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Joined 1 years ago

If you're not paying you are the product. If you ARE paying you are STILL the product. This is how big tech works.

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Let me guess. These are the same people who refuse vaccines with miniscule mortality rates, but are demanding milk infected with a virus that has more than a 50% mortality rate in humans? 🤔

Also, how is intentional getting infected to aquire immunity better than doing nothing at all? I mean, just don't worry about it. If you get infected then you're either dead or immune, and if you don't get infected you didn't need that immunity anyway. Plus, you've saved money by not buying your weirdo raw cow juice.

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Correct. Avocado ≠ Onion

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Bad bot. You skipped the main part:

"At first it was called Ehfir," Putin said. "And at one of my public speeches I was talking and said it was Sfera. I arrived at the Kremlin, and the former Roscosmos head greeted me and said, 'Vladimirovich, you said it was project Sfera, Sfera you said. That's what it is, project Sfera.'"

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Bad bot. You've removed most of the meat of the article. TL:DR - Oversized components and cheap solder cause weak connections and make the drives prone to breaking. It also impacts 2GB and 3GB drives.

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The whole Internet?

As a game studio - a developer rather than a publisher - it's very much hand to mouth. You are paid by the publishers on delivery of milestones. Milestone reviews can sometimes be subjective. You're basically the lowest link in the food chain and can be subject to a publisher's whim, which can often be a bit random depending on your external producer. Keeping such a studio open in the long term is about chasing new contacts, and any gaps between contacts is expensive because you aren't generating any income, but are having to pay wages. One or two project cancellations can easily shutter an independent developer.

In some cases studio owners may simply want out, or they might legitimately see a sale as bringing stability to the studio... Or it might just be greed. But I think it's hard to say whether a studio would have a safer long term future being independent or being sold.

The AAAAA stands for "AAAAA, it's fucked"

Scotland here. Does this come in black?

I dunno. I feel like expensive boots have turned to crap over the last few years.

I've recently banned my kid from playing it too. I had only just unlocked it for the first time. I had previously blocked it because it was, IMHO, terrible. As a professional gamedev I find it offensively bad. But I relented, because lots of his friends were playing it. However, and this may be the experiences he was playing, it seems to be almost exclusively training kids up for gambling. Pretty much everything is dopamine based rewards. It's like a casino. It's worst than I ever imagined. I'm this close to banning online play in Minecraft because he is similarly gravitating to the same sort of experiences. In our case it's not about money, he hasn't spent a cent on these things. But the content is very problematic, I have concerns that it is encouraging developing minds that gambling is the norm.

Personally I wish they just made a bunch more Steamworld Digs. They could keep churning those out and I would lap them up.

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The ever reducing diameter of wraps is the thing that gets me the most. Do they think we won't notice?! It's maddening. I want a big wrap.

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And with worse safety, it would appear.

20-30K?! Holy crap. I've never spent more than 10K on a car. But then I've never bought a new car...

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Sure. "The Rats".

RDR is not (officially) available on PC / Steam / Steamdeck. So you'll need to either emulate switch or 360 via Xenia. IIRC MVG had a video about RDR running under Xenia on the deck about a year ago, and it was mostly 30fps ish.

Realistically though, if you want portable play Switch. If you want to play on a TV PS4. The best way to play this right now, in the absence of PC port, is an Xbox Series X via back compat, which doesn't really help you!

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There are a few others, mostly command line scripts.

Imagine if this guy was your boss.

Aldi UK beans aren't as good as they used to be. I think they changed about 6 months ago. That said, they are still decent and my beans of choice.

The Switch is "okay". You can set a daily limit and an end time. As well as allowing or blocking titles. You can't set more granular sessions times, or even a start time. And "bedtime" cannot be earlier than 4pm. It's all a bit limited compared to Xbox from example, but it's okay. You control the times from a mobile app.

My son is 11, and this is a daily... or even hourly occurrence.

Is this an AI written story? At different points in the article it says in the UK, or Sacramento, or Delhi 🤔

Urgh. The only people in our house who watch it are the kids for cake based reality shows and Lego animation. So as soon as they raise the prices it's getting cancelled.

What? I mean, they were young when they did all the good stuff. Black Francis was 14 when he wrote Hear Comes Your Man. There is a Brixton Academy video from 1991 on YouTube and two or three 1989 shows too. Forget about the newer shows! I saw them live in 2004 and 2005 and they were still great, but those earlier shows are where it's at.

I hate it. Some communities just fill up my feed with links to news articles with zero (or zero quality) comments. I either unsubscribe from these communities, or block the poster. In some cases they are so frequent, and with images that are effectively advertising. That and the zero comments, they just remind me of Reddit ads. I don't think you can hope to build a community by drowning out any discussion with a flood of posts from news sites. If you're the mod of a community with so little interaction, then you should be curating content and adding comments yourself.

Me. I work in video games, and I have kids.

Also, most albums tagged with shoegaze on Bandcamp are not shoegaze. It's a travesty.

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Absolutely. When I used to use YouTube I had a browser extension that directed the home page to my subscriptions.

I saw your channel on maker tube (I think) today when I was looking for Jan Beta's channel! You can use NewPipe (Android) as an app for Peertube, but it's a bit fiddly in your normal Fediverse style when trying to find and sub to people/channels. Also, I don't think you really subscribe via NewPipe. Subscriptions are just local and it doesn't use a Fediverse account.

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I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact the only electric car I'll ever own will be a 10 year old Nissan Leaf.

Great post. I played the Speccy version a lot back in the day. Although I was never anything other than very bad at it.

For what it's worth the New 2DS XL is my favorite variant of all the DS models.

I cant help but feel this is some sort of password reset question farming...



Needs more arrows

I have a Fire TV Stick Lite and it's awful. The UI is sluggish and using it for anything is a chore. Perhaps if I had got a higher spec one it would be different, but honestly I cannot recommend this particular device at all.

Wait, this Sony?

Sony’s profits up thanks to rising sales of music, games, movies and sensors.

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