has money. Else, make that money, retire early, and let your kids have a better life.

For real??? That's garbage

Rocket Slime is awesome!!!! I played this when it came out and I feel like no one has played this game. This game needed a multiplayer aspect or downloadable bosses to extend this game.

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Probably lack of marketing. It just is what it is. If you want to see what the latest #dance is or #icebucketchallenge, that's probably on TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter...it's easier for influencers to monetize their content.

Just do it! I would suggest just start writing. Editors and technology can help you cover some of your issues. What sort of books are we talking about? 200+ page nonfiction? IMO writing a book is an endeavor.

Find a platform somewhere and write short stories, whether it be your family and friends or somewhere on the Internet. Check out https://lemmy.world/c/writingprompts (even bigger on Reddit). Write blog posts. Write write write. Maybe exploring those partial ideas. Collect all your writing in one area so that you can look back at it and see progress.

Has anyone heard of "A Flame in the Flood?" It's not the deepest game, but I think it deserves a bit more recognition

"We'll let you have Call of Duty if we can get God of War and Last of Us. We'll sweeten the pot with Fallout 6 if you give us Horizon Zero Dawn."

So, anybody know Taylor Swift?

The first I heard of these devices was to help old people make the religious pilgrimage to a temple in the mountains of Japan. My skeptic self wondered about military applications and how it was going to get twisted right away

What did you think? One of my favorite games of all time. The pre-Lavos time-traveling side-quests are my favorite.

It won't be the same, but I like the idea of it a lot more than Reddit right now. Some questions for everyone...

**5-10 years down the road, what's to stop another Digg-Reddit-exodus from happening? As users, what can we do to keep this community prosperous, useful, and "good"? **

Jealousy is a huge motivator. Having to do something for a purpose is even better. What do you want to do? Because the endeavors you mentioned don't happen overnight. When your sitting at your desk solving some problem that you didn't even anticipate and you're not even doing that thing you set out to do, it's hard to stay motivated. So, what is it about those endeavors that you mentioned piques your interest?

Well, the main character's name is Crono, like the name of the game. The frog is named Frog. The robot is Robo. The rest you will have to memorize!

Can you move a community once it's created?

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The RP2? Yea, I've been thinking about getting a RP3+ for the bigger screen and rounded edges, but not sure about the portability. I already love the Android experience on this device so I know it will carry over. Also considering the Flip but IMO, I don't think it looks as cool as the RP3.

played the other versions; the only reason I played the game again was because someone mentioned this ROM hack. It was alright

I was thinking about playing this game at some point. What did not age well?

it's a ROM hack...some people "improved" on the game. Yeah, very easy to run on PC or Steam Deck via emulation.
