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Is it "fair"? I'd say no, but the world isn't a fair place. Enormous, unscrupulous corporations are to blame for the untenable situation we collectively find ourselves in. And those corporations aren't going to be rectifying their behavior any time soon unless forced to.

That being said, asking individuals to take steps to reduce climate change isn't an unreasonable thing in my eyes. Because, until corporations are held accountable, asking individuals is the only thing that can possibly improve the situation. Even though it's like throwing a cup of water on a forest fire.

The second that Amazon, Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Coke, Pepsi, et al are forced to do their part, I will start throwing my trash out the window again like a proper American. Until then, I'm gonna recycle and encourage my friends and family to do so as well.

Hypocrite that you are

These "moderators" should be ashamed of themselves. They couldn't be more transparently treating one participant with kid gloves and letting him talk as much as he wants.

It's what I expected, but I am still disappointed.

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Does anyone else hate Nickelback, Coldplay, Justin Bieber, Billie Eilish, and Maroon 5? Upvotes to the left

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I really enjoyed watching this series a while back by Ben Eater:

"Building an 8-bit Breadboard Computer"

It explains a lot of the steps in the rocks-to-computer pipeline in detail. It assumes decent familiarity with electronics fundamentals, though. So maybe not the best starting point.

Adding on to this: the repair shop I take my car to is too far from my house for me to walk or bike back, so I just walk the shops in town while they work on my car (unless they tell me ahead of time it might take more than one day to diagnose+repair, in which case I ask a friend to drive me back home after dropping off the car).

It's less that they "assume you can leave", but rather that it isn't really their problem. They need an uncertain amount of time to work on your car, depending on the issue being repaired, and you can leave if you want to during that window.

If there's nowhere for you to walk/bike to nearby, you just gotta sit and wait, which I've done on a handful of occasions. Just sitting in the lobby and reading some outdated magazines for an hour or two. It's boring, but what can you do?

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A $1 backscratcher from a local pharmacy. Makes scratching my own back effortless. 10/10 investment. And way more affordable than the full-time backscratching assistant I was paying all those years.

I'm all for taking precautions, but it seems a bit odd for them to conclude that the weather was "too dangerous" for performers, but not "too dangerous" for hundreds of fans to congregate to see the show. Seems like they would've cancelled the show entirely if the weather seemed hazardous enough. But I'm no expert. (I have no issues with lipsyncing or pre-recording vocals either; that's just showbiz)

I saw Weird Al live about 8 years ago and a huge storm rolled in about halfway through the show. They told everyone to head home and that the show was over, and they were right to do so; the drive back home was perilous with zero visibility for long stretches due to the heavy rain.

how can Linux be a moderated product to sell for desktop

It kinda depends on each individuals' use case; there's lots of different Linux distributions that are better (or worse) for specific workloads.

Any given laptop I'm staring at in a store will probably work perfectly fine as a general-use machine with Linux Mint installed. This is my go-to distro when repurposing a machine because it works great out of the box. If I were running a computer store and wanted to sell consumer laptops with Linux on them, I'd default to Mint.

If someone is looking to turn their PC into something more specialized for gaming, they can look at something like Bazzite or Batocera. These will generally require some tinkering.

If an individual or company is looking to build an office with many workstations and user accounts, they might consider Red Hat Enterprise Linux so they can benefit from official support channels if something needs troubleshooting. Many computer labs at NCSU used RHEL when I attended many years ago.

Want a stable server environment? Debian is a standard pick.

Want a barebones system with no bells and whistles (but great battery life)? Alpine oughta work.

So Linux has many options for end users to pick from, which can be seen as a good thing (more options is generally good), but also a bad thing (many end users might consider the plethora of options to be overwhelming if they've never used Linux before).

Linux (or is called unix?)

Linux (Or GNU/Linux) operating systems are a modern implementation of an old research OS that was called "Unix". Spiritual successors to Unix like Linux and BSD try to bring a lot of the design philosophies of Unix into modern OSes (I believe this is generally called the "POSIX" standard. e.g.: macOS is a POSIX compliant OS, iirc).

If I've gotten any of this information incorrect, please don't tell Richard Stallman.

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let’s be real, youtube is a big waste of time

I see people say this a lot, especially on the fediverse, and it makes me wonder why people think youtube is a "waste of time" when youtube's uses are what the user makes of it.

I primarily use youtube for learning things. There are so many thousands of hours of useful, educational content on youtube that I find the suggestion that the entire platform is useless clickbait to be reductive and disingenuous.

Sure, there are channels I watch for typical mind-numbing content like Let's Plays and such, but I wouldn't suggest that youtube is wholly a waste of time just because there's plenty of mindless content on it.

Just like Reddit or Lemmy, I can create an account and subscribe to a bunch of dumb shitposting communities, but I can also subscribe to a bunch of interesting hobbyist/intrigue communities.

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(They’re created with computer too.)

I've got bad news for him regarding how modern pickup trucks work.

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In Bazzite, you should just need to open the Discover package manager and click "Refresh" and then "Update All" in the top right. Although these drivers don't appear to be available through the package manager yet; mine is still on version 560.31.02.

If your Firefox crashes are anything like mine were, it should be solved by opening up Flatseal and disabling Wayland rendering for Firefox. See the screenshot shown here:

When I first installed Bazzite on my Intel+Nvidia laptop, the Firefox crashes were constant. The workaround here fixed the issue for me.

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We need to dive in and tell us how these numbers work!

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Women are undeniably a minority when it comes to being represented in politics/media in general. It's only in recent history that women have had any meaningful presence in terms of representation in those regards.

They're a minority in terms of representation because of said disenfranchisement.

Could it be "Fira Sans"?

Any politician want to make an argument against abortion that doesn’t involve “muh faith”?

I live in NC and have unfortunately been exposed to this guy's campaign ads on several occasions. While his religion is definitely a factor in his policies, there's also just good old-fashioned misogyny. He regularly frames abortions as only being necessary because women "can't keep their legs closed" and crap like that.

And that's barely scratching the surface. If you want the abridged version, check out his Wiki page:

The guy is a total nutjob.

Nah, I just live in a rural area. There's closer shops to me, but a very honest local business I've been going to for years is a bit further away and it's worth the extra distance for their service. They're a fantastic shop and they've always done great by me.

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Well, that was fast, lol.


The official documentation has some guides on setting it up in a few different ways, although they assume the user is decently familiar with Linux/terminal commands and such. There might be some more beginner-friendly guides out there, though.

I switched from Plex to Jellyfin a while back and I've been very happy with it.

lol, I feel you there. I got a ruggedized, waterproof USB stick about 6 years ago to keep on my keychain and I've used it maybe three times ever. Though I've also been working from home for the last 4+ years so, y'know, less opportunities to use it in general.

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, though.

Lots of people work on weekends.

Ah, darn. Unfortunately I have no additional help to offer since that particular issue was fixed for me after changing those options in Flatseal.

I'd try running Firefox from the terminal to see what error message you're receiving when the crashes occur; the unique error message was what led me to this workaround when I was originally troubleshooting.

I'm no legal expert; I assume support can be either offered or completely avoided depending on the shop owner's preference. Most Linux distributions come with a "this software is free (as in freedom) and comes with no warranty or guaranteed functionality" disclaimer.

If I wanted to engage more with my clients and build more trust, I might offer some degree of troubleshooting/support for the Linux machines I sold. But I don't think I'd be under any legal obligation to offer that service just for selling the laptops.

Whether or not the computer shop offers support might affect whether or not a customer wants to shop at my store. Maybe I can sell my laptops cheaper if I don't offer support, or maybe my laptops cost a bit more because I do offer aftermarket support.

Yep! These guys are booked solid around the clock. I have to schedule well in advance any time I want to take my car to them, unless I want to camp out and be the first customer when they open at 5am. Worth it, though. They're good people.

6.06 "Dapper Drake" (iirc) was my first GNU/Linux distro back in the day. I was about 15 and spent a week tinkering with it trying to get the wifi to work on my old HP Pavilion.

Good times.

"Sons of Texas" reminded me of this tune I enjoyed a while back from Maylene and the Sons of Disaster:

"Step Up (I'm On It)"

So, by your logic, shouldn't there be a bunch of malnourished and dying cats as a result of people buying this food and only letting their cats subsist on it?

Where are the outraged customers? Where are the lawsuits?

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They're comin'

I don’t think Reddit-for-nerds (Lemmy) is that great of a place to ask this.


I'm not a fan of going to the gym, either. Though I understand why others prefer it.

I've always liked having a home gym. I inherited a bunch of equipment from my parents when I was about 22, but had to sell it all when I moved into a much smaller living space when I was 25. I was only able recently, at 33, to invest in a new set of equipment and it's been nice to get to do proper weightlifting at home again.

I happened across a thread on Lemmy recently that discussed the usefulness of certain extensions, and this "Don't Bother" section of the Arkenfox wiki was linked:

A lot of conventionally useful extensions like Privacy Badger, HTTPS Everywhere, Decentraleyes/LocalCDN, etc are apparently not necessary (at least in Firefox) if you have certain browser preferences selected, like Strict Mode/Total Cookie Protection.

I felt outdated cause I still run Privacy Badger and Decentraleyes in my Firefox environments, but it was nice to see that a lot of these "extra" features that used to require extensions are now options built into the browser (or Firefox, at least).

I'm no expert on automobiles, but that truck would need to be 40+ years old to have no computers onboard. It doesn't look that old to me, though maybe he just kept it in good shape.

So you have no evidence at all and are purely speculating. Gotcha

I appreciate your comments here, even if the people you're trying to educate completely ignore you and downvote you because they have no response to the fact that vegan cat food exists.

I'm not vegan, but the hysterical ignorance espoused in this comment section is bewildering.