7 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Even ignoring the surveillance aspect of ads, which I could go on a massive rant about, Google and other ad platforms themselves doesn't seem to care about harming people with malvertising and scam ads. Why should I care about their revenue?

Imagine banning books, at all. Sure doesn't sound horrificly authoritarian to me /s

My parents used to fearmonger the everliving shit about LGBTQ+ and abortion, and as a small kid I ate that shit up. But then at some point, my brain probably developed some modicum of critical thinking and thought, wait a minute, why in the world does it matter to me what people do with their own lives, if it doesn't even affect me or anyone else for that matter? Why are my parents, along with every single bigot, incorrectly think that they are entitled to weigh in on someone else's life decisions?

Every single argument from them boils down to "because religion", but as someone who was raised Catholic (agnostic now), one of the things that they taught me was quite literally to "love thy neighbour" and to not shit on people only because of their beliefs. So why are the very same people who taught me that now doing the opposite of what they preach, trying (and fortunately failing) to shit on other people just because they don't have the same beliefs? "My religion says it's not OK," well they don't believe in the same things you do and could not give less of a shit about what you believe, so why not just leave them alone and let them live their life? It was around that point that I realised they were just hypocrites, and absolutely nothing more.

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I don't mind their different beliefs, what matters is the fact that they try to force it on everyone else. You think being gay is bad? Then don't be gay yourseld. You think getting an abortion is bad? Then don't get an abortion. But the moment you try to force that on anyone else is the moment you're inviting the world to shit on you. After all, no one is passing laws to discriminate against straight cis people, or forcing everyone to get an abortion.

Is GrapheneOS affected?

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It's like how kids throw meaningless insults when throwing a tantrum because they know they can't win in a proper argument.

They are fiscally conservative... but only for any government programs that aren't tax cuts for the rich.

This is free and pretty effective advertising for Telegram, really.

As it very well should be. Fuck Google.

As someone who've tried Gentoo on systemd and OpenRC, as well as Void with runit, I don't see any reason to use OpenRC over systemd. I never noticed any performance difference, and it has far less features. As for runit, if half the boot time for half the features is what you need, then go for it.

Who the fuck is downvoting this?

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Wish GDPR had the same kind of teeth.

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You're not wrong.

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Time to poison their data, I guess.

i hear this sentiment often and as a younger person i feel like i missed out on something cool

Man, that's worse than what I experienced growing up. Out of curiosity, why did you decide to go with atheism? Personally, I'm agnostic (I think that's the right term) because I see no compelling evidence or argument for either side, and I am of the opinion that a human's finite brain could never even come close to figuring out the answer. And no, the Bible isn't evidence, not one that's even close to being the slightest bit rigorous at least. To me, it's as much evidence for Christianity as the Harry Potter books are for wizardry.

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Huh, never thought of it that way, thanks for that. If you'll excuse me, I have quite a lot of rethinking to do.

I know that some manufacturers ship QubesOS, those are intended for people with high threat models afaik.

Ah, so effectively the standard installation. Alright, thanks!

Regarding your last point, we only know that the flesh of a watermelon is indeed red because we've seen it before. If, say, an alien would suddenly come to Earth and be presented with a watermelon, they would not know what colour it is without cracking it open or otherwise probing it with various tools (granted of course that they perceive colour like we do)

Attributing nothing to the divine is also the way I go about it. We have scientific explanations for most phenomenon we see on a daily basis, and for those we do not, I do think we will find scientific explanations for them one day. None of the mysteries of the universe that would later be answered have been caused by the supernatural, so I have no reason to think it will be different.

However, I do think that a lack of observable trace of a "divine being" is not necessarily an evidence of nonexistence. To me, my agnosticism is not a form of compromise, but a recognition of the limitations of humans, as well as an acknowledgement relative inconsequence the question of whether a divine being exists or not is to the universe and to my own life. If nothing in my life or in the known universe can be attributed to the divine, why does it matter whether it exists or not? If an extraterrestrial exists in some distant galaxy, surely it would not matter to them whether I exist or not. That's the way I think of the idea of divine beings.

Anyways, it's kind of great to be able to ramble about this on the internet, most of the people I know are religious and unfortunately would not be very tolerant of this type of viewpoint.

Copilot doesn't work on VSCodium from my experience.

I use ZFS, not BTRFS, but both have snapshots, and if you're someone who likes to tinker with their system like me, it lets you do so without worrying that it will break.

I really don't see how adblockers would ever be illegal, that sounds like an absolute dystopia.

Well nixpkgs and NUR should be big enough, and you can just quite literally use Nix to grab stuff from Github anyways.

Fuck NIMBYs, really

Are adblockers even illegal? I didn't think it was.

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Wait, how does Google make money off of paywalled contents?

Alright, thanks for all your help! I'll give it a shot tomorrow.

I relate a lot to this. If asked "does God exist?", my personal belief is always that we don't know and that we will never know, and it doesn't matter anyways so why bother? I do certainly see some value in religion, in that it does bring a lot of people comfort when faced with the concept of mortality, and that religious organisations do a lot of charity (this is true where I come from, at least). However, I do think that said value has been greatly diminished, if not perhaps even eliminated entirely, in the face of the attrocities people have committed in the name of religion, i.e. attempts at restricting women's and LGBTQ+ rights, etc.

I agree with the sentiment, but I think it's important to remember that it's the employers we should be mad at, not the employees.

I find ZFS rollbacks to be easier but setting up ZFS can be a pain (other than in Gentoo and NixOS from my experience), so take your pick

I found that, at the cost of a few months of absolute suffering, using Gentoo as my first distro fasttracked my Linux learning.

Even if they do remove them from the official stores, you can always go straight to the source and sideload it.

Neat, thanks! Makes me even more grateful that I decided to switch.

Wayland have worked flawlessly for me, but I do understand that I have a very simple use case, so ymmv.

Ah, a fellow Gentoo user, I see.

I think Flakes are quite useful and, although they might be somewhat challenging to wrap your head around, isn't really all too hard to actually set up once you have your configuration.nix and hardware-configuration.nix. Here's the video tutorial that got me started on my Flakes journey, and here's a really good set of dotfiles to use as an example for when you want to start modularising your configurations. So to answer your question, I think you should, yes.

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I feel like common knowledge of all the shit big tech companies have pulled throughout their history is sufficient justification for giving massive fines.

how do you set up doom emacs on NixOS? do you just do the usual install process or can you make it declarative with nix?

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