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Joined 1 years ago

Either you are misguided or you know what you want to say would be considered bigotry and expect to have your voice heard by everyone.

Trans people don't need to "think critically" about why they disagree with anti-trans comments. It's not "healthy" for trans people to be constantly reminded that there's a % of the population that want them gone. It's not ignorance, it's a done debate. It's a waste to debate people who's aim is to open the dialogue up to extremist viewpoints.

What would this achieve? Mods who've spent years building their communities aren't going to hurt their reputation just so you can live out a fantasy of burning Reddit to the ground. We get it, it hurts to lose a community. But if you're done with Reddit, post content here that makes this place better. For now at least, Reddit and Kbin/Lemmy will exist together. There's not going to be a Diggesque switchover to this platform, there's too many people who just don't share our concerns, amongst other blockers. This is doubly so if the only unique content here is complaining about Reddit.

Basically, live and let live. Some people will find their way here in due time. Spez is doing a fine job of butchering Reddit himself. He doesn't need help.

This is probably true. The front page is not barren, there's plenty of users being active. The subs I frequented are still dark so there's nothing for me, but it's clear that Reddit isn't going to start begging for us back yet.

Since things are new here, it might be a good idea to let people know what they are getting into for moderation duties.

It would be good to have some info to hand, like what mod tools are available, what kind of sitewide rules they must follow, what kind of community rules they can enforce, etc.

It's the first meta joke this place has had. Someone asked how not to shit for 3 days and for some reason it made its way around the site.

Seems like we're all still redditors at heart after all lmao

Twitter and Reddit have really thrown the idea that the "elite" are somehow smarter or more competent into disrepute. They are literally just ideologues.

You should just make new posts of unique content instead of ripping posts from Reddit. Recycled memes doesn't make a community - interaction does

The same individuals who benefit from Reddit as a training ground for AI also have a stake in Reddit. They are transferring money from one pocket to another.

I'm not sure it was, unless you actively sought it out.

Lots of communities were nice and pleasant, with little to no animosity. The politics subs invite debate and discussion, so naturally argumentative people gravitate there. But most of Reddit was fun

Online discussions can be toxic anywhere. You don't have to take part in a community and don't have to be dragged into dramw. There's always somewhere more welcoming.

One completely out of touch ideologue praising another isn't surprising but it is shocking how such incompetent people can land positions like this.

It's not too late for Reddit to claw some of it's reputation back, but this guy needs to step down for it to happen.

That's a feature I didn't know about. Will definitely keep an eye on that

Another Podcast Addict user here. But I don't think they pay the Podcasters anything if that's your concern. If you're listening to Joe Rogan, don't pay him a penny. Pirate the shit out of his podcasts. But maybe you should consider giving to Patreon if you don't already. They take a cut but at least you know its going to the podcaster.

Also you really should know that Tidal isn't paying anyone any better, no platform is. They're all beholden to rights holders, and that is mostly record labels and their parent companies. No platform pays per stream, that's a myth. Spotify just distributes all the money left after their 30%. Blame the labels for making audio so unprofitable and for the average listener for treating music and podcasts as disposable,

Before you think I'm defending spotify, I'm not. They tried to make an unprofitable product profitable and they did it by selling out to record labels. Spotify could have made them irrelevant but chose not to.

It's not getting as much discussion time around these parts but Discord seems like its gonna be the true reddit successor. Honestly, this makes me sad because Discord feels like jumping into a stream of consciousness.

3 more...

Oh no! I'm gonna have to read man pages

You're right about advertising, but they also are a legal target. Any platform that has sex related content on it will eventually feel pressure from their country's government. It just takes one incident and

I reckon platforms see them as a burden due to the volume of regulation that they inevitably become saddled with, or face penalties. Hence why tumblr rolled the dice on removing it all, Reddit is restricting ease of access, and Pornhub purged most of its content.

I'm interested to see how the Fediverse will handle it when it eventually comes this way.

This is a balanced take. Reddit probably is ok with new front page subs taking over. I guess newer users who don't care about 3rd party apps will take over as core users.

uBlock Origin runs in FF - works on FF for Android too.

Not a lot much else going on here, sadly.

This place is becoming an echo chamber.

I don't doubt that there are bots in the comments on Reddit (as if that can even be disputed) but pretending like nobody could possibly just not be interested in moving to lemmy is wrong. There's lots of teething troubles here still which need to be resolved before most people will consider it. Whinging about astroturfing comment sections isn't gonna make dankmemes or pcmasterrace come to lemmy.

If you have to ask then you're probably fighting a losing battle. I'd focus more energy on making kbin (or Lemmy) a viable alternative. Post content that people want to see. If you are a dev contribute to open source.

I'm sure the potential users who are on the fence would be more likely to move over if the platform was in the best shape it can be. It needs an actual community of users and content for that to happen.

I agree with this. Context is important and it should be clear.

Not gonna lie, I've just had a look at the feed just now and it's becoming noisy. It would be nice to not have to sift through so much chaff to find wheat.

I know there's strong feelings about curated feeds around here but it should be up to the user to decide what they see for the most part. At least, they should be able to decide what they don't see.

How long before there are calls for spez to resign? There's no way other people at Reddit are happy with how he's handled this. The product has been gutted, it's probably worth a fraction of what it could have been. What next?

It's been a huge pain because no single platform can't be a drop in replacement for Reddit.

Not sure I agree that it's "cruel" but it is definitely heavy-handed. It's really just a way of enforcing the "lurk more" attitude of old forums at scale.

Telling 20 new accounts each day to read a few posts before making their own gets old fast. It also prevents harassment from day-old troll accounts. It's not perfect but it is a better solution than doing nothing at all.

Accounts were never shadowbanned for year long periods. I remade my accounts multiple times and never had to wait more than a few weeks before being fully active, minus a few niche subs with oddly strict rules.