Baby Shoggoth [she/her]

@Baby Shoggoth [she/her]
13 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It’s so wonderful that Reddit, by making a decision that benefits no user/mod/sub, and actively harms users/mods/subs, all in the name of corporate greed, gave Lemmy the boost it needed to become a viable alternative to Reddit.

Thank you, Spez. We couldn’t have done this without you.

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atlantis (pre-atlexit)

i meant it when i said -9. fuck that process.

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wanted to really shrink my dating pool

this post feels pro-nazi in a way that discomforts me

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We need a c/AreTheStraightsOkay on lemmy, it is my most missed community from reddit at this point.

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It’s the “radio” option, they just haven’t updated the form in 40y

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Elon is doing this so he can pretend that if someone says “i saw your ex today” he can pretend they were talking about his tweet, change my view

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Reddit sent me an email promoting a post on Reddit on a SubReddit about alternatives to Reddit complaining about how much the Reddit mobile app sucks.

“simply showing off” -> clowning on humans

so it was like every demo ever? k

i hear that numerous tesla owners say they’ve been trapped inside their EVs after they lost power

i’ve also heard that numerous tesla owners say they’ve been trapped inside their EVs after they lost power

that, on top of the news that numerous tesla owners say they’ve been trapped inside their EVs after they lost power makes me realize we may be facing a horrifying truth: that numerous tesla owners are being trapped inside their EVs after they lost power

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It’s not a slur, the point is that you don’t get to dictate someone else’s personal journey. Instead we tell our stories, and if that helps someone relate, it’s because our story resonates with their story.

clearly you’ve never met a non-programmer with an app idea. so many random people have billion dollar ideas they’re willing to give you for free, and how dare you shrug that idea off as not worth your time, they’re giving you a lottery ticket they can’t turn in because they don’t “get” computers, but you do, so with just your skills and effort, and their genius idea you never could have thought of because you’re not an “idea person”, YOU could be a billionaire.

my heart goes out to the three little birds

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ok i made it and i am blaming you for the decision to do so


to me the flow of “anti-nazi org says no -> i found a loophole -> anti nazi org is shocked and defeated” feels uncomfortable to me. it’s not the subject matter or your point, but presented in this yugioh format it feels like it’s leaning on the wrong side to me.

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SoM was indeed anti-nazi, yes. But this meme is about subverting an anti-nazi political body with a loophole, which shocks (and assumedly, from the comic panels, defeats) said political body. this part, which is not included in the original work, is what makes me uncomfortable.

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it’s fine just start the load over

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Trucks = Testosterone, and men here have such fragile senses of masculinity that they need to be constantly reinforcing how manly they are in every aspect of their lives

it’s fine just start the load over 😎

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An egg is a term in the LGBTQ community for someone who is exploring their gender or is in denial of it. When an egg cracks/hatches, a trans person has accepted who they really are. Calling someone an egg is telling them they’re trans, and is not something anyone should dictate about someone else.

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pizza, sandwich, burger, hot dog, corn dog, fries, rolls (and basically any bread-like thing), buffalo wings, chicken nuggets / tenders, fish sticks, most fruit, any veggies that can be eaten raw, most quick snacks, and so much more.

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to be fair we’ve been doing this since tetris

There will probably eventually be some commercial Lemmy sites. I honestly think it would be awesome if large game studios, and software companies, and anyone else who has need for a forum, made their own federated Lemmy instances as their official support forums.

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You called out “tip”, but you left “expansive” just lying there helpless?

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you like kissing commons don’t you

never skip cronchies day

no words? i can describe your love for him in only 7 words: not as much as i love him

controversial opinion; I think lots of companies should host lemmy instances for their own support forums.

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There are some forms of commercialization i would be super down for, specifically: any large game studio, publisher, software company, or any other company that has support forums and communities, could make a Lemmy instance for their official support forums (they could even reasonably hide the “all” view from their own web ui, but stay federated so people on other lemmys can still post there)

jesus fucking christ fine. replace corn dog with: corn on the cob, tacos, burritos, nachos, tater tots, bbq ribs, breadsticks, calzones, mozzarella sticks, etc.

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are you gatekeeping burritos 😳

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The U.S. Navy plans to equip its Virginia-class submarines with Xbox 360 controllers, which will control the ship’s periscopes.

Periscopes. Not steering the goddamned sub.

Not just one. The article says he did it at least 10 times previously in that year because throwing pringle poop is a habit he likes to indulge in.

He said this to a judge, to make the point that this was not a directed attack against the people who owned the property, as a legal defense. He just likes to throw pringles cans full of shit into parking lots. this was never about “them”, he just likes to throw poop canisters. What’s the big fucking deal, your honor? i’m just indulging in what makes me happy.

This is a woman who knows her way around both a velour uniform and a bottle of champaggin.

people see me dressed in pink 3-4 days of the week.

People also ask me my favorite color, as if they don’t know.

My grandpa was german. In german, jetztwhich in english would be pronounced something like “yetst”, means “now”. His whole life he would use “yet” in place of where an english-native speaker would say “now”, and i always thought that was adorable.