5 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Thank you!

The past two weeks were amazing, and I'm an Orff Level 3 certified teacher now! Also last night I finally made it back to that little karaoke spot I found about a month ago. The owner is such a cool lady and there's this wonderful feeling of community I've felt totally welcomed into. It will be another month before I'm able to go back since I'm about to do some traveling, but I definitely anticipate it being a regular haunt for me.

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Congrats on taking control of your mental health and distancing yourself from people who make that hard to do. I hope you're able to have some fun times with your coworkers!

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Happy early birthday!

Also why do the children look like weird little buff men? Is that an effect of the pickling?

I just want to say that the downtime made me extra sure that I will follow beehaw wherever it goes. I'm definitely more lurky than chatty, but after browsing via other instances, I missed beehaw.

I'm a bi/pan woman and yes, that is an objective truth.

Today's the third anniversary of my dad's death. It's still so hard.

Cabbage patch kid.

Moms for Liberty was trying to take over our school board, and thanks to a lot of canvassing, phone banking, and fundraising, they failed!

The older I get, the more range in age of friends I have. I have friends in their 70s and in their 20s at this point. And you definitely shouldn't feel embarrassed about learning something new when you're older. How boring would it be to only know the same things we did when we were 20 for the rest of our lives?

Yeah, it's this weird mixed bag thing. In the US, I've found myself being able to pull people who were originally registered Republican fairly far left. People who bought a lot of the conservative propaganda but couldn't stomach Trump are now starting to wake up a bit, at least in my personal experience. But the ones who are still in the party are full of nothing but hate, and there are still plenty of them there.

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Right? This doesn't read as satire, but I'm baffled how anyone could write this with a straight face.

I feel awful. Tested negative for COVID, but I haven't felt this bad since I had it.

I've managed to migrate from air mattress and blanket to couch and blanket and I think avoided being hungover, so not too shabby.

It's only Monday, and I'm TIRED. Three weeks of school left, and the kids are wackadoodle.

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I'm super proud of a friend who just ended a relationship with someone who was being incredibly controlling. I'm very worried though because she keeps questioning her decision. I've luckily never found myself in her situation. Any advice from someone who has?

I'd love to hear more about your experience! And I bet there are plenty of people here who would enjoy your art and writing as well.

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Currently drinking a beer in bed. Tomorrow I'm going hiking in the morning and to a country dance bar at night. (The latter is definitely not my thing, but I'm being supportive of a friend.) Sunday, another hike and lunch with a friend, and then I'm thinking backyard fire pit time with my partner. Monday ideally will be games all day, but we'll see if life gets in the way.

I came here from the reddit fallout, but I'm really bad about posting and commenting.

My week's been going well! On the downside my therapist who I really loved left the practice (she took a job helping sexual assault victims in the Marines, so good for her, that's some important work), and I've been put on a wait-list. But I feel like I'm in a place right now where, although I don't think it would be good for me to stop therapy long-term, I can maintain alright while I'm waiting, and that's pretty cool. Also the choir I sing with had a couple of super successful performances this weekend, and it felt really great to be part of that.

At least you got an hour in! That's one more hour than if you hadn't gone.

That was my first thought as well! I hate the time it takes to watch videos, I will be using this so much now that I know it exists.

Had a really nice conversation with a Brit in between hearing some AMAZING jazz musicians. I know I have a long way to go as far as being informed on geopolitics goes, but it was really nice to feel like I was able to hold my own while both of us were able to talk a bit about various countries we knew bits about.

This week is going pretty well! I don't have anything big looming over me that I need to get done, and I'm seeing Peter Gabriel this weekend, so I'm super psyched about that.

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I notice it as much as I notice any other article of clothing against any other part of my body. It doesn't really register.

I'm pretty sure it takes place every year! This is my first time visiting though.

Congrats on getting healthy! I hope the migraine goes away soon.

Any of these passive aggressive comments and in addition something for yourself. Because you deserve it.

Having a great time in New Orleans. Every time I visit a place, I gauge it on whether or not it's a place I could live, and based on my time here so far I could definitely live here.

Trying not to feel overwhelmed by everything I need to get done, but that's every week. Otherwise, can't complain!

Same. I'm 37 and I do regular playlist exchanges with my dad's 70 year old friend (my dad passed away a few years ago and both of us strongly connected to him through music, so we decided to keep that going through each other). We're both constantly seeking out new music.

Started Orff Level III today! Which probably means nothing to any of you, but it's a really great course for music teachers.

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Keep spending time with these people! In some ways the state of society certainly does suck, but finding our people who go against that grain has the potential to make things better. At the very least, we can make some things better in the small ways we can, and that's still something important.

It was ridiculously windy here today too! Getting back into the swing of things at work after some time off and trying to remind myself that I can only do so much at a time and the rest will have to wait.

So happy for you! Being able to enjoy the moment is something I am very much struggling with right now, I'm really glad you've been able to make that happen.

It's my birthday tomorrow! A friend just called me: "Someone sent me these weird AI pictures of Jeff Goldblum and for some reason that made me realize that it's your birthday tomorrow. Happy early birthday!" I think that's going to be my favorite birthday greeting from now on.

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Past few days have been alright. I had a dream about people dying last night that just kept going, so I'm in a really off mood this morning.

Sorry about your rabbit's passing. Based on his name I bet he had some fantastic adventures!