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Joined 4 months ago

Just make sure you finish on the Bach. Never finish on Debussy.

The planet is great. It's the fucking occupants that are a problem.

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It'd be a damn shame if everyone started putting pixelfed at the end of every message to both deny threads content and create a Streisand effect.

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If you want to know how bad we're being fucked, search for the PPI, the producer price index. CPI, the one we always hear about, is the measure of inflation to us, the consumer. The PPI is the measure of inflation to producers, what they pay for goods and services to produce the goods and services we buy.

The PPI has been back to "normal" for a while now. Pretty much as soon as the post COVID logistics issues were mostly ironed out. The difference between PPI and CPI changes is almost all profit.

We don't get daily articles on the PPI though, I wonder why.

Tell people about PPI whenever you can, online or off, the more people know, the better. It's easy enough to say inflation is just down to greed but being able to back it up by comparing two simple charts will help people really understand.



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Even if Tesla somehow managed to de-Elon themselves and address the quality issues, those cars look so dated compared to other EVs that are available and what's coming soon.

They gave the model 3 a facelift but they really need a major bodystyle update across the whole line. Nothing in the entire line looks much different than the 2009 prototype model S.

They went from being futuristic to boring as fuck.

Edit: Except for the truck, of course. But that's just something else entirely and I don't feel like writing an essay.

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The difference is republican voters gargle his balls to an extent I've never seen, not even with Regan. The whole thing about being able to shoot someone on fifth avenue might be the truest thing he's ever said.

What this means is, with the help of a willing Congress he can do anything. Even things previous republican presidents couldn't without losing support for themselves and their lackeys in Congress. Republicans in purple districts couldn't pass just anything and expect to get reelected, but with Trump taking the lead you hardly even hear about individual representatives so they're willing to vote for some crazy shit.

He can feed them shit and call it caviar all day, every day. Republican voters will eat it up and never question it no matter how much it harms them.

Republicans always do this to some extent, but usually there is a limit.

Trump has no limits.

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Regulatory capture, it's a problem through the government. Decades ago U.S. regulatory agencies were well respected around the world, to the point where if a U.S. body approved something, many other countries automatically followed. Now they're a joke, taking orders from the industries they are supposed to oversee.

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Spices x 2. They'd probably be hard to unload without getting robbed, but then you could buy a nice farm.

Everything else would be useless after a short time at best and get you burned as a witch at worst.

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Waiting for the hexbears to chime in with critical support for Tucker.

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I see this as a positive. Instead of being fed content to keep me engaged by an algorithm until I suddenly realize the day is almost over and I didn't really enjoy myself, I reach a point where I feel like I'm done for the day then I make plans, play a game, read, etc.

Now I read the news, fuck around on lemmy a bit, then actually get on with a "real" day.

Yup, it's always "critical support" for any country with an adversarial relationship to the "imperial core" no matter how fucked up they are on human rights, or anything else.

It's never critical support for any of the "succdem" countries for their advances on human rights and social safety nets despite not moving towards socialism/communism, and then trying to get them moving in that direction.

Not that all or even most of the countries they support are actually moving towards socialism/communism either. The countries they list as AES (already existing socialism) make me think they have literal holes in their heads, like that guy that didn't realize he shot himself in the head with a nail gun for years.

They're good at quoting Marx but when it comes to who they support their only requirement is anti-western aligned countries, and they'll twist their brains into any knots necessary to invent a narrative to justify that support.

While they do seem to be pro Ukraine, that's not their raison d'ĂȘtre.

They're just a national defense/defense industry shitpost community with what seems like a genuine appreciation for cool vehicles, aircraft, and other equipment, even if most of them would prefer that equipment was never used for its intended purpose. Credible defense was for serious military posting on Reddit, but I don't think there is a lemmy community for that.

Right now a lot of that equipment is being used in Ukraine so a lot of posts reference it.

Edit: Also, Russia is currently providing a lot of fodder for shitposts.

I edited the links to try to get more apples to apples. For the PPI just deselect the blue line and compare red lines between the two. Those should give 12 month change numbers for all goods and services unless I screwed it up.

Edit: I edited the links again, I accidentally used final demand instead of intermediate demand for PPI. No need to deselect anything now. I linked the chart for processed goods, other categories are available in the drop-down list.

Well...shit. It seems like any new laws are already too little too late then.

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Don't fix the typo, I'm enjoying the mystery.

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Is there any chance that comment was satire?

Bilbo is rich and Frodo is a nepobaby.

So it only disrupted the speaker when it detected reggaeton?

So it wasn't the loud music early in the morning he objected to, he just thought his neighbor had shitty taste.

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As soon as anyone can do this on their own machine with no third parties involved all laws and other measures being discussed will be moot.

We can punish nonconsensual sharing but that's about it.

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I stayed with Sprint through years of them being the shittiest in my area because I was grandfathered into an old plan with free nights starting at 5pm. Just taking non-stop at 6pm like a baller.

Depends if you want to eat ass or vag.

I think part of the difficulty discussing this is the discussions usually combine two different things. The production and distribution.

I was informed elsewhere in this thread people can already produce these images/videos on their own machines with no third parties involved or remote processing. I can't think of a single thing that can be done about that so acceptance is all we've got.

Nonconsensual sharing, on the other hand, we can and should do something about. The legal system won't be able to stop it altogether but it can push it to the fringes and stop it from becoming mainstream so any victims wouldn't see fake images/videos of themselves proliferating everywhere.

I looked it up the other day. The float that's currently available to trade is 6.32m shares. The total shares are 138.81m shares. And that's not even counting all the warrants outstanding (DJTWW). As I understand it, those are like options issued by the company, but when they are exercised they dilute the stock even further instead of entitling you to buy existing shares.

Right now it's just about 4.6% of the shares being traded by idiots who think Trump will make them rich and people taking advantage of those idiots. As soon as all those restricted shares hit the market, they'll be worthless. And I'm not just talking about Trump's shares, there are a lot of other insiders with restricted shares.

It'll be interesting though. It's kind of like a prisoners dilemma. If they all just hold and trickle out their shares over a long period of time, they could fleece a shit-ton of money from MAGAts before the bottom drops out, leaving them holding the bag. But they all know if any one of them dumps, the stock will tank and maybe even the idiots that buy trump bucks can't bring it back up.

What do you think the chances are that they'll all rush to be the first ones out because they think at least one other person will do the same causing it to go to pennies within days of those shares becoming available to trade?

It's not even just cheapo stuff anymore. They've really stepped up their game in the last several years, with ICE and a good range of EVs. I know a few people that have Hyundai EVs, and they all love them.

Their Genesis badge is also legit luxury. I would say they might be the best value in luxury cars right now because they can't yet command the price the more established brands can.

These aren't the shitty tin cans from when I was younger. If you're looking for a new car don't dismiss KIA/Hyundai/Genesis without checking them out.

Recently I looked into upping my privacy game after learning about everything companies like lexisnexis are collecting about me. It was extremely overwhelming. I'm considering mostly giving up on privacy, with exceptions in a few areas, and pivoting to making that info worthless by doing more to block ads.

Dafuq? I've been reading her name as Leticia all this time. It's like when I found out, after years of reading the name, the the CEO of ULA is named Tory Bruno, not Tony.

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Same here, I think I started it during the lack of new content after the 07-08 writers strike. I thought it would be a mid sci-fi show I would put on for background then it turned out to be awesome.

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I didn't expect to get a laugh out of reading this discussion, thanks.

My friends and family are in my life, not an app.

You're missing the bottom row of dark hands. Please fix this before I spend all day thinking about it.

It also wouldn't hurt to change the font size on "this" so the middle row doesn't bulge out.

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Not only is decriminalization not legalization, even if something is legal your employer can prohibit it as a condition of employment.

I can guarantee you, even if marijuana is completely legal tomorrow and available in every 7-11 I'll be fired for testing positive, and for good reason. At least the reasons are good for me, for a lot of other jobs drug testing is bullshit.

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Are his shares restricted? The way I understand it, usually insiders aren't allowed to sell until some time after the IPO.

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Some people can, I wouldn't even know where to start. And is the photo/video generator completely on home machines without any processing being done remotely already?

I'm thinking about a future where simple tools are available where anyone could just drop in a photo or two and get anything up to a VR porn video.

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You don't think black panther "address(ed) the issues"? Did you miss all of Michael B. Jordan's character's motivation? Or did you just not even watch the movie?

It sucks that Netflix doesn't have as much as they used to because stuff has been pulled for other services but the value proposition for streaming still blows cable out of the water, even with price increases. Adding free or low cost commercial tiers for more price sensitive people doesn't give me commercials.

With all the premium channels and three HD-DVR boxes I used to pay over $200, before internet, more than a decade ago with much of that going to a shitty middle man company. And that's for commercial, appointment TV. Even with the premium stations you had to DVR shit to watch later. I subscribe to a ton of services, even some fringe ones, so I almost never come across something that I can't watch immediately with no commercials on any device I have access to anywhere in the world. And with annual rates, discounts from my phone company, and kickbacks from credit cards I'm still under $100. And now the money goes to companies that actually produce content, even if some of them suck for other reasons.

With what I'm getting I would pay double what I used to for cable, but as it is I'm paying half. It seems like a lot of people complaining never paid for cable with all the packages/premium stations themselves and don't remember how much appointment TV sucked.

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No system of government, with a capitalist economy or otherwise, is inherently incompatible with, or inherently supportive of people being employed by or receiving grants from national institutes for arts/sciences or other similar organizations, public or private.

If a country is lacking in that regard it's not the fault of their economic system. It's due to the values of the people in power. And in the case of a democracy, it's partially due to the values of the voters as well.

In my country, public and private funding for arts and sciences without a profit motive has been on the decline for decades and I would love to see huge increases. But no matter what the system is, there are limits. Everybody can't be an artist, scientist, or philosopher. A large portion of people are going to have to produce necessities.

Being able to chase your dreams is no guarantee you will be good enough to catch one of the limited slots, even if the number of slots is high.

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Like I said to that guy, did you even watch the movie? "Addressing real issues" was core to the movie. Michael B. Jordan's character was motivated by hundreds of years of colonialism, the transatlantic slave trade, and racism faced by black people the world over, and specifically in the U.S.

I wonder about that. During the deepest part of sleep does your brain have enough activity to maintain a continuous stream of consciousness? If you go through two sleep cycles in a night does yesterday you die, and you from the first sleep cycle who only dreamed die, and you're a new consciousness in the morning?

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It just put ~s on either side so it bulges more. I appreciate the effort though.

Yeah, that looks good in browser. I guess jerboa doesn't support subscript either.