roux is a lib

@roux is a
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Joined 1 years ago

The government providing a baseline existence for it's people is like super fucking dangerous.

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I build custom mechanical keyboards. Got into it because of the Pandemic and now I have built 6 of them. /r/mk and /r/emk used to be some of my most visited subs on the other site. I'm now known as the goto for keyboard questions in my circles of friends.

I started getting into fidgeting more lately and took a liking to magnetic sliders and now have a few that I pretty much always have with me.

And that extended into me learning about begleri beads somehow so now I am attempting to learn that. I can do slips and 2 finger wraps and occasiaonal one finger or thumb wraps but not much else yet. I accidentally learned a stall because I messed up. I need to really learn transfers since that is one of the main things you do a lot of.

I think I am also amongst the hyperfixator group in this thread. I was previously into speedsolving Rubik's cubes and roasting coffee so I feel a lot of these answers lol.

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I would like to wish all the social media oligarchs a kindly fuck right off.

Seriously if I wanted shitty ass social media I would still have a Twitter and Facebook account.

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To add to what said, you can also buy kits from sites like Keebio and Novelkeys. There is a Etsy store call BeeKeebs I will always suggest because Leo is a really cool dude and offers a lot of kits for stuff that you'd otherwise have to part yourself.

I print my own PCBs and aim for boards that don't require diodes. I have most of my boards with Choc Sunsets which are aftermarket custom low profile switches form All my boards run on a fork of QMK called Vial and the hobby gets weird from there. If you are on discord there is a meckkeys server that has a ton of info.

For how custom they can be: Look up Ben Vallack's Piano2. It's an 18 key board that he uses for everyday use including writing code. QMK and it's forks are extremely powerful pieces of software that still blows my mind and I've been using it for 3 years.

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Either die or get a job. Not picky on which one.

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The dead frog in the show box scene had me laughing so hard the first time I saw it I was actually crying.

Technically 0 hours a day. Anyone wanna hire an unemployed mediocre programmer?

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Gotta love a good baseless claim.

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Another movie that essentially tells the same story in a different setting is Snowpiercer. Both movies are great imo.

I've been on Mint with Cinnamon for the last 4 years or so but before that was a long stint of Ubuntu/Gnome after distro hopping. I am considering moving upstream to Debian or switching back to Arch in the future.

Meanwhile my dumbass has been trying to be even remotely functional with programming. A degree and a software dev job later I still don't think I really get it.

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Obosob is one of the main mods from the ergo mech sub and they are running (I don't know crosslike communities on here yet) but that sub is picking up. There is also Both are gonna be slower than what reddit was like of course but I kind of like that. I haven't seen much trackball stuff yet but right now there is a Fingerpunch board on the first page with one. I saw a Cirque build the other day too. and a hand full of sub-40% boards including one of mine!

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I use the LibRedirect for various sites and half the time it either doesn't load Tweets or it comes up with a page that Nitter was flagged for serving illegal content.

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You don't really miss it after a few months. And maybe it's stockholme syndrome but lately when I get something with vegan "cheese" on it, it hasn't been awful. Last weekend I got a Daiya pizza thinking it was gonna be complete trash and it wasn't horrible actually.

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I was just thinking that after I made the comment. Like be like Tom, y'all.

Curious since I never used the official app but are these things opt in or opt out?

If you like cheesy b horror and practical effect demo there is one called Hotel Inferno that is first person continual shot similar to Hardcore Henry but it can be a bit rough at times. The English dubbing isn't great for example. At times the practical effects almost feels like the finisher kills from Doom 2016.

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Stuff like East Anti Cheat needs to have support for Linux essentially turned on. Otherwise the game won't run even if WINE/Proton can run the game fine. I think a lot of devs don't bother because they don't know Linux in case OS specific support might be required, and the market was fairly small up until the Steam Deck came out.

For an example. A few weeks after the Steam Deck came out, suddenly Apex Legends and a few other games could be run on Linux without anti-cheat issues. The developers just turned on a switch and made a new build essentially.

For the longest of time is Linux users were mostly just told that people use Linux to cheat in games and that's not really the case.

Overall though there is no real reason why anti-cheat software shouldn't be able to work on Linux.

This is actually the route I've been inching towards. I've started getting my veggie burgers with just veggies and will make a slaw for my tacos and I've been missing it less and less. I'm mostly gonna treat it as part of my "vegan junk food" list hopefully going forward.

But like I'll still use nooch for like my pesto and such lol. But my pesto recipe is one of those things where you can't even really tell it's vegan imo.

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This is so true. I spent hundreds on this lol. I am currently typing this on a Ferris Sweep with custom dyed keycaps and I ordered my PCBs special just so I could have them in purple to match my micro-controllers.

Another sites I forgot to mention since I was half asleep when wrote that was kbfans. I have seen people that get into the hobby to the point of building their own get kits from them or Novelkeys. Both offer hotswap PCBs which means you don't need to solder the switches and can change them if you want. They offer 60% and TenKeyless which is probably where most people aim for so I think it's a good place to start.

Also if you want keycaps, Amazon, Ali and Banggood sell knockoff copycaps(lol) of a lot of designs for a lot cheaper. Look for "double shot" or "dye-subbed". Those are gonna last and you won't get fading legends like on cheap boards.

And don't get too overwhelmed with switch choice paralysis. If you break it down to linear, tactile, and clicky for feel and then light, medium, and heavy spring weight, it gets a bit easier to navigate to what you might want. Tactile will have a light bump or a heavy bump(popular in the last few years) but other than that, they offer testers and samples.

lol I love it!

If someone else didn't say it I was gonna recommend DSP. It's galactic scale Factorio in space and 3D. If Factorio automation and interstellar logistics sound fun then get this game.

For late game do e of the hardcore players take ticks per second and such into consideration so there is a sort of meta think to the game with that regard. You can still just slap automation chains together and get the job done tho. I was getting 15 fps at end game with a RTX 3060 lol.

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I have the luxury of working from home so fidgeting isn't an issue. I tend to not play with them when working as much since I end up spending most of my time picking them up off the floor. Also when you are on a phone call and hit your knuckles and blurt out an "ouch" it makes it a bit awkward lol.

That's fair. I watched the whole trilogy and honestly it just becomes a slog. They took a novel idea and tried to franchise it and I think that wasn't the best idea. Hardcore Henry is still very much superior.

Tbf I've had a similar thing happen like 6 years ago. I've been using Linux still but at the time I didn't have much going on that system outside of a few games so it just turned into a long reinstall weekend. I forget exactly what happened but I also had another issue where I tried to install KDE Plasma desktop environment and it completely nuked my system. Idk if it was a user error or what.

I'm still a Linux fanboy but it's not without its own set of issues. I try to be a bit more careful in the terminal after all that and I haven't had any major issues since. I do need to do a fresh install sometime in the near future though.

I actually got my first real project a few weeks ago after over a year here and just completely screwed the pooch on it. I had like 2 methods written but no functionality after a week with it. I don't know if I was asking the wrong questions or what but the product owner which was one of our senior devs really had me struggling.

I'm finishing up on a course this week that covers a few things that my school didn't cover and then I am gonna start working on my own project to hopefully get my bearings straight. I don't really have one in mind but I'm considering a messenger app or ye ole student registry type app that a lot of people start with.

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Thankfully what I mostly do right now isn't gonna break anything major but I have had a few after 5 calls from product owners because certain things in our software that is custom configured for each client might have been done wrong(it's kind of common enough that it isn't that big of a deal) and it's mostly a quick fix and from lack of communication. Where I struggle with is that I am first to call for support issues and I still don't quite know the software or the industry like the back of my hand.

The small project I am rolling around in my head is probably already made but I want to be able to create a chat app that has full E2E encryption with chat history/room deletion based on if the chat hasn't been active for a few hours or whatever. Sort of encrypted chat but with the killswitch of a VPN. But I don't know if it already existing matters as much as the experience I would get from just doing it.

Also thanks for the encouragement. Lately especially I have been beating myself up because I should really be further along than where I am.

Imo homemade is better. This makes enough for 2 lbs of pasta and I found it freezes very well so we got 2 while meals out of it last time I made it.

I say "my recipe" but I got it from here:

I use sunflower seeds instead of pine nuts because I'm not a millionaire. I have made it with a blend of spinach and basil before as well. Spinach is cheaper unless you grow basil or something.

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ML in the streets and AnCom in the sheets.

Can I pretend I have mediocre experience of 5+ years and get away with applying for junior dev positions? 🤔

This is precisely what I was thinking. It happened a few times and later it worked again. I think it's just happening because it's not Twitter. It's just a redirect site so it's literally the same exact content.

Not gonna lie some of the expansion mods I've seen scare me. I do wanna get back to Factorio if this DSP kick ever finishes though.