7 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I do like a good meatball sub

Some of those that work forces...

A lot of the posts are coming from, which is a domain you can block. Unfortunately you have to navigate to their Kbin domain page, but you should be able to block them completely there.

I think it's something like, and you just block it like a magazine or a user.

Definitely wishing there was a way to block without having to navigate there, you're definitely in for an eyefull

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I remember being 13-15 and not caring at all what the news was. Better times, I think

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Is it really so surprising? They have the entire Instagram userbase to feed off of. All the Instagram users have to do is open Threads and they are already a user. The userbase was already there, Meta just had to activate it.

I think for this same reason Threads probably will stick around. Especially with the way Twitter is going. Can't say I'll be joining in on the fun though

The bubbles help with that extra clean feel

Will there be lions?

As a note, the Kbin notification settings are almost all turned off by default! Turning them on is a game changer!

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This week has been both the week we moved into our new apartment, and also the week our country celebrates by blowing shit up for 6+ nights straight. Our dogs are deathly afraid of fireworks. Last night I had to run my wife to the ER, which is literally 2 minutes away, and in that time our dogs destroyed the front door frame of our new apartment.

Our landlord, who we've only met once, just got back from vacation. Can't wait to tell them how our dogs are destroying their house.

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I feel like it's going to take awhile for people used to Facebook / Twitter / Reddit / Etc to get used to having multiple platforms that cater to the exact same audience. Lemmy / Kbin basically do the same thing, with slightly different minor features. Most people aren't used to having options.

That said I feel like having some standardized naming across the fediverse wouldn't hurt with things that are synonymous, if that's not already happening. There's a valid argument for magazines and communities not being the same thing

Could have been better. I'm feeling pretty burnt out at work and we're about to do a relatively big move to a new town, which is always exhausting. The future is uncertain. Really hoping for future days where I can just relax and focus on things I actually care about

There's still time for the former, perhaps

Would love to see the results of this survey! It was well thought out and it'd be interesting to see what the trends looked like

This is an incredible article! I very much relate to the disillusionment of doing something for the sake of sales, and also find myself on a winding journey to do something that has meaning without really knowing what that is or should be. Best of luck to him!

It doesn't work for everything though. Having a self hosted account that wasn't tied to any specific platform or instance would ideally allow you to have access to PeerTube and BookWyrm as well as Mastodon and Kbin, without having to worry about your instance shuttering and all of your posts and comments disappearing. I've also been really stewing on this idea, I think it's a probable future state of the Fediverse

Here's the Kbin-core repository closed pull request list:

Just hit 69 closed PRs! Nice!

This is awesome. Looks like a painting

Seize the memes of production

Sneaky Hank

Does the fediverse need to consume all of the traffic that's currently directed at other platforms? I think the best thing about the Fediverse is that it provides more options for online social spaces.

If I don't like Twitter I can try something else. If I don't like Reddit I can go elsewhere. It doesn't have to be the exact same thing as those services, as long as it provides me an enjoyable way to consume information in my free time.

I don't feel like the goal is to absorb all of the traffic from every other site though? Or if it is that seems misguided.

I'm very much enjoying my time on Kbin, even if it is janky and new and imperfect. All of that is actually kind of refreshing

For Wumbo?

I've been playing Endless Sky, which is a free space sim (lite). Been really enjoying it.

I was hoping that because Kbin does support mastodon posts it might work. I'd love to see that integration

Most of my friends jumped off Reddit and onto Kbin/Lemmy for the week of the blackout. I think most of them are using some hybrid of Lemmy/Reddit now. I'm the only person I know that moved exclusively to Kbin, but that's okay. It fills the same hole that reddit did, I don't much care if other people I know do or do not join tbh

Man this is gonna be such a game changer. I feel like late game cities skylines was overwhelmingly a traffic jam simulator. This should help so much

Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. Was the first console game I ever played, and it holds a very special place for me.

Both Katana Zero and Bomberman64 have absolutely incredible soundtracks. Very few game tracks stick with me, but both of those games have several incredible entries

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Never skip leg day

This is especially relevant for things like lightbulbs, cell phones, cars, etc, which are constructed in such a way that they will only last a certain amount of time, because the other alternative would be a product that never failed, and therefore only needed to be purchased once. True technological advancement would be the perfection of technology, but capitalism would never allow that because it wouldn't be profitable in the long term

Dang that's no good at all

This is exactly the problem I had! I wish it wouldn't hide the normal magazines button, it's more accessible than All Magazines, which took me forever to notice

Ah man that's a huge bummer. Thanks for checking in on that. Hopefully it'll get there!

I've done some other xemu emulation for Deck and over all it's pretty solid. Minor stuttering in Ninja Gaiden Black, but it's completely playable

I recently gave up my 6t for a Pixel7 and it was the worst decision I'd made in awhile. I miss it so much, but the newer OP phones just aren't any good from what I've been reading.

Wow this is a great read! I definitely see promise for the described system in the direction we are heading

Endless Sky is great

Is HotS included?

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When you live in a place where they are legal (or near a place where they are) they tend to go for a bit. Our nextdoor neighbors were shooting off some big ones.

Honestly I think this is probably one of the many secrets to long-term happiness. Ignorance is bliss, as they say

This is basically already how the Subscribed feed works, at least on kbin. I feel like creating your own categories is just one extra step there

Could you not just spin up the same server at a different domain? If it's your own server that's not really hurting anyone other than people who follow you or your magazines directly (I'd probably do more commenting than creating, tbh)

Is there a way to block the domain entirely in kbin? Or did you have to do it through a browser extension?