1 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Agreed. I was flippant after reading the headline, since I don't like Musk, but once I read the story I was like "oh yeah this tech does have big potential for the differently abled. "

A quadriplegic being able to control a cursor on a screen with the implant for 100 days seems like a legit first attempt.

Could be great for the accessibility movement in the long run. But I could be naive or too optimistic.

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I enjoy listening to college radio stations. They're usually varied in music genres and tend to reflect what college students want to put on the airwaves.

I'm a fan of 88.3FM Central Carolina Community College Radio.

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And "driver crash"

I think I accomplished a similar effect on my first linux distro a long time ago with a program called "compiz" (iirc). "I'm so frickin 1337," I whispered under my breath. Nobody cared except me, though, lol.

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"You made a valid point and have changed my mind."

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Clearly you aren't doing it right. Me buying shares is a death knell for companies. I'd be surprised if my broker doesn't give companies a courtesy call when I've bought a few shares to let 'em know the company's about to go under.

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There's definitely animosity toward veganism as a concept itself. The types who use the term "soyboy" and boomers who consider eating lots of red meat some kind of manly recreational pastime.

What's wrong with pannenkoek? Am I out of the loop? I've watched a couple of his videos and they were interesting deep dives into SM64.

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Birth control and STD protection are two wildly different things. Imagine, if you will, a married couple who doesn't want any more kids. They want the former and don't need the latter.

I don't think it's fair to say Stewart shouldn't critique Biden during a campaign just because dishonest talking heads will spin it to their advantage. Someone has to be willing to give an earnest and nuanced take that doesn't ignore valid criticisms of their own side. That's having integrity. And we need more of it, not less.

If Stewart had ignored all the criticisms of Biden during the show, the talking heads would have just spun some other show's takes like they always do. They're gonna do it regardless of how honest Stewart is cause that's their job.

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I run my own wireguard VPN at home and connect to it from my phone when I'm traveling.

Grants me privacy (but not anonymity) from my mobile carrier. Sure, my home ISP still sees my VPN's traffic, but that's still one less company able to monitor my web traffic when I'm mobile.

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Ohh, gotcha, lol. Yeah, I completely misinterpreted your comment. Thanks for the clarification

Excuse me, we're gonna need you to add more snark to your comment. All you did was offer helpful advice as to how OP can fix their problem.

In this economy? Better believe I'm looking up the No A Button strats.

For me, it's probably "Frontier Psychiatrist" by The Avalanches -

It's like a weird fever dream. Catchy tune though.

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where’s the pleasure in watching a story you’ve just created with prompts?

I imagine (some of) the fanfic/fanvid community might love something like this for making fanvids. Some of my friends are big into the fanfic/fanvid scene and would probably love writing/directing their own videos to share with fellow fans in the community.

I think "the money is made from animal parts and there are no fully vegan cars so you're arbitrarily picking and choosing when to be vegan" misses the point of ideological veganism. I'm not a vegan, but I believe the goal for ideological vegans (in contrast with those who are vegan for medical reasons) is to minimize suffering and exploitation within reason for the specific reasons you said. No one can be 100% free of animal parts unless they become an off-the-grid self-sustained homestead.

Vegans know that. But most come to the conclusion that just because you can't live 100% animal free doesn't mean you can't try to get to 80% because you want to live your life in a manner you consider morally and ethically consistent with your collective ideologies. You get as close as you can within reason depending on the various constraints of your individual circumstances. "I am still a vegetarian, and I try to be a vegan, but I occasionally cheat. If there's a cheese pizza on the band bus, I might sneak a piece," to quote Weird Al Yankovic.

I'd say most people, including vegans, have more than one goal in life. The "lines in the sand" you're referring to are at the intersection of their goal to minimize suffering and their goal to, say, keep living. Like if a vegan were told by their doctor, "If you don't start eating meat, you'll die from this weird disease," the vegan likely wouldn't be like, "Well, I might as well indulge in eggs and milk and all other animal products now since I can't be 100% vegan" and chow down. They'd probably eat just the amount prescribed by their doctor, because they still don't like eating meat because its origins bother them.

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After a little searching, I found a couple of resources you might find handy: - find activist groups near you - browse nonprofit social justice groups you can join - browse global crises that need funding - tangentially related, this organization focuses on discussion of contentious ongoing issues

I enjoyed playing around with it for a few weeks last year. I liked that they had voice acting and context-sensitive dialogue like Velma saying, "Let's see who's really the world's greatest detective" when Batman was on the enemy team.

It's also just fun to speculate about all the characters that could show up (but probably won't). I'm still rooting for Granddad "Bitches" Freeman to join the roster.

Dunno if we should justify murder by violent mobs by speculating that the person might've deserved it.

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I agree the situation is oppressive and untenable, but the plant manager isn't the same as a King. We don't know if the plant manager had the actual power to fix anything, given the corruption and embezzling going on behind the scenes. A King is the top of the pyramid, this guy wasn't necessarily, so I don't condone his murder based on pure speculation. The French people didn't have to speculate that the King and Queen were directly responsible for the peoples' misery and oppression.

We just don't know enough.

I would say that's a good reason not to condone mob violence, not a reason to support it.

You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci.

A few of my favorites that I follow:

Open Culture -
George Takei -
Endless Screaming -
The New Oil -
Space Telescope Science Institute -
Linux on Mobile -

There's nothing objective about that opinion at all. I think Mariah Carey's song is cynical corporate kitsch written for one reason and one reason only: to make money. That's why I hate it.

OP said it was "well produced". I don't believe that is meant to imply it isn't a soulless cash grab. Big production companies hire skillful producers to write/record/master these cheesy songs because it appeals to a larger portion of the population. Since most people prefer high quality records to something that sounds like it was recorded on a tin can in your garage.

That said, I disagree with OP's use of the term "objectively" when referring to something like the quality of a work of art. Even if I agree with OP that it is a well-produced record.

I love the Vince Guaraldi tracks from Charlie Brown Christmas, too. But I love Christmas and Christmas music in general, so this thread isn't for me, lol.

When I'm hosting an event, guest comfort is my highest priority. I'm not a vegan, but if anyone coming to an event that I'm hosting has dietary restrictions, you can bet your ass I'm going to be accommodating.

It's not giving them "special treatment" in my eyes; it's giving them basic respect as my guest. I invited them to an event because they're a friend/colleague/fellow human who I invited to attend. It's my responsibility as host to make sure everyone who decided to join me at the event is fed a good meal.

I sympathize with anyone who has a restrictive diet (for medical reasons or otherwise) so I consider this high on the totem pole of tasks involved in event planning. A couple of years ago my doctor told me to cut my carb intake to help lower my cholesterol a bit and it sucked majorly at any event I attended cause there'd be no low-carb options. Could eat all the bacon and eggs I wanted, though, ironically.

Seconding the recommendation for Virtualbox. Wanted to play my old Lego Island CD a few years ago and I just booted it up in an old Windows VM. Worked like a charm.

If I hadn’t gotten a home right before the housing market went to shit, I’d be discouraged too.

Same. My family hit the lottery when we decided to buy a house when the covid pandemic was tanking the market. Locked in a mortgage at around 2.25% and feel so privileged every day for it. The apartment we lived in at the time said they were upping the rent nearly 30% when we were due to renew, so we started looking at houses. We were incredibly lucky that we met someone entirely by chance who was planning on selling their home around the same time our apartment lease was due to renew. They never even listed their house on the market so we didn't have to deal with getting into a bidding war. And it was within our budget. And I got a raise at work right before we signed the papers (we were already gonna be able to afford it, but just barely). The stars aligned in so many ways at such an uncertain time in our lives.

It's one of the few things that gives me comfort in trying times. So many things could go wrong, but we've got a house with a fixed mortgage and a very low interest rate and a half acre of land for our kid to run around and play in. I'd say my general anxiety levels have been lower since buying a house cause it just passively comforts me to have gotten so lucky. Even though maintaining a home is a big responsibility compared to renting an apartment, it's totally worth it, and I've enjoyed becoming more handy over the years as things have needed fixing.

With any luck, we'll never move again. It's a nice place about 15 minutes from the nearest town, which is already a rural area, so there's little light pollution so the stargazing opportunities are nice. Hoping to eventually add some solar panels to the roof to lower the energy bill one of these days.

If we were still living in a basic apartment and paying effectively the same amount in rent that we're currently paying in mortgage for a 3 bed 2 bath house with a garage, I'd be depressed as fuck about it every day.

Welp, guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't think Stewart needs to campaign for Biden. We know Stewart is rooting for Biden to beat Trump. I'd rather he be a voice of reason than a campaign staffer. I doubt anyone watching Stewart's show is now going, "Hmm, maybe I'll stay home or vote for Trump instead cause Biden is too old."

Stewart's primary audience is already rooting for Biden. The audience of conservative talking heads spinning Stewart's reasonable criticisms already weren't gonna vote for Biden. Ultimately, I think Stewart has just introduced much needed earnest discussion into what is going to be an insane and vitriolic election year.

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Let people vote for who they believe in without shaming them.

Voting is like freedom of speech. Everyone is free to vote for whoever they want, but they aren't immune from criticism for how they vote. If someone votes for a guy who says he'll "be a dictator on day one" and encourage Russia to "do whatever the hell they want", I'm gonna shame that person for supporting such an insupportable candidate who espouses such insane ideas.

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I migrated from Plex to Jellyfin maybe a year and a half ago and haven't looked back. Great user experience and works so well out of the box IMO. Good Android app, too. Works with Chromecast, too (though I've been trying to ditch Chromecast in favor of just a laptop connected to the TV via HDMI).

I started digitizing old home movies that were on VHS and created a "Home Movies" library for my family; none of us had watched them in ages since none of us have a VCR anymore, lol. Great mother's/father's day gift for one's parent if you've got the time and equipment. It's nice having the whole family able to easily stream our home movies.

Perhaps OP is looking for a local organization to pick up trash with. Some people like working in groups for a common good.

It’s the belief online that [...]

Well, the idea of the "Law of Attraction" is far older than the internet; I recall reading about it in a book on old timey "magick" teachings many years ago. If I recall correctly, the idea was that the only real "magick" in this world is our attention/willpower. So the things we're attracted to, or the things that we use our willpower toward or spend our time on, are the things we are "magicking" into existence, so to speak.

So if one uses their willpower toward helping others and being a positive person, that's using the law of attraction to the benefit of others and yourself.

If one uses their willpower to be a total jerk and only look out for themselves, that's using the law of attraction purely for your own benefit, and maybe to the detriment of others.

One could also use their willpower to, say, stop smoking cigarettes. That would be using the law of attraction for self improvement.

That was my understanding of the idea, anyway. Haven't read about it since then. I liked the book because it was very clear from the beginning that "magick" is no shortcut to real results because "magick" is just human willpower manifested through actions, and anyone who was offering quick solutions via "magick" was a scam artist.

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I'm between jobs for the first time in my adult life at the moment. My last gig lasted nearly 10 years and it was a wild ride. I found it fulfilling for a time, but I eventually got promoted to a position I wasn't wholly satisfied with.

I started off at the very bottom rung, doing tech support for customers on the phone/chat/email. I was great at it and got promoted quickly to higher ranks of support, and eventually wound up managing the floor of tech support agents. Those were some of the best days of my life. Halcyon days.

Every day was like a really low-stakes episode of House, where in the course of helping agents solve technical issues for customers, eventually we'd encounter one really inexplicable, difficult, borderline impossible problem that nobody had ever seen before, so me and my team's brightest would walk and talk while hypothesizing and figuring out our next move.

After a year or two of managing the floor, I got promoted to a position where I was ultimately a code monkey. Then Covid happened, and my job became fully remote for 4 years straight. Which was great! It allowed me to do my work and also spend way, way more time with my infant son during his early formative years. I got incredibly lucky in spite of the pandemic. But over time, the burnout grew to the point where I knew I needed to find something else to do with my career.

I'm lucky enough to have enough in savings that I can take a bit of time to reflect and think about what I might want to do going forward with my admittedly limited credentials.


Why not? Nothing wrong with research and development as long as everyone participating in the test is an informed, consenting adult IMO. The advancements could make current accessibility tech even better. For one reason or another, a quadriplegic person decided they were willing to take the risk, so maybe they consider current accessibility tech for quadriplegics to be insufficient and wanted to try for something better?

Please dude I promise you this is near universally hated by disabled people 😭

Well damn, I didn't know.

Sure, but you also said not to shame people for how they vote. I responded specifically to that statement and not the others because I understand wanting to vote for a candidate you actually want in office.

Unfortunately, strategic voting has to occur in order for things to get better in the USA. Until we massively overhaul the voting system, voters need to understand that you either vote for the lesser of two evils, or are (albeit passively) contributing to the greater of two evils' ascent to power.

Even far-left progressives like Bernie Sanders or Noam Chomsky were like, "Dude, you gotta vote for the Democratic candidate or else these crazy far-right candidates are gonna push the country further to the right. At least if the Democratic candidate wins we either stay where we are, or maybe get to move a bit further left during their tenure."

It's a deeply flawed system, but in the general election, it's a simple calculus. There's nothing Biden could do to lose my vote in November because I owe it to our society (and our allies worldwide) to prevent another Trump term.

Reminds me of this Weird Al bit:\_w

1978 was when baby boomers were entering their 30's. Maybe that's why the $58,680/yr figure sounds high. It's my understanding that boomers made great money compared to newer generations (though I could be wrong about that; I'm no expert).

Are the Goo Goo Dolls considered basic? They certainly got mainstream hype in their heyday, but I don't think that makes them basic. Iris was one of my first favorite songs as well (I was about 9 years old when I heard the song playing at a Hudson Belk thay my mom and I were shopping at).

I've seen them 3 times live in concert and they're great.

It seems to me that your issue is with disinformation, which isn't Stewart's fault. You seem to be blaming him for the fact that people will take him out of context or misrepresent what he said. I don't fault him for that when he's being fair with his criticisms. Sure, he could completely avoid ever criticizing Biden at all to avoid getting taken out of context, but I do not fault him at all for not participating in the insanity by refusing flatly to ever criticize his preferred candidate. You seem to dislike that he has chosen to speak freely even though he knows disinformation campaigns will use his statements as ammunition, but I certainly don't. I appreciate his candor and I don't fault him for speaking his mind even though bad actors will be waiting in the wings to corrupt his positions.

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For me, it's Dragon Ball. Across 3 mangas, 4 shows, and like 25 movies, the latest content is still enjoyable. Dragon Ball Super, both the anime and manga, are just super fun successors to the originals. It's the only comic book I actually read when a new issue comes out.