30 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 months ago


I am a queer, autistic, disabled, anarchist. I have a focus on fighting ableism, and run spaces with that being an intention. One thing I put a lot of focus on is ableist language. I stream, run a youtube channel, and a discord.


I also think I want to make a list of these accounts, I wonder if there are tools to scrape pfps and look for similar ones or any lists of them that already exist

shitty person here downplaying bigotry? Blocked

thank you, I'm glad the people here like it, I've posted similar stuff other places and have gotten lots of hate

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what doesn't kill ya can also leave you gasping for air for the rest of your life. Everything that makes you stronger can't kill ya, but few things that don't kill you also make you stronger

i would rather people just stop being cowards and call me a slur smh

yeah how people treat kids tends to show a lot about them, a lot of people really hate the idea of consent.

They don't want to allow them autonomy because it is socially acceptable not to and they love hierarchy over people.

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overwatch fucked itself up so hard its barely playable now

yeah, and sadly that happens nonstop

literally none of them have spy or anything close to it for a start

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cops kill people for being depressed, isn't that just victim blaming?

reclaiming a slur means using it as a positive reference to the oppressed group, you are just using the slur

idk the history of that word as well as it is not used my in dialect really, but there is the whole sexist angle in that one that doesn't really seem like much of a help to us

calling someone one of the oppressed classes as an insult doesnt seem the right way to go about it

yeah i should just block, you are right.

this society is organized around nonstop genocide, honestly at this point I think that things become socially acceptable only when and because they hurt people

a lot of other games, but none like those I'm afraid

and I haven't seen a game that takes moderation seriously enough yet, they are all run by capitalists

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thank you, speaking is hard so I try not to waste a word lol

I found the youtube, where do they stream?

yeah people tend to get extremely angry over ableist language being called out. At the end of the day they told you to stop because they are ableist, and so just hate disabled people. I am one of those that cares a lot myself, and so that is reflected in my spaces.

also I think the phone number thing is a requirement that some channels can set themselves. I think the only thing it blocks without one inherently is like dms on new accounts? I don't know the specifics though. I have people making unverified accounts for the first time just to talk with me, i can ask them more about the process

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mb, I forgot to say video on it in the title, it is answered there

sadly that doesn't seem to be what most people mean when they say it, lots of people defending it in comments

I don't like "autistic person" I would rather just have "autistic".

sadly there doesn't seem to be an effective way to find those few who really believe in it, so unless you already have that community...

Maybe you already know of a group of people that does this and watches each other?

And not all care about fame, and money is something that can be gotten through building mutual aid with the people there that helps everyone there. It does not need to come from being a personality there yourself, I use it as a method to recruit people for the other places I interact.

I definitely have had some annoyances with how they interact, but I also see almost no spaces online even care about things like ableist language. I have not seen a space that does not infuriate me. Even if those spaces are commercial, it is the person running them on the smaller level that makes the most difference. These commercial spaces also often have more accessibility tools built into them and around them, so moving to something else can leave people behind which isn't good either.

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yeah the hatred of bikes is a big one, and so are cars. Lots of the "an"prim type on that front. Being able to walk places is cool, removing all cars is not.

even if the servers are queer friendly, I haven't found one yet that doesn't allow things like ableist language. They only feel marginally better with the tradeoff of smaller games

do think it can sometimes be harder to build an initial rapport online. The lack of body language can make it tricky to convey meaning sometimes in the same way you would offline

im autistic, that makes it easier. People can use tone indicators online.

which is why i play them with groups of people

i turn mics off

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it will 100% be used to attack queer and disabled people when they get bored of trump

I had a friend that tried that. They might as well be screen sharing in discord for all the reach it gets, idk if anyone who isn't already mega popular could even do that beatifically.

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I've still heard people with that parentage called a bastard because of it though, so what about what they think, what about their experiences? Are they just not people to you?

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honestly with project 2025 stuff, everything is going to get worse before it gets better. I'm not even sure if planning beyond that is worth it, so twitch going downhill slowly doesn't bother me as much, especially since my main group of people is elsewhere.

and I have met a lot of disabled people who are ableist sadly, internalized and otherwise. But yeah, I guess my goal is to make a community for oppressed people, not the oppressors, so I guess they have some reason to allow it in their cases. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush though, if they think keeping the people they have there is less important than pandering to new ones I doubt they will get far.

oh let me guess, politics is whether you check red or blue on a small piece of paper every 4 years?

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what if, by giving the lesser evil more energy and making them a greater evil, you give them the ability to put you in prison camps when the original greater evil could not?

Nobody is protesting the concentration camps under biden, or even calling them that, yet they did under trump.

Everyone upvoting this person missed the point of the post

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i mean, streaming to literally 0 viewers isn't going to do much. Less popularity and more literally anyone there

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pronouns do have some overlap with those, yeah

practical use for a lot of things comes after building the systems where it is available in the first place. I have seen it used to designate what kind of furry someone is, I am not in those communities much so I don't know the specifics but I imagine that can save time and confusion. One set of pronouns for those furry spaces, one for outside.

I use it/its in spaces where I do not plan on engaging with people as individuals, like on youtube where I get hundreds of comments and I'm not going to bother reading usernames. Designating the kind of interaction I will carry out and what to expect there is a good use case.

It is hard to find more examples as it is such a personal thing and not many people do it yet

it is clear when you look at ecosystems for example, if a single disease can wipe out all adult trees in a forest it kills all new sprouts and it stops being a forest. (Tree sprouts tend to not do well in direct sunlight because they expect the shade of trees above them and all that)

so if you only have one kind of trees you are on a timer

this is the same with how we interact, and why organizing in systems that can coexist with as many other systems as possible is a requirement for survival. This is one of the biggest reasons why I'm an anarchist, because the point of the state is to force everyone to exist within one set of rules and such

i mean, democracy is a hierarchical idea in the first place so its not like it makes much of a difference to me. I mean in the general sense here though specifically, so I think the tense is fine

well i write out the script and related information in a big document, I could probably share that from a burner account for my videos

  1. yes, they were specifically asked for, and closed captions are also available

  2. I will try increasing the size for my next video and see how that works

  3. the point was to summarize it for people with difficulties with short term memory (a lot of the people I work with), and putting it before may add confusion on that end

  4. I was trying less pauses with this one, but yeah might not be as good.

and for information overload, the point is that it is as condensed and short as possible, i deal with a lot of people who need that level of information to stay engaged. This exists as an alternative to those slow 2+hour essays. Ultimately that will likely always be an issue for a good portion of people

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nothing "practically works" that is helpful to us under capitalism, the entire point of capitalism is that only things that hurt us work