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Joined 12 months ago

Damn.... It's almost like we should leave mother nature the fuck alone

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TL;DR... Google is limiting how many rules that extensions can have. Ad blockers need ~300k to run effectively, Google will limit them to 30k in Chrome citing "privacy and a light weight user experience" as the reason. This change will effectively make ad blockers in chrome all but useless. The solution will likely mean switching to more privacy focused browsers, such as Firefox.

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Yea, they are, but where they're bending seems to indicate that either his feet curl upward like crazy, or that his heel is higher than the rest of his foot by a pretty big margin.

I've never seen boots curl up at the toe like that...

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Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half lol

Fuck dude.... You just told everyone that we're living in a constant state of desync and the gamer in me doesn't know how to handle that

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"The only one looking out for #1 is you." - My section chief when I was in the Army.

I'll never forget it and I pass it on every chance I get. I've gone as far as shaming some people into wearing knee braces and the like because "what the fuck are you doing, you're gonna fuck it up even worse"

I try anyways... doesn't always work...

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What kills me about this is that a felon can become president, but isn't even allowed to vote. Like how does THAT make sense??

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Wait .. did you just tell me that McDonald's uses gourmet cheese??

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Article about it for those interested... According to this it does not still contain malware, but it has been the target of multiple attacks through the years that has in turn compromised many PC's. The attack mentioned in this article was suspected to be a state sponsored attack by China, not sure about the others.


It could. No way to tell for sure until it happens

Good call. Hed probably be the type to make fun of you for wearing a mask too, huh?

Is THAT your litmus for freedom?! In some states women can't choose to have an abortion. And in all of the states people have to choose between going to the doctor or paying rent that month... But goddamnit, at least they don't have to deal with those pesky tethered bottle caps!

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You ok, bud?

Outside of any in a military base, he doesn't. It was a question about if he would authorize an aerial attack if he were voted president...

That said... he's an idiot for even thinking that would be a good idea


Genuinely curious on this, so don't take offense when I ask for a source. I'm gonna Google it, too, but it would be helpful for others if it's posted up.

Where's the remind me bot when you need it....

That is soooo far from the point that it's not even funny. Nice straw man though

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Bro forget the cake, you're not getting invited to a family gathering again because you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're.

Edit: he fixed them! Kudos to the other commenter for explaining it! He is better than me

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They also have a shit ton of guides on their website that show step by step how to make various repairs, and they are free.

IFixit aren't the bad guys here

My ex loved to bring up the fact that she paid on our first date, that it was super expensive, and that any time she offered to pay afterwards that I never fought her on it. Like... You made it a point to force that waiter to take your card after I offered to pay and made a huge scene about it. What I learned there is that if you say you want to pay I should just let you. I'm not gonna make a big scene about it and try to make myself look better to everyone else just because "the man is supposed to pay."

Thank you for the mean, but I'm not going to feel guilty if you insist on paying. If you feel that way when I pay, that's a you problem.

He's referring to a group of people they intentionally cut others off and slam on the brakes to induce an accident that they can sue over. And it happens a lot. Dash cams are saviors.

The only time this dynamic no longer holds true is if YouTube believes their position is so entrenched that there is no more competition and they can squeeze the users all they want (end game enshitification).

Uuuhhh... Pretty sure that's where we're on now soooo....

If you couldn't figure out what he meant when he used the word again, you might want to go take an English language class AGAIN

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You're joking, right? You realize the group of people you're talking about, yea? This bot 110% would be used to further their agenda. Real discussion isn't their goal and it never has been.

And how did they game the system, exactly? By hitting refresh?

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Us: pumping heat into the atmosphere.

Mother earth: oh you guys cold? Don't worry, I got you fam!

Even better... He's from the past.

While I agree with the sentiment, I don't think it really applies in this case.

That said, people shouldn't be blocking access to a public area just because they're upset about something

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Keep the rubber side down, also.

In the helicopter world is "keep the spinny bits up"

I'd rather deal with a poorly designed bottle cap than half the shit we have to deal with here in the US. There's a reason you're getting down voted. What you said is so narrow sighted that it's not even funny.

We have MUCH larger issues we have to deal with than a stupid bottle cap. "Glad I don't have to deal with that here" is showing a willingness to ignore everything else.

To piggy back on what that guy is saying... better put... He's talking about becoming a regular. I've done it at more than a few places throughout the years.

I haven't lived in one place for more than 3 years out of the last 25 of my life. Making friends is hard. But one thing I did to help me get out of my funks is to go do something I enjoy. For me it was to find a restaurant I like and go sit at the bar. Don't need to be there to drink, fyi. Just go get some food and be present. Being on your phone is ok, but you'll be more approachable if you're looking up at a TV or something like that, so make it a point to put the phone down every now and again. Often times I found that even if I was on my phone, someone sitting next to me might make a comment about whatever is going on with a game or fight or something that was playing and it would spark a conversation. Doesn't have to be a long one. Remember, we're taking baby steps here. And hell ... You can fake your way through some of those conversations too. About a fight? "Yea man this is a really tough matchup, who do you think takes the win?" It does help to know at least a little about what's going on, but it's not required. Even a simple "I haven't been following along, what happened?" Can keep it going.

Anyways, after showing up more than a few times the servers and bartenders notice and will start talking to you. Asking your name and all that stuff. Conversations from there will go where they go. The great thing is that they are working. There's no pressure to hold an in depth long conversation since they have things to do. It'll start as small talk and eventually get deeper.

Again, this is in baby steps. This won't happen over the course of 2-3 visits. It'll be more than that. But stay for the meal, get one more drink, then leave. Same will be said about a coffee shop.

The key to this working is persistence and patience. And that goes for beating depression as a whole. It's not going to happen over night. It takes work, and it takes time, but eventually you'll get there... Just like you'll eventually become a regular at that coffee shop, restaurant, bar, arcade, pool hall, or whatever place you decide to go.

One foot in front of the other, keep it moving one step at a time, even if those steps are the length of a dime.

As a final note... Try not to talk down about yourself. It creates a feedback loop that can be hard to break and is self-fulfilling. Positive Mental Attitude... PMA. You're worth the effort.

you're a fuckin idiot

Allow me to introduce you to windy.com.

Or Israel could quit their shit. That's the FIRST first resort

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Sounds dumb, but eat more soup. Like miso soup with veggies and an egg, for example. Low calorie but filling and tasty. Trying to skip the noodles and rice with this one. Might add beans or quinoa if it isn't filling enough

Everyone is good at something, right?

How does this work? How is it not possible to delete the other accounts? If it's an IP ban, can't you circumvent that and log in to the others and delete them?

Nah.... The jacked up jelly beans... Like the ones that taste like farts. Use those instead.