robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]

@robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
0 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

where, which sex workers, and which services? i think men who spend more money on onlyfans than they do on groceries are dumb, i think strip clubs are fucken weird, i think sex tourists probably deserve death, and i think most johns are walking into a minefield of exploitation.

if you track down the source where you got that notion in your head it probably includes dead nazis on the eastern front as deaths caused by communism.

if you think a cesspit like .world is "woke" what the hell are you?

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imagine having downvotes

star trek is optimistic about the future and that's basically nonexistent in post-cold war SF

that adults are trustworthy

hexbear's ! had a really good post about lifting about a month ago and iirc there's a comment in there specifically for/by a trans femme targeting specific muscle groups conducive to getting the body shape you might want

good luck

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LLMs are no more ai than the enemies in doom were.

give him an apple 2 and make him learn how to use a command line

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the iphone keyboard and its consequences a-guy

and supported by taxpayers money;

nah our national taxes don't pay for anything, a sovereign government prints fiat money before anyone pays any tax and part of what gives that money any real value is that it's accepted as payment for debts owed to that sovereign.

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lol IQ isn't really a thing.

if libs are comfortable calling themselves commie in any context that makes our job easier.

all the for profit things we use are worse because they are for profit.

most of the time a site or service UI is made worse it's because AB testing found the worse UI wastes user's time and the metrics read that as engagement.

maybe a little late for "currently" but somebody will probably be into the bendy tube aesthetic of compact fluorescent bulbs

for one thing, there's way more to sex work than intercourse.

you can't possibly be serious

cyclists would not need to do those things if there was proper infrastructure and if car drivers weren't out to kill them.

making bikes come to a complete stop is less safe because of the acceleration curve of a bike, if the way is clear it's safer the cyclist and anyone else around for the cyclist to maintain speed

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why are there suddenly cloaking devices in star wars

why don't the imperials hyperjump in front of the fleeing rebels?

why can several characters leave a chase in progress visit some planet and come back to the chase still in progress?

the holdo maneuver breaks several in-universe rules about how hyperdrive works.

there's plenty of problems with the film without being a frothing misogynist. It's better than rise of skywalker but i'd rather watch the holiday special.

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fight fire with fire eh


congrats on having a community.

i hate it here get me out

because hellbans are funny and a malicious user who can't tell they're banned doesn't make a new account, potentially exposing users to their abuse again... is what i would say if i thought reddit cared about that.

probably in some kind of camp

and working not from home without being paid for the parts of the process you don't deal with if did.

content theft

abolish intellectual property

just be careful not to de-gender someone who makes it known they have one and prefer particular pronouns.

more on the 10 years end of that, i remember thinking results were declining ~2011 when they decided to start being ask jeeves


remember 16:10? man those were the days

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cod viet cong would get me to actually play one.

bonus points if it starts with you as an american conscript being ordered to his death with an impossible mission that makes halo 2 jackals look easy, and the way you progress (that the game doesn't tell you) is to frag your officer before it switches to the NVA perspective you play the rest of the story.

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some kinds of fire extinguisher could accomplish this. bit expensive though.

people actually followed reddiquette,

so, before the digg exodus


huh, skeuomorphism is in my spellchecker

an industry sector

hoarding isn't an industry you greedy subhuman filth


well sometimes the network connection goes down