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I dont know why anyone would leave chrome and land on something like brave.

If youre ditching chrome, which you should, go to an actual different browser and use Firefox.

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Definitely not the right scenario for tor. If you dont care about your privacy and just want to see some titty boombom Fanny maracas then even the cheapest VPN would be a better experience.

Really though a decent VPN should something everyone has access to though anyway.

If you've found your way to the technology community on a federated lemmy instance, youre techy enough to take the blame for using chromium

This is pretty unlikely. Any competent IT department would notice an externally facing project.

I think its more likely that its on a vps or something and they just paid for like a year upfront.

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Funnily enough, having cattle on that land only further fucks it up by causing erosion that can take decades to resopve even after the cattle is removed.

Luckily there is still enough left over to poison the population with high fructose corn syrup

Im playing on PC and streaming to the deck. Loving it about 12 hours in. After initially playing on the PC with KB/M I thought it might be a bit shit with a controller, but inward wrong. Plays great, looks great, and is a fun game.

Ill probably load it onto the deck itself eventually, but for the time being streaming is suiting me just fine.

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I personally dont understand why mass adoption is a goal.

The "challenge" to bring users to Linux is simply making them want to use Linux. There are enough flavours and guides ranging from plug and play that anyone can use to build your own kernel and distro from scratch that anyone can find what they want in Linux... if they want it.

The truth is that for a not insignificant portion of computer users, the OS is a means to an end not a feature. Its "the computer". A laptop that comes with windows 11 is a windows 11 machine.

If you want the average user to move to Linux, create an desktop environment with the option to look and behave like either windows or Mac, have a software compatibility layer for both that can run at the same time, buy a hardware company and include the distro as default and sell it to the masses at a loss to undercut all other options. Flood all consumer electronics stores with them.

Outside that, its not going to happen and I dont know why people want to make a competition out of it. Linux doesnt suit everyone and it doesnt have to. We see less GUIs as a good thing, id rather dev time from the solo/small dev teams go towards the functionality not making it look pretty. The majority of computer users dont agree with that though, and thats fine. I like being able to add/remove from my OS, most don't and thats fine too. I like rolling updates, the uproar around windows updates with thousands of youtube videos dedicated to people stopping them indefinitely indicates many others dont. Our semi annual O365 update is currently rolling out at work, and people are freaking out that one of their outlook toolbars moved. Never mind its a 4 second fix to move it back, but can you imagine these people seeking out/installing/configuring/using a new desktop environment?

Its not an elitist thing. Id love more of my friends to use linux, but I cant make them want to use something. It either appeals to them or it doesnt. For most the appeal of a computer is the software it runs, and the OS is just a means for that.

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The same can be said about pretty much every infrastructure project on the planet though. Earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, tornados, floods, droughts, etc can all take down power grids of all types.

They all need maintenance, and the benefit of solar is that you can spend more on maintenance because you dont have to pay for incoming energy for processing.

No project is flawless, but maintain a grid of anodes and shooing away birds has definite benefits over digging up coal or uranium, or pumping oil and gas all over the place.

We cant let perfect be the enemy of good.

Im sure people do see these ads, and its definitely starting to go a bit far, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how. Ive never seen anything like this using multiple personal and work windows machines for ~10+ hours a day, every day.

Work makes sense, I believe its a couple of GPOs, but even at home when I boot a fresh image I tick like 3 boxes and just never see any ads.

The only situation I can think of is prebuilt machines and laptops with preloaded configurations that people dont bother to change, but even then im pretty sure 5 minutes in settings will sort it out.

I have no problems with teams. Not sure why everyone hates it. If youre already in an AD/Azure environment and use 365 I dont see why you wouldnt use it.

What smaller towns have world class sporting facilities though? You arent going to be holding world class games of footy at the local school field. You arent going to build a world class venue in a small town because after the event it would go unused. At least the huge multipurpose venues in cities get used year round after the initial event.

Sure. But you cant pretend that its some super secret that only non corpos know about and be surprised when the tech who makes the inspection knows what to look for

An older family member of mine rang yesterday asking about what to do after they read the announcement.

I have been telling them for years to change to a proper provider but they weren't interested. I told them this would eventually happen, but the change wasnt worth the hassle for them.

Now the change is forced and its just increased the stress.

Im hoping the prospect of only being a year for free then ad based means I can just get them onto fastmail or something that I can administer.

Isnt he a prolific anti-vaxer as well? But then held a fund raiser that required attendees to be vaxxed?

Proton isnt great for oldies. You cant use default email apps and the like without a bridge, and last I checked they arent available for mobile or Chromebooks, which means they would have to use the first party app. Thats just another change thats not worth it for oldies who dont like change.

Also migrating away from protonmail is a nightmare. You cant when set a "forward all" rule.

I admire protons ethos, but the UX sucks.

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Still popular in Australia, at least in my demographic

You're also on lemmy. You might be old, but you are also technically literate. Im not saying PM is bad, I used it myself for ages until I decided to set up my own domain for business reasons so moved to fastmail.

Its just for the type of oldies who use ISP provided mail dont like the change of leaving the ios default mail app to go to the protonmail app

You can also find secondhand thinkbooks for very reasonable prices.

I havent bought a brand new laptop in over a decade now, dont think ill be starting any time soon either.

I wouldnt call it single player

I would respectfully disagree.

The people who were susceptible to coming over to lemmy as it is are already here. Those who think its too complicated or whatever will stay on reddit.

I think the key to wider lemmy adoption is by focusing on the product, not so much the marketing. While it obviously helps for people to know about it, which many people now do, it doesn't matter if they come check it out and its a confusing ghost town.

Getting these apps out and filling the platform with communities and content is, I think, much more important than trying to drag people here kicking and screaming.

As the platform becomes better, the people will come.

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Possible does not equate to likely. Its a pretty ridiculous scenario to assume when its much more reasonable to suspect that its just being hosted on a stable system and paid in advanced.

Racists are generally sheltered, easily lead, uneducated, and guillible.

True racism isnt generally caused by people they know, its by being told that "they" are taking your jobs, stealing your welfare, clogging your hospitals, driving your living costs up, etc, etc.

Its a tool used by the powerful to divert attention. The easily lead take it at face value and hate "them". If they meet a "reformed" person of colour, they see them as "one of the good ones".

While these racists can be outwardly horrible to individuals, they typically dont "hate" the person. They hate "them". The group that doesnt really exist, that they are told are making their own life worse.

A great example is in the Louis Theroux documentary, Louis and the Nazis. He spends time with various white supremacists, and while hanging out with one of the community leaders he meets his TV repair man, a Mexican man that has been servicing his televisions for years who the white supremacist leader considers a friend. One of the leaders side kicks is also fucking a Mexican woman.

The Mexicans that they know are "the good ones". Its the rest of "them" that are the problem in their eyes.

Its an unfortunately common occurence in people that they can be presented with direct evidence contrary to their beliefs, but they are so far gone down their rabbit hole that they consider the evidence as either an outlier or anomoly and not somethign worth analysing in terms of their perception.

Depends on the use case. Cloudflare tunnels are great for accessing services, but not your network. I have a dockerised vscode instance behind a cloudflare tunnel attached to a personal domain that uses white listed emails as authorisation. Fantastic set up, can access my coding environment from anywhere with an internet connection as long as I can click the verification link in my emails.

To access my network itself though, wireguard is better. I just use pivpn (coupled with pihole for on the go adblock) on a rpi.

Of course. This would fall under the "responsible for your own maintenance" part.

Im not saying its suitable for everyone, just pointing out the benefits if self hosting

Possible people who dont get approved immediately move on to amother server and settle in.

There is an obscene amount of content. The voice acting alone would take up an exceptional amount of space when you consider how many choices for pretty much every character/animal/whatever else there are.

Because teens "prefer" Apple, not necessarily use Apple?

Nah. Once people get a bit older and start paying for their own shit a lot of them quickly realise a mid range android does the same if not more than an Apple.

I thought it was Racing Inspired Cosmetic Enhancement, that is putting shitty race decals and spoilers onto some piece of shit car. Its probably a reverse acronym though to fit the unital racist term.

Unlike calling an Asian car a rice burner, which is just straright perjorative.

Google riced mustang and you will see plenty.

I would say the benefits are control of downtime. Hosting your own instance makes you responsible for your maintenance. If you maintain your own and federate with other instances, you still have an experience if another instance goes down, you just wont see that particular content. If you use someone elses instance as your "home" instance and it goes down, your account goes down with it.

The only points of potential issues with self hosting are if the activitypub protocol itself goes down, or something to do with your own instance such as going down itself or becoming defederated.

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How's that been working out?

Is it though? Im not from the US so dont really have a dog in the fight, but hear me out.

On what basis should he not be allowed? Because he's been indicted? Or because he was impeached? Both? Whatever the reason he would be barred would set a precedent.

Are there proper checks in place to ensure that the precedent set in place cant be met by simply stacking certain departments by a sitting president? The last thing you want is a pathway for a sitting president to effectively disqualify their opponent.

Clearly Trump is a monumental dickhead, but the problem is the people who vote for him more than anything

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