1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


i'd just like to comment on this comment section

since i've joined lemmy some months ago i've seen the nuanced discussion i was so relieved and happy to find here degrading. this section ilustrates that well. the nuanced and cautious are still there, but are being briganded against in a way i don't think they were before

maybe i'm sounding like an "eternal september" elitist here, but i do like open discussions on the internet, with all the ugliness that's bound to happen. i just really hope with all my heart that, in the midst of it all, the good things don't go away

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this is great! i have a friend who needs a new phone and is ordering one, and i'm gonna get my hands on it to help him out and eventually flashing LineageOS on it if it comes out

i just wish they complied with the android stack security features so that it would be compatible with GrapheneOS. it would be the perfect phone

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what "stuff" are you talking about?

if you want to do some pirating you need a decent VPN, like Mullvad or Proton, that you run on your system (Android/Linux/Windows/iOS), not some random leaky and dubious browser add-on

dunno why dafuq you're mentioning configuring a webserver (with SWAG) to point the DNS records (A and CNAME). the VPN will act as a proxy for you. but maybe i'm just way out of my depth here...

it might help if first you tell us what exactly are tou trying to achieve

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i've worked at a call center years ago on the retentions dep. of some mobile internet provider. after learning of such trickery, i'll fucking tell everyone that will listen "hey mate, you've got a internet/telephone/cable tv subscription? are you in the "fidelity" period? (yeah that shit is a thing here...) ok so listen, AS SOON AS a second passes from the end of the period, this is how you get the actual decent price for service..."

some people had to stop me on my track several times because i was repeating myself to them (forgot who i'd already told about it) because i must make sure everyone knows

been doing it all these years

damn, we do give a shit about this! 500 comments in a day about something so simple

maybe we should strike for this

Bring BACK the JACK!!

i only check myself out whenever i shoplift

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ohhhh, i can browse channel playlists, this is great!! the only feature i've been missing from this awesome app

deluge on linux

libretorrent on android

Feeder is a perfectly functional RSS reader for Android, and the only updated and straight forward one on F-Droid when I decided to set up my feeds, and an app I've seen suggested on Lemmy several times when there's mention of RSS...but why doesn't it have groups? I've got my general news mixed with tech news, cluttered in between the rest of it - it does have grouping and it's called "tags"

this thread made me re-check and there are some new options in there and at least one will let you group the feeds: Read You

EDIT: dumb take

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almost daily. really glad with my current wired earbuds, they are lasting years with constant use, with really thin wires and all

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i'm glad for the renewable production hitting new heights

"consumer electric bills to nearly zero" is utter unsubstantiated bullshit, though

Portugal has one of the highest prices of electricity for consumers in the EU, while having one of the lowest purchasing powers

btw, shit is getting worse for most really, really fast, in part due to the gentrification and deluge of new residents with wallets unfathomably heavier coming from Germany, France, UK and USA to the new Florida of Europe


One failing of Fairphone is you cannot buy the mainboard (the core component) from their store. All the other components yes, but not the mainboard. The core is not just the CPU, flash but also some other things like microphone are on it. It would also be nice if people could order all the parts that make up a Fairphone 5 and assemble one entirely from scratch.

good point. with the mainboard available they would be on Framework's level and that would be amazing

"popular social networking site makes minor UI ajustment"


it's native since inception, i believe

prolly even runs better than on windows, although it doesn't really matter since it's so freaking optimized

"yes, it's wrong. but if you don't tip, you are making the waiter go hungry"

WTF? no, the bosses are. generally bosses are making their employees go hungry, but in the restaurant business they just managed to shift the blame unto the customers. it seems really twisted to me

where i live tipping is really optional, and most don't, unless they're rounding up the bill. i have several friends who do or did work as a waiter and i aways found it sad how they would talk with resentment about the customers they would pretend to like, not sparing a word for their bosses who were sucking them dry with low wages, unpaid extra hours and a fuckin' sick workplace culture

that guy Schneegans makes the most beautiful useless rice! i'm tempted to switch to gnome now..

this is the way

check out Tuxedo laptops. they're made for Linux so you won't have driver issues. you can use their distro or any other

they're not cheap, but form what i've read/heard the build quality is very good. they're from germany

i think i've already seen this episode

how plumbuses are made

my people, check out Newpipe (Android, download through F-Droid) and Freetube (desktop) - your feeds will be chronological, no black-box suggestion algorithm. all videos from all your subscriptions will be shown to you (you can even group your subs to customize how they show up)

you'll avoid some of that surveillance capitalism

they're using the platform to denounce the wrongdoings of the owner of said platform. that's very clever, actually

omg, thank you. i just learnt about the "tags" function that I've always assumed worked differently without even trying it

as the other lemming said, on Android LibreTorrent works great

just wanted to add something that might be off topic but since you mention Linux ISOs: EtchDroid

with it you can create a Linux bootable flash drive straight from your Android device. i use a small USB-A + USB-C pen drive that connects on one end to my desktop and on the other to my phone. has saved me from my linux fails several times :D

since i'm selling them so well and i can't find a reference in the webs or in the object itself, here's a photo

black wired earbuds with hooks

i tried but can't find any. they're Pioneer wired earbuds with ear hooks (sports style), black in color, and were quite inexpensive - about 13€ IIRC. i got them in some local store

i have them for about 7, 8 years and, while i haven't used them daily for all that time, i've done so extensively, a lot of times outside, while running and in different circunstances where i have not always been very careful with handling the wires

i'm quite amazed at their durability - something i am very fond of in the items i use frequently and that often frustrates me

edit: to add that also the sound quality is quite good, and they even cancel a decent chuck of outside noise! this is some good sh*t man

is this community the Peertube channel? through Newpipe i can see peertube comments (even lemmy accounts!) but on that community i see none. also the lammy client might be an issue..?

i'm really exited about this, now i'll be able to correct people wrong on the internet like i can't do on youtube videos!!

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yes i've interacted with mastodon users here through lemmy, but am still figuring out how i get on the other platforms from here

thanks for the clarification!

now i'll get a mastoson client to follow communities on lemmy, hop on peertube comments from here and hopefully lurk on mastodon from newpipe muAHAHaHahHahah

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i meant to comment or just see the content from there, like i've seen mastodon users' comments here on lemmy and lemming comments on peertube

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thanks, i got it! i just managed to comment on a video :D

funny thing is that, through lemmy, i can only see my own comments, although there are several additional ones from peertube's view

EDIT: re-phrasing

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they do. i was not clear, sorry

torrent and soulseek networks, mostly

  1. Ublock Origin - hands down by far the best extension ever
  2. LocalCDNs - substituting previous DecentralEyes
  3. Cookie AutoDelete
  4. ClearURLs
  5. CanvasBlocker
  6. Temporary Containers - leverages firefox containers in an automated way (if you enable it),in my setup, to open every page in a new domain into a separate container

Used to use: . PrivacyBadger - redundant with ublock on expert mode and 3rd party requests blocked . DecentralEyes - same as LocalCDNs but supposely with less content to substitute . HTTPS Everywhere - redundant with new settings in firefox . NoSricpt - with uBlock in expert block and blocking javascript by default i have all the granularity i need . uMatrix - same as above

also, use the best (for privacy/digital hygiene) firefox forks: Librewolf on desktop, Mull on android

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i get what you're saying, but you did not mention the benefit Google itself got from that data, that they'll have to forfeit so that they won't be able to provide it to the police

i really don't think so. i hope it will be so in the future

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why not? the quote is in the present tense - while article claims Google will change policy

and are you sure this is the only service Google is offering to the surveillance state?

btw, you can get both apps on F-Droid

isn't Izzy's full of closed source stuff?

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freakin' awesome! i used soulseek on windows ages ago and i totally forgot about it. two weeks ago a friend asked for my help to set it up and i went looking for open source alternatives and found Nicotine+

i'm awe struck with it! i'm someone who keeps a local music library and torrenting has been getting worse in this department, specially with newer music. how could i have forgotten about this..

i didn't even remeber you could search the whole network for titles lol, i expected to browse folders, user by user haha

i'm currently going over all my newpipe playlists of less-mainstream artists