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Joined 3 months ago

What a dick move.

Minecraft probably. I avoid legitimate horror games (and movies) and the fact that you don't have saves can get a little stressful when you're down in a cave, don't know how to find your way back (and thus probably won't find your body) and then basically get jumpscared by dangerous enemies or holes in the ground.

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She's a goblin, and that's what we love about her.

I mean, give me a knife or screwdriver and it's equal, but anything that requires extensive practice for basic competence is naturally going to be become focused on one hand (e.g. handwriting) or a specific combination of hands (e.g. you need two hands to play guitar, but people will generally learn to play it either righthanded or lefthanded and suck at the other one regardless of how ambidexterous they are).

The one where you can't say anything bad about it also regularly got harassed by users from the other sub, which was quite annoying. I never got why the sub's mods weren't more proactive with banning people who were clearly just there to start shit.

Doesn't work that well when the way is constantly twisting and splitting. Cave layout can be extremely confusing.

I remember frequently telling my mother to stop smoking, hiding her cigarettes and the like (that was in elementary school). She still smokes, I never started.

I wonder where I got that from. I don't think we talked about that in school so early, and I didn't have like The Talk about drugs at home.

Every cop has bigger things to worry about.

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I made this mistake. It was awful.

Considering that smoking is usually prohibited in bars, not much different.

Let's just say that going to the Netherlands to talk to a Dutch cop would be faster for me than going to Bavaria.

TBH this makes me think "egg", not "porn-induced cuckbrain".

the currywurst — fried veal sausage topped with ketchup and curry powder

Who the hell told this person that Currywurst is made with veal? The standard is pork. And it's grilled, not fried.

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Its landlord, SRI Nine Market Square, in early 2023 filed a suit against X for more than $3 million in unpaid rent. SRI Nine Market sought to extend Twitter’s line of credit to $10 million as an assurance that future rent would be paid. Other vendors also have sued X for failing to pay its bills. But in January of this year, SRI Nine Market dropped the case, Reuters reported. It’s unclear why.

Sounds like he did follow through.

and even Microsoft

(x) doubt

They had decades to consider Microsoft a liability. Why start doing something about it now?

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TIL Musk didn't already publicly declare it. The guy has been acting the part for a long time already.

You'll catch some flies (and various other insects) with fly paper. The good thing is that it doesn't smell.

Never heard of houseflies going for vinegar, AFAIK that's for fruit flies (and even that is rather tricky IME).

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People are leaving New Zealand in record numbers as unemployment rises, interest rates remain high and economic growth is anaemic

AFAIK they also have a somewhat severe housing crisis. No idea whether it's actually worse than e.g. in Australia, though - who doesn't have a housing crisis these days?

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Yay. Chili flakes are great, too.

BTW, the worst pizza I ever had was served in Italy. Absolutely drowned in oil.

Roofed parking would be pretty sick, compared to having your car baked through in the sun. But multi-story parking decks would be even better, or even just parking lots with trees.

It's not like we're actually short on space to build solar panels on. We already have lots of roofs.

Where do you live? I've never seen a fast food place fry sausages in Germany.

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What about gun adverts? YouTube has a terrible track record for policing its advertising content.

Unfortunately, the tankies are also impeding the change we actually need (e.g. expansion of workers rights). It's harder to get involved in leftism when such a large part of vocal leftists are tankies.

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me too, wasn't sure if it's supposed to be like this (first timer)

AFAIK lighting is the biggest energy eater for indoor farming.

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China has a different flavor? 🤷‍♂️


Think maybe as humans we just forgot how to build houses or something.

There's some legitimate issues (e.g. investors buying up housing and trying to squeeze out as much short-term profit as possible, increasing prices for raw materials), but the main issue seems to be that most governments refuse to take effective measures for whatever reason. IDK, maybe they're just all strapped for cash after the recent pandemic.

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Sunlight tends to be negligible during snowfall season, anyway.

Trees and roofs are kinda mutually exclusive.

Workers rights activists are leftist activists by virtue of advocating for workers rights, IMO.

Artificial lighting is not optional, otherwise it's not indoor farming, just fancy greenhouses.

How is that a "flavor"?

Who said anything about open flame? I'd assume most of them are going to use electric grills. No oil involved.

But maybe you can link me a picture of the kind of frying device that you have in mind - maybe we just disagree on whether that's a grill or a fryer.

That just sounds like the analytic part of Das Kapital. Now, what are we going to do about it?

No frying pans anywhere, either. That would be very impractical in the standard sausage-and-fries shop that sells currywurst.

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