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But the whole meme is pointless. Seems like calling out that these people shouldn't have been allowed to be part of a new society after the nazi state was destroyed. It's not that easy no matter how much people like to draw history and the world as a whole as black and white.

For example Hallstein: He was never a member of the NSDAP. Yes, he fought in WW2 for the Germans but after the war he was a leading figure in the new democratic German academia and afterwards worked towards having Germany integrated into international institutions.

For anyone who thinks it's a good idea to punish every last one who was part of a criminal, even cruel and inhumane movement: Look at Iraq. So many people who were part of Saddams party, even teachers, bureaucrats and whatnot... They where mostly expelled from society and a potential rehabilitation. And the direct consequence of these actions was the formation of ISIS because these people didn't have a perspective in the new state and society. So being very consequential, as all things, can have very unforeseen (but actually quite forseeable) consequences.

He knows that he'll lose power once that war ends. He will prolong it as long as he can. Of course he doesn't care about the lifes of his own people, never did.

Payback is fair? Even though these very digital megacorporations are just now facing antitrust lawsuits for very good reasons? The only argument for having to use these platforms as a content creator is reach. But if Google, Amazon, Meta, etc. only got their market-dominating positions by illegal means, nothing is fair about wanting payback.

I am paying money to people creating content for me directly, even for some YouTube channels. If I were to abide by Google's rules, I'd have to pay double. For the infrastructure & the people actually producing the content. Sorry... Why would I? I will not pity a monopolist because of their lost profits as long as I can circumvent it somehow.

I think some of these requirements have a lot to do with bots and trolls. If Lemmy were as popular as Reddit, we'd probably see way more rules like that.

+1 for such an extensive, well-founded rant

We have all kinds in my city: Medieval cobblestone, brick roads and asphalt. As a cyclist I have to tell you that I hate all kinds of brick roads that I have encountered. Even when they're not the horrible middle age version, they will often get deformed by roots or depression of the ground quite rapidly, making them even more bumpy. For this reason I think, I saw in Sweden in an otherwise bricky city center that they had a narrow asphalt lane on the side of the road for cyclists. I was just amazed that someone would spend that much thought into what's great for cyclists. As a cyclist I really love asphalt :D

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Thank you for the explanations!

What is a "serious gamer"?

That's right, it depends on the place. Very much boils down to rural vs. urban (as in so many countries) but it's also a bit worse in Eastern Germany.

However the comment above is not wrong, in that there are definitive limits to free speech in German law so that you have more legal levers against nazis before they turn to violence.

Thanks for pointing that link out. Disgusting to say the least...

Fuck Hamas, enemy of palestinians.

Now thats a very good opinion that I totally endorse.

Wrong. It's the talk of authoritarian extremist politicians in all countries.

I really like jerboa, reminds me a bit of infinity. But since I only just migrated two days ago I have no comparison regarding the performance.

I can only imagine what must be happening behind the scenes with such a considerable influx of new users. Will donate soon to do my part :)

Havent read that sentence since I left reddit (and WSB with it hahaha).

For a stranger kind of fantasy: Gormenghast books by Mervyn Peake

Since when does the Rand corporation publish research focusing on income inequality?

And it's 100% in accordance with international law.

I only see one hateful person in this thread and it isn't the guy rightfully pointing out basic human and constitutional rights whom you are trying to frame as a fascist.

It's very simplistic to blame religions for heinous crimes committed by humans over centuries. Crimes have been committed in the name of every religion on earth.

But in every religion there are countless good-hearted people who try hard to live up to their ideals. There is much more to religion than just bigots.

So please: Stop your hatespeech.

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Interesting read. The statements by SJP are really disgusting and the Maoist revolutionary rethoric is repulsive to say the least.

Love this meme too. I actually have a desktop wallpaper of it.

Would be nice to be able to pick out individual source polluters for a range of substances

We can already do that today with inverse modeling of atmospheric substance transport and the satellites you mentioned. Heard a talk about the topic on a conference 4 years ago. That's how scientists could pinpoint the emission source for some illegally emmitted CFCs in China (and afaik the Chinese govt acted accordingly). With high resolution data you can also use these methods to detect methane leaks in gas pipelines etc.

Multiple arguments have been made: Basic human rights, the need for a differentiated view on religions instead of sweeping condemnation of a single religion whatsoever, etc.

With no word I or the user before me excused any crime committed by christians. So why imply that we did just that?

You know nothing about our beliefs. We could be agnostics of even atheists. Yet you insinuate we are like cult members in a direct ad hominem attack... Why?

You can condemn crimes committed by religious people all day, perfectly okay. But it is hate speech to discriminate against the beliefs of ALL members of a religion no matter who they are of what they did.

If you think that truly all christians are hypocritical and evil, you are being extremly unfair. And if you think that the world would be a better and less violent place if only religions didn't exist, you're delusional.

Didn't they use these tactics with more success in the beginning? Why did they fall back to this model?

In this case I'd rather blame everyone else for their emissions as the complete disappearance of food sources is linked to climate-induced migration of species.