We already have tinder like for vscode: https://github.com/benawad/vsinder
Imho besser als Matrix, insbesondere für diesen Anwendungsfall: https://simplex.chat/invitation#/?v=1-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F6iIcWT_dF2zN_w5xzZEY7HI2Prbh3ldP07YTyDexPjE%3D%40smp10.simplex.im%2Fe8AX2DIXs-I8NyhXp78EWaqi5bM4M9DX%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAubeSxurOHr0KTlcrVs3dle2V6ScAsm3QWEeuHFiq
We already have tinder like for vscode: https://github.com/benawad/vsinder
Im living in Germany. We say "Wiener Würstchen" to some sausages. Wien = Vienna In Vienna/Austria they say "Frankfurter" to the same sausages. Frankfurt is a City in Germany.
Do you have a source for your claim that they will stop their activities? EDIT: OHh, I have mistaken the donate banner for a cookie banner.
EDIT2: Nowhere else they said what's in the banner.
Did you try contact the archive team?
Rice often contains too much heavy mettals. Canned food contains too much BPA.
Do you want an messenger that has voice calls or do you want a SIP client that you can use with your Landline phone Number?
Not sure what you mean with "extreme" but being a empowered feminist would be a requirement.
Transportr: Bus and Train Navigation
Change Detector: Notification and diff if a website changes
FlashDim: dim your Flashlight
Linphone: SIP Phone
Librera FD: Full Featured PDF reader and editor
phyBox: Use your Smartphone Sensors
Pedometer: counts your steps
Puls Rate Monitor
If you click on any of the wiki sites from them they say that they need more than 100K$ BUT I DONT SEE THAT MENTIONED ANYWHERE ELSE ON THEIR SOCIALS or Newsletter, just that the financial situation is not good.
Yes, its also releasing BPA.
Are you in the EU?
Are you happy with DKB and Wise in all other ways?
Which Bank? The one I use sucks ( financially and IT-sec wise)
Why did you buy so much plastic and can packaging?
How to make a discord account? I get so many captchas and would have to enter a phone number but all the free ones online don't work.
Its fixed now