2 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


My heart aches for all the citizens living in Russia who have to live in fear because they're ruled by a tyrant dictator. If this news is true, things will only get worse for them. I hope the people can escape, or better: live in a better Russia with leaders who treat them like human beings.

It's wishful thinking, I know. Please stay strong, my Russian friends! Justice will be served one day!

The safest and most effective way to prevent Meta from destroying ActivityPub is to never give them so much as an inch. They WILL embrace, extend, extinguish if given the chance. Defederate from ALL Meta-owned instances. Be vocal about it. Tell other instances to do the same.

I'm hoping that the ability to migrate accounts across instances will become a thing in the future, for situations like that. It would help reduce the pressure to stay in one place because you've put so much time into it, which is one of the most unhealthy traits of social media imo.

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That second tweet is a bit concerning, though. Let's not forget that many ADHD meds are addicting to non-ADHD brains.

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Reverse image search says this was made by caelestee (now skyhaus) on twitter!

I own a gaming laptop and I agree. For that price, a desktop is objectively far better for gaming in terms of comfort, customizability, and power. If I had a choice, I'd have a laptop for work/school, and a custom pc for gaming at home.

That said, I still like my gaming laptop. It's a pretty good fit for my current needs.

People are humanizing computer programs way too much, and thus, we have arguments like this. An AI language model is not one of those sci-fi AIs that live in spaceships and talk to the crew. AI language models do not have individuality, creativity, consciousness, or free will. They are computer programs doing math to turn inputs into outputs.

I didn't find it very hard to change how I downvoted comments. Of course what counts as contributing to a conversation is subjective, but I don't think that should stop people from using it to decide whether to upvote or downvote. I downvote low effort comments, inflammatory comments, rude comments, and comments that spiral into tangents about unrelated topics. I upvote comments using my own judgement to encourage healthy discussions where people contribute differing ideas. I may not agree with every comment I upvote.

I'll enjoy the peace while it lasts. If/when the Fediverse becomes mainstream, psyops and ragebait and disinformation will migrate over because there's always someone who can profit from it. :(

A more robust tagging system makes blocking what you don't want to see easier and less disruptive to your experience.

I've been thinking about making my own neocities website to blog and share my creative works.

Die? What is it with assuming that small instances will inevitably die? There are people out there who want small instances, they will keep them alive.

I'm no expert but I think there are (or should be) exemptions in the case of crime

Great art! I love G'raha. Though, isn't this the wrong magazine to be posting him to?

I agree

AI """"artist""""

This is a plush animal. You can tell because the fluff looks like fake fur, and because baby owls don't look anything like this.

Is it that hard to understand that a brain with a structural impairment will respond to a chemical differently than a brain without that structural impairment?

I'm sorry that you have such dark thoughts and negative feelings because of this :( there's a very loud, very vocal minority of women who believe men are inherently evil (and there's a large overlap with terfism too). But that's just the thing, they're a minority. Obviously much of what they say is based on truth- that's how they persuade others to think like them- but it's not worth listening to them because their intentions aren't in the right place. You're absolutely right that communities like that are bad for one's mental health, too!

Wishing you well, stranger.

Doesn't bother me any, so it's all okay in my books :)

This kind of low effort comment should have stayed on Reddit.

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A better comment would have been like "this reminds me of Technology Connections' Alec Watson, he talks a lot about how much he hates blue LEDs. Here's a video [link]"

It makes the same reference, but provides more context, more content, and a new point of discussion.

In my opinion, it's okay. It's pixel art that does its job of depicting things the player can recognize. It just looks bad. The colours in particular are... not pleasant.

Exactly this. I see a lot of people suggesting the fediverse be more centralized because they're so used to centralized platforms.

This is a good idea! Go nuts for a while, see how you feel.

It's a knee-jerk disgust reaction towards any group different from the norm. Furries are also overwhelming queer, so homophobia ties a lot into it.

Echoing what this person said! ^

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Isn't the whole point of the fediverse to have different instances with different rules and cultures, and them all having the freedom to associate with (or to not associate with) whichever other instances they choose? Boohoo, an instance is using their freedoms in a way you aren't! Don't get so upset over what Beehaw chooses to do. People who agree with Beehaw will hang out there more and people who don't will move elsewhere. This is the natural way of things, isn't it?

You're right; I deserve the downvote.