4 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Denuvo is a cancer on the gaming world, full stop.

The man-child billionaire says he is not for censorship, while using the judicial system to censor.

Dude straight up shit himself. I have seen dogs make that same look. Term limits would fix this.

Reddit 2.0...already migrating off this censorship.

You can use LASIM app (Windows/Mac/Linux) to migrate your profile and settings to another instance. Highly recommend.

No what you want is unstable Arch which you can freely do by changing the repos, but your user experience will be fraught with pain and issues. You can move to Debian and do the same by running their unstable branches, same results though, most likely a broken system.

Both will get you the newest releases.

This world is getting scarier by the day. Sad to watch our freedoms being taken in realtime, and so quickly. Digital currency is the real key. They will shut our money off unless we comply.

Who is writing this, A.I.?

You can find that info on their website.

GrapheneOS has two officially supported installation methods. You can either use the WebUSB-based installer recommended for most users or the command-line installation guide aimed at more technical users.

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This...all of it! I love the spicy potatoes, crunchwrap, so many choices.

I have a 4a/5G and speaking of security, I would like to get off the Google spyverse, so I may try replacing Android with real Linux DE, there are a handfull available. All the pixel phones are compatible for replacing.

Google changed its latest privacy police to add total filtering of your info via AI. If that isn't a "security" concern, it is definetely a privacy one.

If you do want to stay on the Google gravy train, a 7a would be a good replacement. Google has lengthened their support window on new Pixels from 3yrs to 5yrs.

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Sadly, so do I. I have been getting most of my stuff off The Bay and occassionally LimeTorrents, but nothing beat the RARBG releases.

KeePassXC is awesome, used it for years. Works great with browser plugin, secure. Sync with Syncthing across all computers and devices.

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You are not alone. Many love its 'restrained' workflow, and DEs are subjective. It sounds like you are ready to move to KDE. KDE has a 'Overview' that mimics Gnome's, so best of both worlds and the taskbar in KDE is actually functional. Don't waste anymore time, make the switch to day. Operators are standing by. 🤣

Not blaming them, but at the same time, they are being forced to comply and my pirating ass is having no part of it.

Most of the big players now, The bay, TorrentDownloads, LimeTorrents, etc.

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This....all of it. I started with Arch using Manjaro, like so many do. There was a mass exodus that exploded, and the worst lot remained on the dev team. Beyond that, as you stated, they convice their users that holding back packages is for their benefit, when in reality, your system becomes unstable at times as a result, especially becoming out of sync with AUR. It is still one of the most popular Arch distros, and ...well..I feel sorry for their uninformed users who believe it is a stable choice.

For information sake; Reasons Against Using Manjaro

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'Classic canonical corporate move'...there I fixed it for you.

Yes, stick with Arch. Arch is not the issue if installed without the holding chambers Manjaro puts in place. Arch has a good installer on its own, but if you need a bit more, distros like EndeavourOS, Calam-Arch-Installer, ALCI (Arch Linux Calamares Installer,) and even Garuda are all fine options.

I think it both shocked and stunned the Garuda team when I showed it. They still can't open their eyes.

Firstly, see if there is a gog version. GOG versions are always easier to install imo. I use 1337x to find the games, or any other seeder will do. Download your pirated game and either use wine locally, or for an easier way, I love LUTRIS! Search in Lutris to see if there is a 'runner' for your game. This makes installing easier because it runs a script that installs all the windows components need for that game. It it usually ask for your pirated game's .exe file at some point to install. Done, ready to go.

If you can't find a runner for your game, I usually find a runner with a more recent, heavy 3D gammer game and use it instead. For whatever reason, Star Wars Jedi Fallen runner seems to work with a lot of games.

Also, make sure you are using Wine-staging and all the i386 files. Here is a guide to help you install.

The mains stream proprietary corporations seem to be full of themselves recently, or maybe it was a slow-time coming situation. These sorts of lock-down moves are good, because it forces people to open their eyes on censorship and look for alternatives (fediverse/open source.)

My FreeTube still works, but I also have my alternative platforms I view.

I understand the points and while I don't like the rampant corporate greed, you wouldn't have billion dollar movie projects (or series) if piracy was entirely legal and encouraged.

We may not get billion dollar movie projects, but I bet it would change the landscape and we would gain smaller projects with better results. You have to think, these billion dollar corporations stifle artist, which is why music today is synthesized crap and movie studios are churning out cookie-cutter plots and woked-up remakes no one asked to be created.

Same. I run a VPN 24/7. I always wear my seatbelt! 😉

Ktorrent...on arch linux, btw. Support the KDE desktop! (echoes)

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OMG, its like being at the point in your RPG game where you are tasked to retrieve the DRM-free game, but you know the price from the crazed troll is going to be your rogue's head and all your gear, else more violence.

Stop believing?

Red Hat is a corporation, putting dollars first. Not to mention Fedora is now starting to 'trample on user's privacy with telemetry integration.'

Some are making the case that Fedora's new telemetry integration isn't like the bad telemetry like Google and others, it is 'anonymised.' Every corporation says this before they remove the username from the data collected and keep the unique user id. I don't trust Red Hat..and now with this latest reveal, Fedora either. And privacy is all about trust.

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Great phone, good battery life, although I think there is an issue with Android 13 that shortened it some, not confirmed. I would be more concerned with the security and OS updates ending this October. Unless you intentions are to replace the OS with a Linux based one;

  • LineageOS
  • GrapheneOS
  • CalyxOS

Pixels are excellent choices if you go the Linux route, almost all of them are supported. Lineage and use degoogled OS versions which means the google services are replaced with microg allowing you to still use all your favorite apps from the app store....and still get updates for the linux os and the apps.

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Same, Summit is great so far.

Yeah, I have an LG HD projector and a screen I pull down from the ceiling with 5.1 surround, and my popcorn isn't stored in garbage bags and reused the next day. 😉 Insta-theater!

I have been using VLC on linux and android since forever, but recently on my new Amazon Firestick 4k Max, VLC was having issues playing h.265 HEVC movies. So, someone recommended Nova Player, and it played them beautifully. Nice player, I may switch all my devices to Nova.

KDE user so for my personal files I backup with both Kups and Bups (install both) and you get the choice of cloning type or only changed files with going back in time choices. Integrates into KDE taskbar/system settings.

For redundancy, I back up my main sync folder on the desktop to my laptop using Syncthing over my WiFi/network.

Honestly, I gave up on the pirated soccer streams. It is like chasing a mouse through the house, one minute it works, the next, the site is down. Run and find a new one. The streaming quality is low, buffers, etc. I watch local soccer so I gave in and paid Apple for their new MLS games for a year. I hated it, but at least I get to watch now without blackouts and low quality. I wish there was an easy pirated solution with high quality.

I am kind of new to lemmy myself, but from what I can find, I don't think it is implemented. There is a long Issue #317 open on the topic located on their github page. Might want to check that out.

Nice! Extra points for using Lutris!!

You won't have any issues, I have been using Calibre and uploading to Google Books for years. If there is DRM on the epub files, Google Books will alert you. In this case, just process/convert the epub in Calibre to an epub file. Calibre will remove any DRM.

KDE eyecandy, oh yeah. Nice.

🤣 That is competition!

Here are the ones I am looking at;

  • LineageOS
  • GrapheneOS
  • CalyxOS

I think Lineage and might be your solution because they use a degoogled verson of android replacing google services with microg. This allows the os to be fully compatible with all the apps.

The Batman scenes were the ONLY thing worth watching in this movie. I will watch it again and fast forward to them only. I will be happy to never see Ezra Miller in a movie ever again. He made my head hurt.