
0 Post – 13 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“Associate with people who are likely to improve you.” ― Seneca

We’re good! See https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/547459 for more info.

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The passkey is also why you shouldn’t share torrent files.

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You may notice slower speeds and difficulties downloading rare stuff. Generally, you'll probably be OK if you're looking for well-seeded files.

See here for a bit better explanation.

Yes! Private sites’ .torrent and magnet links know who you are so they can track your ratio.

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My fault. Sorry for the panic!

To the Moon. Omg. All of the feels. Def recommend, but keep some tissues with you!

Def agree a boost button would make more sense and makes the intended purpose clear. At the end of the day I really only care that useful and insightful comments float up to the top.

I'm seeing more people move that direction. It's worth keeping an eye on it.

My vote goes to ivpn and Proton (in that order).

I think this is definitely the way to go! Just waiting on qbit now. VPNs are starting to feel dated (to me) for torrent use, but still great for privacy.

Yep, works fine (afaik)!

I’d try a different browser without extensions and work backwards from there. You can also try asking on our tech support Matrix room : https://matrix.to/#/%23div0-techsupport%3Amatrix.org

Wait, what? You have a sauce?