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Joined 1 months ago

I got curious and did a stupid thing of checking on a certain sub. There must be 15 or so posts about this, quickly trying to point out all the reasons that it couldn't be one of their own.

Work has been interesting so far. Not many of the huge Trumpers are discussing it and they discuss every time he cuddles out a fart. Most are saying they didn't have the stomach to watch KuMALuh lie all night or the entire thing is rigged. There's been one comment that her earrings were secretly devices to feed her the answers.

12 more...

The take aways, there are illegals getting sent to jail for trans surgery that are then sent out to eat cats and abort born children near the Keystone Pipeline so that billions and millions and trillions of illegals can enter everyday.

Honestly, this comment is a bit crazy and stupid, but then I remember what I just watched and heard.

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Banking on the following comments from the right, which they use for every artist's endorsement:

They're a has been washed up. Who even is this person? Guess I can cross him/her off my list I don't even know who this person is, what does it matter? This won't move the needle at all They should keep their options out of politics When is the last time this person has been relevant? Of course they would, all actors/actresses/artists are blue

Spin the ol wheel and let's see what we land on.

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I always thought it would be so cool to work in a skyscraper, like... 55th floor or something and just take a break to look out over the city. Then I realized that taking a break would probably get you fired.

Oh, and I bet people be banging all the time on those top level floors.

2 more...

Nail, here is the coffin.

Friendly reminder - don't stop and go vote.

Hold onto your butts. Already seeing tons of comments about it's Kamala who is refusing debates. Man, the spin is so crazy

Bro... The fuck... This comment nearly killed me. Totally stealing this and using it for other things, lol.