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Joined 11 months ago


The people who are here are more willing to post. So less of us overall but also less lurkers.

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Don't spend your money because it's a " good deal". In theory your guardian(s) are covering the expenses the rest of as as adults just accept. Therefore take advantage and spend your money on what brings you joy.

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I for one am recommending pulumi for any of my teams new infrastructure needs.

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So the pop out handles on evs make a little sense. The goal is to reduce wind drag as much as possible. At least on mine (not a Tesla) you can still interact with the handle without the car exposing it.

Not having a manual way to open from the inside? No way in hell is that ok.

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There is more to a program then writing logic. Good engineers are people who understand how to interpret problems and translate the inherent lack of logic in natural language into something that machines are able to understand (or vice versa).

The models out there right now can truly accelerate the speed of that translation - but translation will still be needed.

An anecdote for an anecdote. Part of my job is maintaining a set of EKS clusters where downtime is... undesirable (five nines...). I actively use chatgpt and copilot when adjusting the code that describes the clusters - however these tools are not able to understand and explain impacts of things like upgrading the control plane. For that you need a human who can interpret the needs/hopes/desires/etc of the stakeholders.

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First off, aiming to start in security is a fools errand. Security is one of the many paths that your career might take after you gain some knowledge.

Some more random thoughts before real advice. The two hardest things in IT are getting into help desk, and getting out of it. The reason is two fold: 1) help desk is the great entry point for the greater IT industry, and 2) one person in a help desk role is fairly similar to another when it's time to move out of help desk.

Now: If you have the time, go to your local community college and take their it/networking/security program. The degree will help - you won't skip help desk (unless your lucky), but you are better equipped for getting out of it. You will also learn a bunch of stuff, get some projects to stick on a resume, etc.

If you don't have that time you can go the cert route. Be warned however - certs do not substitute for real experience. Do not fall for the trap of thinking that getting X cert is your ticket to Y job. You will be in for a ride awakening when your sitting across from someone like me that only asks situational, hypotheticall questions with no correct answer ( I care about how you think and approach problems over book smarts).

Ok. Last bit of advice: the 10 things I look for (in order) when interviewing entry level help desk.

  1. customer service skills,
  2. ability to learn,
  3. customer service.
  4. some mild interest in tech.
  5. customer service.
  6. the ability to learn troubleshooting.
  7. customer service.
  8. the ability to admit you don't know..
  9. customer service.
  10. not being an asshole.

I can teach you how to fix a printer, design a network, or spin up infrastructure in the cloud. I can't teach you how to act around people.

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When I was taught it it was not pure left/right. Rather a method to differentiate levels of Libertarianism form other branches of liberalism focused on social justice (rising tide and all that). Any idea where you read it? Poli sci wonk phrasing being included into more popular literature is always fun to see.

That's the scary thing. It looks like this narrowly missed getting into Debian and RH. Downstream downstream that is... everything.

Honestly? It's enjoyable. Some of its predictable, some of the dialogue is brilliant, and sometimes the combat is a slog (or just not balanced well - especially early on when you don't have a lot of options). I do wish it had branching dialogue options but that's just me. Oh and the art is top notch.

Let's be clear - current AI models are being used by poor leadership to remove bad developers (good ones don't tend to stick around). This however does place some pressure on the greater tech job market (but I'd argue no different then any other downturn we have all lived through).

That said, until the issues with being confidently incorrect are resolved (and I bet people a lot smarter then me are tackling the problem) it's nothing better then a suped up IDE. Now if you have a public resources you can point me to that can look at a meta repo full of dozens of tools and help me convert the python scripts that are wrappers of wrappers( and so on) into something sane I'm all ears.

I highly doubt we will ever get to the point where you don't need to understand how an algorithm works - and for that you need to understand core concepts like recursion and loops. As humans brains are designed for pattern recognition - that means writing a program to solve a sodoku puzzle.

It's $100. In 2023 that does not even cover groceries for a middle class household of four for a week.

If you want to advocate absolute austerity to someone who has no expenses yet - go for it. Me? The world is shitty enough as is - of something's going to make you happy, and you have no other expenses, go for it.

It's not uncommon for the password manager to not be on the same system as where the password is being entered - hence a human needs to type. For example: consumer electronics with their own dinky little screens. Smart TVs/game systems and servers where remote access is not possible (or copy/paste does not work by design).

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Fyi. If your IT department is remotely on top of things - they know. They just might have larger fish to fry.

We can see all kinds of things about any devices that log on to check email, connect to the VPN, etc.

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I don't know what part your unaware of - so let me do the ELI5. They (HashiCorp) created a tool called teraform which is used for defining what servers/other infrastructure you use in places like AWS. Up until recently this was open source under the Mozilla license to something that's not quite open, but not fully closed source (yet).

Just to pile on. I've seen devs throw out the entire git history when moving between repos for ongoing projects.

Hey now! Gitlab ci is totally fine so long as your simply running your file out of it. Anything more and your risking madness.

Along a similar vain to making a git friend, buy your sysadmins/ops people a box of doughnuts once in a while. They (generally) all code and will have some knowledge of what you are working on.

Enterprise tooling (aka a usable API) and it stays out if my way.

Before the flood of people beehaw was one of the main instances. Now just an interesting group of people (and nowhere near the size of world).

+1. We are a household of sysadmins/engineers. Sure I or my wife could design a PC for media in an afternoon - but I don't want to deal with it.

An apple TV was a no fuss, no headache media box that can interface with the servers that store my media.

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I'm sorry but you don't want to use permanent IP bans. Most residential circuits are DHCP meaning banning via IP only has a short term positive effect.

That said automatic scanning of known hashes, and automatically reporting to relevant authorities with relevant details should be doable (provided there is a database somewhere - I honestly have never looked).

I'm playing through it, and my house mate described it as a love letter to Chrono Trigger.

Also it's gorgeous. Play it just for the eye candy if nothing else.

Interesting footnote about p and q. You see them turn up on formal logic proofs (for philosophy)

So counter point. Active directory is a god send for managing endpoints, user accounts, endpoints, etc.

No you don't let windows act as a dns server outside the ad subdomain, no you don't use windows to admin your root private ca, and for all you hold dear do not enable that God forsaken web server. But for what it does well, it's the best solution out there.

Depends on how niche. Some stuff unfortunately only comes from truly large user bases. At a guess, the further you go from a tech/liberal core and overlapping hobbies, the longer it will take for the content to emerge.

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With how they keep shoving snaps at everyone? At my work a migration to Debian is starting to be openly pondered.

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That's more or less it.

For example, I've got somewhere around 700 users. If we don't have SSO (SAML preferred, oauth as a fall back, and good whiskey is required for ldap/ad) whatever your attempting to buy won't pass review. Now Timmy the sales drone knows that, and so does their leadership - hence the SSO tax.

So for years I was similar on reddit. Then I realized I could use my account as a bookmark organizer for subs I was interested in.

Never posted anything however. Here I have alts with post history. Interacting is still taking some getting used to.

You being up an interesting point. Let's expand electricity a little bit.

If I flip a switch the lights come on. I don't need to understand it but someone does. And because electricity can be deadly of handled wrong, everyone in your proximity handles electricity the exact same way (and this is enforced via law). This means only a few people anywhere need to have the deep knowledge of how it works for the rest of us to get light.

Compare this to computing - sure you click the button and get Facebook but that button could be designed any number of ways. Like electricity the generation who tinkered is past (well passing), but unlike electricity firm standards on how to design your Facebook button have not been written in blood.

I for one am terrified of what the next 10 years of the business IT landscape is going to look like as we need to start absorbing kids who grew up on iPads.

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I'm a native English speaker so take this with a grain of salt.

Usernet? If memory holds there are a few German language indexers.

See. We just ask how many gallons per foot it gets (if a truck) or committing on how impressive their speaker system is.

Yes? If you don't like your clutch? Mid 30s in the PNW. Now to be fair, one of my cars is an ev, the other is a cvt transmission.

Let's take this one step further. I should be able to get the core ideas in your code by comments and cs 101 level coding (eg basic data structures, loops, and if/then).

So I'm using it with Python. For me it's able to do some stuff that terrafom never would be able to (Ive got a spot where resources are generated for each file/object on disk).

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I almost never interact with desktop Linux. That's a horrifying trend.

Wiki for anyone who does not feel like searching:

I should point out that when Wikipedia of all places has a legal status section you should take real care with how/when/where you have them.

We've got it rigged up for aws sso. Each department can make any number of permissions sets (and link to any number of groups). The config for that is all stored in git (with code owners configured so you can only mess up your own stuff).

Id say if it's in your budget - get one. We have no other apple products in the house but that. The biggest annoyance was making an apple account (for some stupid reason they require it...)

As someone who manages a Google workspace instance currently, God I wish I had exchange for my email service.