7 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

People all this stress can be avoided if more channels upload videos on peertube. U block origin wouldnt even be needed as generally no ads are on peertube.

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Want to know why they might really be saying to not sideload apps, because they are saying without saying it "screw you epic games, screw you 3rd party YouTube clients that get rid of our ads and screw you f-droid for offering something to people for free that isn't piracy, now we have to compete with that and make good products, or do we mwahaha."

in the short term they work, but YouTube can cut those 3rd party apps access at any time for any reason. Use Peertube for the better long term.

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pff, just power the PC off completely, that'l put it to sleep. Don't trust that windows actually powers it off? Unplug the thing! While you are at it power off that phone of yours completely, that'l put the annoying notifications sounds and buzzing to rest.

I don't think it's really changed, maybe it's just your perception of it. It's just as addictiv today as it was last year as I see it.

oh oh. a new tech war is coming for independant app developers.

I hope this doesn't lead to Google to keep saying this repeativly for awhile and eventually removing the feature to side loading apps in the feature, them saying saying something like 'sideloading an old outdated way we use to use the internet and it has security flaws'

They really just want to kill f-droid. Once they do that, it gets harder to block Youtube ads after all. Apps like new pipe would have to find a new home.

Are devs people going to wake up and make a new commercial os that will actual compete with android and iOS? no a new Linux distro is not going to come anywhere close to even, Macos marketshare. It needs to be new, and needs to be preloaded on computers and sell in stores. It needs to be simple.

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It's optimal to them. You just don't understand Youtube's perspective of it yet. And then it's unoptimal for them when you watch with the adblocker.

If you have a deep history with gmail then that could make it harder to to replace. It's very true especially if from important positions you participated in, along with multiple accounts on it which I like to call leaving eggs all in one basket since they are all reliant on that account.

For people who arent quiet as invested in that, and just use it casually which is a pretty big percent could easily replace gmail with nothing to lose and those are the type of users I was thinking about when writing up this post. But I can agree with what you are saying here and that you have a good point.

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If its their content he should just be able to reupload the clips.

Yeah be like me and just use Peertube, I don't even notice this stuff untill people complain about it haha.

It might seem too late, but this will be helpful for people stuck in ridiculous contracts to cancel and go internet exclusive. If you're younger, in your 20s or even 30s, you would probably likely be rid of cable by now.

if you're much older then that those are the people I think would really benefit from this, the older generations.

That's a way to look at, but i'l personally still be using Peertube. instead of 3rd party YouTube apps.

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Seemed like people were uploading before youtube started paying people, so I dont buy that %100

Maybe I could meet you in the middle there because I can see that happening.

The people using it also make up social media. without the people social media is worthless, and powerless. and the more powerless in particular that it is the less divisions it would be able to cause, if that real is the legit cause of dividing people. It might or might not be the main cause but sure we could agree that it enables the spread of divising tactics.

He doesnt want to name specific types of people or it might make it seem like google attacking specific people. So instead all users get bundled in this. They will use the most careless users as a reason to take it away from all users. It benefits them.

I think that Google really just wants to get less and less people to sideload and then shame others that do through public shaming. 'oh that's dangersous son; you shouldn't be sideloading that Fdroid app! Google said so.' That's why they brought it up to begin with, this is as google goes over court with epic games over the app store fee.

Personally I quit using ddg. Duckduckgo uses Microsoft's Bing API I jumped atleast two years ago from ddg. They seem to be buddy buddy with Microsoft, they have a history for it. Oh and remember when ddg use to talk about filter bubbles, well now they support filter bubbles.

I think this is because they have so much more users now then they did back then so now they are forgeting small parts of their original purpose. While keeping the one big one, privacy. We'l see how long ddg protects that without getting caught doing more shady stuff with Microsoft. Yes I said more, they were caught before allowing ads on Microsoft website in the ddg android browser once before.

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I'd love to see a plan where you just pay to rid of the ads, but YouTube is past YouTube, they would rather everyone pay YouTube premium as is.

dispite common believe, you still have choices for news. however you can't just sort them by the names outright anymore but by either who owns them, or which corperation owns them.

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This exists already, it's called Searxng. The instances don't federate with each other necessarily but rather with actual search engines. But each instance of searxng is hosted by a different person. and so you might notice different resaults on one server vs the next.

We don't really care about background notifications on a PC. on a cellphone when we are out, yes because that's just how it is and it makes work easier. We just expect as humans that when we put the PC to sleep that it acts as if it's off but just with a quick resume when we wake it up.

I think they might had meant that people had been divided since before social media. To me it just seems they were keeping to the main topic of the post. So maybe they were debating that statement.

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I kinda guessed that was what you were saying. and seems to work on many websites including switch online, xbox/streaming services. Also I rarely see this happening can you name some examples that do this email provider blocking?

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In that case I absolutely would recommend Peertub to you.

Tends to vary server to server, Mastodon has similar issues regarding that.

A good work around is to use Sepia Go which tries to search all instances for content. But of course their could be a few that go by their radar.

Eh- I mean maybee that could be a reason, but Google has too much power and influence and takes advantage idk if that would be enough for me personally to stay but at the same time I can aknowledge that it could be a good reason to not leave.

Maybe. Although the hill is a center leaning news site ranked by allsidesm not necessarily right leaning, although it wouldn't hurt to look into the leanings of the university that did the actual survey.

It seems that some of the choices offered were pretty limited, seemed government was limited to it as government at a whole not specific sides of the government. That may had confused them even more and made them to beleive it was social media more than the government, and possibly why less people picked that choice. That or they liked what the government is currently doing and didn't want to pick that choice because of how simplified the choice was.

They do have a good overall ui, but the trust in them is less then it was before. Even if they did stop doing partnerships with Microsoft they also stopped keeping their users out of the filter bubble, meaning they filter search resualts out, while before they use to claim they didn't do that.

The original uploader in particular would be the person sueing, i'm not really worried about the instance itself, since Peertube over all is opensource. They would probably sue the person downloading the work, although unlikely it could happen atleast legally.

I don't think it would be illegal unless it's a Chromebook they lended to you directly to work at the company. If you went to a store and bought it your self it's perfectly legal to throw ubuntu on that Chromebook.

Here's where things start to get harder though..

Whether they will fire you.. eh idk if I would take that risk. But if anything just ask the people working there for their opinion on it.

To an extent, yes. I believe tho that social media enables the potential spread of dividing people. Do I personally think social media is the number one reason, no.

They do have a good overall ui, but the trust in them is less then it was before. Even if they did stop doing partnerships with Microsoft they also stopped keeping their users out of the filter bubble, meaning they filter search resualts out, while before they use to claim they didn't do that.

ah, makes sense now. I must had misunderstood the context. I do hear people all the time complaining about who owns the media and etc. So I was responding how I did by instinct. Yes we do need other voices in the news besides just them.

That's ultamately what they want you to do. to give up on f-droid, and alternative app clients, and alternative free apps in general.

That would apply if its scheduled like on tv but that wouldnt work if for standard video uploads would it?

I was thinking since most on peertube don't tend to seek revenue from ads, so should it be acceptable? Peertube itself is opensource.

In summary i'm really asking for whether if it should be acceptable or not. Maybe it varies from uploader to uploader, but even then channels dont tend to state their own stance on this.

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I don't use AdBlock, I use Peertube. no ads by defualt. Never had any problems with YouTube knocking at my door.

Peertube, while empty at the content level, there are some known YouTubers who have a presence there. Especially Linux and open source YouTubers. But you will always find new people who only post on Peertube.

I think it's news as they say it as they are in court against epic games about their Google play store.

I think what it is is, they were probably hoping the web integrity would work originally that Google was proposing, and were probably planning to take advantage of that. However, I guess since it has not went through yet at Google that they are still using their version of it but just limiting it to empty user agents in the browser?

Other than for that reason that I wouldn't worry about someone user agent as an owner for reddit. If bots were an issue, wouldn't I issue a warning for the user to slow down and maybe temporarily block the IP or something like that?

I meant as a user, go ahead and switch to it. But to rid of the monopoly, they nee competition. No one is creating that for normies who don't know how to Linux. If Linux phones make their way into walmarts and targets, then maybeee. It has to be as simple as buy it, and use it. like how you buy a Nintendo switch and it just works.

Just one question,are you certian all of them are seeing record profits, sure the big names like kroger might be but what about the smaller ones.