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Joined 9 months ago

fun to think that my shitty program is now stored in an artic vault and stored in some Chinese servers

So many bugs I never fixed and yet here we are lol

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Facebook = America

mastodon is far, far, far more interesting than bluesky

this article is literally an ad piece

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It'll probably launch in the US only to avoid GDPR concerns

So "Occasionally sluggish performance" now at launch? Surely it won't be much better 5 years from now

why wouldn't you use AdBlock?

I've just donated!

reading is hard

hiring back to do what?

they don't even need that much staff

remember 1.5 billion people live there? that's like wiping North America and Europe combined

almost like they're not doing what they're doing for the looks

have you seen the salaries in Germany? still much much cheaper than Bay Area

maybe by gnome 53 it'll be in

I truly hope this.

you've heard where?

restricting access to a cure is does not equal hurting.

By that logic, not inventing a cure, when you could otherwise do so, is also hurting. So companies developing chronic medicines instead of cures would be actively engaging in hurt

which does not make sense

its an easy way to obsess over something that will make at most a tiny marginal difference.

"whoa your phone lasts 4% more than mine because you obsessively babysat every charge session to perfection in the past 5 years? good one champ, I was instead enjoying my life"

the 400% figure is extremely misleading and based on old assumptions and old battery tech.

Also it you're not keeping the phone for 20 years then it doesn't make sense to calculate "total electrons" over the absolute entirety of the battery "life".

sometimes a phone with a good CPU performs poorly because of poorly optimized software

Often people on the internet will respond to that "well just find a custom ROM and a custom kernel, flash that and it'll be butter smooth!"

So I was assuming that you were implying that "only the CPU spec matters because you can always flash any software" and to that I respond that maybe some people don't want to flash aftermarket software

Why wait 10 years to get a 20% battery degradation when you can have it today!?

punish them by not buying their phone

I see so many be "angry" at them and yet they still buy the phone

The money is in the software services nowadays anyway. Subscription AI bullshit, cloud n stuff.

what phone do you use?

It's not about the processor, it's about the official software support. Some people don't want to have to flash a custom ROM to get decent performance, some people want good performance out of the box from the official software

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you do realize that just because a video says something, doesn't mean it's actually true right?

The asylum system is very easy to abuse. Coyotes and human traffickers take advantage of it.

The only solution is to get rid of this system and re-think it from the ground up.

I'm from Mexico. The situation is shitty but not that shitty. It wouldn't be honest nor fair to say that Mexicans have it worse than Haitians.

Mexico is a very big country and if you're facing threats from organized crime, you can easily just move somewhere else within the country.

So these Mexicans asylum seekers are taking more advantage of the system to gain easy residency in Canada. It's not an actual dire need

no, you can't.

they'll appeal any negative ruling for decades until the government gives up and offers them a slap on the wrist deal

I want you see you develop any of these life saving drugs. How much would education cost? How much would a lab and resources cost?

If a publicly funded lab invents these cures then yes it should be open to the public

But if a private company does it, it belongs ti the private company.

Unless you don't believe in private ownership?

3 more... do you think these new users will stick around?

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or to put it in other terms

there are people literally dying in Africa right now because of hunger. You could spend money and ship food to them to save their life but you don't. Is it because you're a cheapstake who doesn't care for human life?

what difference is she making

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